
OutdoorUAE monthly magazine now in its eighth year. We support and cover adventures, pursuits, activities, events, people, services, operators, products, listings, locations, destinations and much more, both here in the U.A.E. and the rest of the world. Through our experts and contributors we cover a comprehensive list of outdoor adventure pursuits and activities from off-roading, camping, hiking, mountain biking, paddling, adventure racing, expeditions, climbing, scuba diving, wind and board sports, water sports motorsports, ATV, cycling, horse riding, boating, kayaking, kite surfing, surfing, fishing, to diving and many more.

The magazine is filled with practical adventure ideas and articles, outdoor news, exclusive interviews, tips and tricks, product and gear listing as well as an outdoor business directory. There are also event listings, locations and competitions. Outdoor travel is also one topic which is covered extensively during the hot summer months.

Read the magazine and go outdoors!



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Publication Country

United Arab Emirates

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