30 Years NEET-AIPMT Chapterwise Solutions-Biology
30 years NEET/AIPMT Chapter wise solutions Biology is a chapter wise question bank having questions from past 30 years NEET/AIPMT exam. This book is updated with the questions of NEET 2017 exam and Chapter wise questions of last 30 years’ (1988-2017) of AIPMT/NEET with detailed answers for easy and clear understanding of NEET Exam pattern. Chapter wise questions gives a clear idea regarding chapter weightage. Once after completing the chapter, attempting questions from previous years exams give a real indication of the efforts required.
1. The Living World
2. Biological Classification
3. Plant Kingdom
4. Animal Kingdom
5. Morphology of Flowering Plants
6. Anatomy of Flowering Plants
7. Structural Organisation in Animals
8. Cell-The Unit of Life
9. Biomolecules
10. Cell Cycle and Cell Division
11. Transport in Plants
12. Mineral Nutrition
13. Photosynthesis in Higher Plants
14. Respiration in Plants
15. Plant Growth and Development
16. Digestion and Absorption
17. Breathing and Exchange of Gases
18. Body Fluids and Circulation
19. Excretory Products and Their Elimination
20. Locomotion and Movement
21. Neural Control and Coordination
22. Chemical Coordination and Integration.
23. Reproduction in Organisms
24. Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants
25. Human Reproduction
26. Reproductive Health
27. Principles of Inheritance and Variation.
28. Molecular Basis of Inheritance
29. Evolution
30. Human Health and Diseases
31. Strategies for Enhancement in
Food Production
32. Microbes in Human Welfare
33. Biotechnology: Principles and Processes.
34. Biotechnology and Its Applications.
35. Organisms and Populations.
36. Ecosystem.
37. Biodiversity and Conservation.
38. Environmental Issues
Language |
English |
Publication Type |
Newspaper |
Frequency |
One Time |
Publication Country |
India |
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