God’s Girl

God’s Girl Magazine is a pre-teen and teenage girl Christian lifestyle magazine. It is a companion for the tween and teen girls as they are navigating through life and discovering themselves. We know this can be a challenging time for many tweens and teens and knowing where to turn to for good and sound advice, could be life changing for many girls. This is a time where relationships with parents are not always good , and advice is often sought from unsavoury and untrustworthy sources. It is refreshing to find a publication that bridges this gap, offering advice that parents can trust for their girls and advice the girls can relate to, that make them feel understood and listened to. We have a wonderful mix of contributors, young and old, who speak to our girls from experience and a place of genuine love and care. Our aim is to help girls make the right choices, and grow up knowing that they are Gods Girls, and should accept no less and be able to shun the lies of the enemy. We help them realise who God wants them to be, how to overcome the daily challenges they face without losing their true identity. We cover issues ranging from health to fashion, studies to relationships, and beauty to body image. We encourage you to get in touch with us, ask your questions or share your stories to godsgirl@theappleofhiseye.org



Publication Type




Publication Country

South Africa

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