EIR Bangladesh Edition
Engineering & Industrial Review (EIR), Bangladesh Edition is a Monthly Engineering Magazine, it has been started from June 2013 and being published regularly from Dhaka with an aim to promote architectural and engineering technology in Bangladesh.
The Engineering & Industrial Review (EIR) is the first engineering and architectural magazine of Bangladesh. The editorial board of EIR consists of highly experienced persons related to engineering Journalism, the Chief Editor & Founder of this Magazine has about 39 years experience of this fraternity and he is member of many international engineering, business and industrial associations. The EIR is circulated throughout Bangladesh and globally. The name and logo of EIR and Engineering & Industrial Review are also a registered trademark.
The readers among them are Engineers of various disciplines, Industrialists, Entrepreneurs, Chief Engineers, Factory / Purchase Managers, Consultants & Architects, Contractors, Manufacturers / Assemblers of Engineering Products, Planners, Builders and Developers, Researchers, Educationists, Students of Engineering Universities and various other people to whom itmay concern. The EIR is a combination of Engineering, Industrial, Architectural and Housing Sector, etc.
The EIR provide exhaustive coverage of fast fleeting events and rapid developments in engineering and technology with special reference to the galloping pace of architectural and engineering progress. The EIR does not only serve as a reliable source of information and guidance on various aspects of engineering and technology, but it also provides an ideal forum for the exchange of thoughts and discussions.
Language |
English |
Publication Type |
Newspaper |
Frequency |
Monthly |
Publication Country |
Bangladesh |
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