Women On Top

Woman On Top is a monthly Hindi magazine. It is a brain-child from the well renowned family of Late Shri Dorilal Agrawal Ji, a legendry journalist and also the founder of “Amar Ujala” the newspaper. This magazine is an initiative by Disha Bharti Media Pvt. Ltd, Delhi. Over a period of time Women On Top has proved its metal by being accepted in the market and its consumers very dearly. The magazine has content that appeals to readers of all age groups. We provide articles related to best tips on Fashion, Bollywood, Tourism, Recipes, Health Care, Pets, Education, Career, and most importantly every month we have tried our level best to highlight women who have done extraordinary work in their respective fields. We have tried to give our readers importance by incorporating their pieces of writing in our magazine, to encourage them to write more. As our punch line states “UBHARTI PRATIBHA KA MUNCH”, we truly have tried to become a platform for women who have talent.



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