What is a Digital Library?
With the advancement of information and communication technology, the rate of information explosion increases exponentially. Library digitization is nothing but the conversion of physical media of the library, i.e. books, periodical, articles, etc., into digital format (0 and 1 bit). Bits are the fundamental units of information in a computer system. Flexibility is one of the chief assets of digital information. As a result, libraries have been constantly facing the problems of space, escalation in the cost of books and journals, budget shrinkage, inability to provide multiple copies and most important is retrieval efficiency of user being endangered for want of information. The digital library contains digital representation of the object found in it. Digital library is popularly viewed as an electronic version of a library. To some extent, it simply means computerization of traditional libraries. According to Larson, defined the digital library as global virtual library – the libraries of thousands of “networked electronic libraries.” Networked electronic libraries describe the collection of various library resources to the network so that any user can access the resources anytime in anywhere.