Generation Q Magazine
Generation Q Magazine was born in 2011 when a handful of frustrated quilters and sewists decided that what today’s stitchers needed was a fun, informative, high-quality publication that spoke to our creative souls and eclectic tastes.
We started this venture completely online and within a year, we took our baby into print. Our pages are filled with patterns, product reviews, profiles of well-known quilters, industry trends, guidance on how to make a living from our obsession and creative inspiration.
Generation Q seeks to inspire, delight, challenge, instruct, reflect and report on what makes quilters and sewists tick. Sometimes cheeky, other times insightful, our mission is to entertain and inform the masses, to hopefully convert the most stalwart sewing critics into fiber minions and to ultimately take over the world with quilts. We are GenQ.
Language |
English |
Publication Type |
Newspaper |
Frequency |
Quarterly |
Publication Country |
United States |
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