SSB Interviews
This comprehensive Book is useful for Screening Tests, Psychological Tests, Group Tests, Pilot Aptitude Battery Test, Model Interviews, Lecturettes, Group Discussions & G.K. ‘SSB Interviews’ are designed to judge the ins and outs of candidates‘ personality and nature thoroughly and truly sift chaff from grain to select the truly worthy persons from among thousands of candidates to become the defence service officers. The present book is the result of years of labour and experience of a panel of such experts, and incorporates detailed knowledge and practice material to guide the SSB candidates, and leading them to success. This book is published with the aim to turn a raw school or college student into an eligible candidate for SSB selection by enhancing the gray matter in his mind and pumping enough adrenaline into his heart through the specialized study and practice material prepared under the active guidance and supervision of a panel of experts on the subject. Wish you all grand success at SSB!
Language |
English |
Publication Type |
Newspaper |
Frequency |
One Time |
Publication Country |
India |
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