Business Sphere

Business Sphere Magazine was launched in 1992. Over the years Business Sphere has picked up a respectable circulation and is one of the largest circulated business magazines in the country.
On an average Business Sphere is read by 2,50,000 people all over India. Some 1000 copies are distributed in the foreign countries through our distributing network. Business Sphere is mainly read by industrialists, businessmen, professionals & decision-makers all over the country.
Around 70% of copies of Business Sphere are mailed to subscribers all over India. And the balance 30% are distributed through vendors. Complimentary copies are sent to all important chambers/associations, Government bodies, ministries, state governments all over India. Besides, copies are also sent to all embassies/high commissions in India and also 5000 copies are sent for distribution in some of various luxurious 5 star Hotels in Delhi NCR & Mumbai.
Business Sphere is perhaps, the only magazine in the country which also covers Small Scale Industry extensively apart from corporate sector.



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