India First by K. R. Malkani

The India of 2002 is not the India of 1947.
The India of Vajpayee is not the India of Nehru.
The India of 1947 was drenched in blood and immersed in self-doubt. The India of 2002 stands strong and tall. The main engine of this Silent Revolution has been the Sangha Parivar led by RSS and including BJS-BJP, BMS-BKS, ABVP, VHP, SJM etc. MaIkani as Swayamsevak for sixty years, ‘Organiser’ editor for 35 years and BJP man since the Party’s birth—nay conception—has been a witness to this era.
‘INDIA FIRST is his analysis of, and Running Commentary on, this unfolding Drama.



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