Dartford Living
Dartford Living has been successfully established in Kent and South East London for over 8 years and rapidly expanded due to its high quality, unique magazine-look and content. Dartford Living is a compact A5 size and has great community links. Our advertisers in Kent and South East London have consistently reported great success as a direct result of advertising within our magazine
Delivered to thousands of homes and businesses and available online: Dartford Living magazine is not only delivered to homes and businesses in Dartford but also delivered to Greenhithe, Northfleet, Longfield, Darenth, Bluewater shopping centre, Wilmington, Crayford, Bexley, Gravesend, Northfleet and Swanley. The magazine is also available online electronically and over 3,000 subscribers receive our monthly email newsletter.
Dartford Living is upbeat and we strive to vary our articles to appeal to all ages with everything from celebrity interviews, to technology, sports, travel, automotive news, a prize crossword, sudoku, recipes, finance news, O2 Arena and Orchard Theatre competitions, restaurant reviews, gardening articles and exclusive discounts and details of local events!
Dartford Living is run by local residents who have good local knowledge and a genuine interest in the community as a whole. We are able to offer a truly personal service and welcome any ideas to help you promote your business locally. Dartford Living offers opportunities to advertise and reach a wide and diverse audience – if you’re interested in advertising your business or event get in touch!
Language |
English |
Publication Type |
Newspaper |
Frequency |
Monthly |
Publication Country |
United Kingdom |
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