The Black Cat Vol. 02 No. 03 December 1896

The Black Cat (1895-1922) was a monthly literary magazine, publishing original short stories, often about uncanny or fantastical topics. Many writers were largely unknown, but some famous authors also wrote original material for this magazine. This is the third issue of volume 2 with the following six short stories: “The Lost Brook Trail”, by Bert Leston Taylor: a man recruits a guide to a fishing expedition for an unusual catch “A modern de Pompadour”, by Jennie Bullard Waterbury: a talented and creative wigmaker finally meets his rival “The Parchment Diary”, by Willis B. Lloyd: a traveller writes down a hermit’s story of atonement “A Honeymoon Eclipse”, by George C. Gardner: the odyssee of a newly-wed man who forgot the address of their honeymoon lodgings “The Captain’s Last Cruise”, by Stanley Edwards Johnson: find out what the old captain planned to do with the mysterious mahogany lumber “The Blow-Out at Jenkins’s Grocery”, by Ella Higginson: unfortunately, Christmas is not a time of happiness for all alike – Summary by Sonia

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