Banking Awareness

This extremely valuable ‘Banking Awareness’ book is specially published for the aspirants of All Banking Recruitment Exams. Based on the Latest Pattern of Banking Exams, the book comprises abundant Banking Industry Knowledge with Concise Study Material and Numerous Solved Multiple Choice Questions for aspirants to be well-conversant with the type of questions asked, and their appropriate answers. All the Relevant & Important chapters & topics on Banking Awareness are covered in the book concisely in a Reader-friendly manner. Most of the practice questions incorporated in the book have been taken from various previous Banking exam papers and solved by subject-experts. The book will serve both as concise study material for study & revision and practice material as well to test your Banking Knowledge and preparation of exam. The book is highly recommended for the aspirants to Sharpen their Problem Solving Skills with intensive practice of numerous questions provided in the book, and prepare them to face their exam with Confidence, Successfully. In short, you can bank upon this book for study, practice and for reference during the precious moments before your exam. The Book will prove to be a Real Treasure of Banking Awareness for All Banking Exam aspirants and other inquisitive readers.



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