Bladys of the Stewponey
The setting, geography and history of this story by Rev’d Sabine Baring-Gould, author of Onward Christian Soldiers and a number of other well-known hymns, are all accurate, or at least as accurate as local lore will allow. Kinver has long been a midlands beauty spot, and the UK National Trust own and open one of the rock-dwellings mentioned. The ‘Stewponey’ too was an inn until a year or two into the twenty-first century: – the present reader having stopped there for a drink and a meal many times. The story, whether you call it a romance, a historical novel or a horror story – comprising as it does a young woman being offered as a prize in a bowling match, a wife-burning, highwaymen and buried treasure – is of course wholly fiction. (Introduction by AJM)
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English |
Publication Type |
eBook |
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