Paryavaran Urja Times
This is a campaign magazine started on 5th February 1998, in Hindi language to extend the most essential knowledge on the vulnerable environment, climate change crisis, sever pollution, resource conservation, energy crisis, population explosion, health deterioration, toxic chemical based cultivation practices and all such issues which are posing threat to the existence of present human civilization. Since, majority of these impact are result of ignorance of most common people to whom this knowledge is not available in their own language thus the magazine was started as a carrier of campaign on all these issue. The Hindi language is mother tongue of more than 1 billion people of the world, thus this is one of the most published magazine in world on these subjects. this group is created to act as link to reach to those people who are severely affected by the adverse impact of environment degradation but are innocent, and ignorant as how to safeguard themselves and also take corrective action at their end. We solicit active participation all the invited members towards achieving this objectives.
Language |
Hindi |
Publication Type |
Newspaper |
Frequency |
Monthly |
Publication Country |
India |
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