
Embark or a creative adventure to discover what you can do with the skills you have! Make awesome science toys, creative gadgets and cool crafts on your journey to becoming a junior engineer and future inventor!

Additional materials and resources are available online at

Online videos can be viewed by visiting: – subscribe to learn about new issue releases and additional videos.

S.T.E.A.M. which stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and
Math, is the educational approach of the project magazines and course materials that we are fortunate to have been producing from back when the “A” in “S.T.E.A.M.” stood for aeronautics!

Every PhySciManics issue is a project resource for teachers to use with their students under their supervision and guidance. They teach students what they can do with what they’ve learned in Physics, Earth Science and Mathematics lessons at school.

As this is an international publication, it is possible that some of the tools used are not deemed suitable for use in a typical classroom in your country. In this case, it is necessary for the teacher to make preparations and cut, staple, drill, etc, in advance.



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United States

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