Magic, Mystery & Adventure
Takshvi always brings a smile to my face. It is rare to find a combination of a well-opinionated child with such clear views at such a tender age. The listener is left with no option but to get mesmerized when Takshvi firmly puts her opinion across.
It is a sheer delight reading the stories of Takshvi, the child prodigy who has put them together in this collection.
The stories are all fantasies of the kind the children of her age enjoy reading about. Evil men captured by a child detective, witches killed by the child hero, friends playing pranks on each other – the wondrous world she has created is fun to delve into for kids and adults alike.
The style is simple, and her world’s innocence is a treat to partake from. There is a beautiful journey that lies ahead for Takshvi.
Language |
English |
Publication Type |
Newspaper |
Frequency |
One Time |
Publication Country |
India |
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