Glimpses of Glory by Santosh Shailja

These short stories are about those great women (some girls too) who believed in great ideals of love, sacrifice, patriotism etc. and had the courage to live those ideals in their lives. They belong to different periods of history (some pre-historic) as well as different places and positions in society. I have not written their life history—it is just a glimpse into their life which shows their quality that proved them great and extraordinary. I do not present them as being super-human or heavenly bodies. They are just like any ordinary women but they achieved greatness by their commitment to their ideals. Therefore, readers will be surprised to read a new version of the story of Savitri or Parvati. But I believe that these great women need to be understood and emulated as our ideals. The new generation needs to know them in their true logical perspective. Otherwise we might forget them and their ideals in this age of materialism.



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