Fostering Innovations in Students by Vigyan Ratna Lakshman Prasad

The book has many innovative features. It is authored by a person who himself has tinkered a great deal and received many National Awards. The book is based on his interaction with about one lakh students and written in the form of questions and answers .The questions raised by the students have been clearly answered so that they may easily understand entire spectrum of innovation.
The definition of ‘Science’, ‘Technology’, ‘Discovery’, ‘Invention’ and ‘Innovation’ has been clearly defined. The book briefly and clearly deals with subjects related with creativity and innovation; education and innovation; area of innovations; process of innovation; nomenclature of innovation; innovator diary; benefit from innovations; recognition, awards and honours etc.
The book also contains description of small innovators who became multi-millionaires through their simple innovations. They donated huge amount for social work and philanthropy.
The author’s well conceived idea in 1999 relating to the creation of a ‘Bank of Creative Ideas’, has been outlined to help India to compete in the race of technological innovations.



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