RIMC (Rashtriya Indian Military College) Entrance Exam Guide
This winsome mentoring book is specially published for the aspirants of ‘Rashtriya Indian Military College (RIMC) Entrance Exam’ for admission to Class VIII. Based on the Latest Pattern of the exam, the book also comprises Previous Years’ Solved Papers for aspirants to make them familiar with the type of questions, and their answers. The book is highly recommended for the aspirants to Sharpen their Problem Solving Skills with intensive practice of numerous important questions provided in the book, and prepare them to face the exam with Confidence, Successfully. All the Relevant & Important chapters & topics are covered in the book at appropriate length in a Reader-friendly manner. Additionally, a brief detail about RIMC, its Admission Procedure and Tips for Preparation are also provided in the book to guide the readers. In short, you can rely upon this book for study, practice and during the precious moments before the exam. The book contains adequate Study and Practice Material with numerous Multiple Choice Question-Answers on all the relevant subjects important from the point of view of examination. Both the Study and Practice Material have been prepared by respective subject-experts with due diligence. While the well-structured study and practice material of this book is designed to Enable you Achieve Success, the synergy of your own intelligence and practice with it will definitely Ensure you a seat in this prestigious institution, paving the way for a bright future.
Language |
English |
Publication Type |
Newspaper |
Frequency |
One Time |
Publication Country |
India |
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