Srimad Bhagavad Gita by Kamakshi Dasa
Although the English language is rather sparse in the matter of apt rhymes, the author has taken great care to reproduce the assonance as well as the spirit of the original. He has done specially well in Chapter II (Sankhya Yoga), Chapter VI (Adhyathma Yoga) and Chapter IX (which he entitles Yoga of Royal Science). Naturally, in Chapter XI relating to the Visvarupa, the difficulties encountered by him from a metrical point of view are immense and it is on account of such difficulties that many persons have preferred, in translating the great classics of Greece, Rome and India, prose to verse as their medium of expression.
Those who cannot read the memorable Gospel of Sri Krishna in the original, this version will serve as a useful guide and faithful interpretation.
Dec. 3, 1957
—(Sd.) C.P. Ramaswami Aiyar
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