The Constitution of India

The book covers almost all the topics, which are important from the point of view of competitive examinations so that not only the prospective candidates for these examinations but the general reader also could have the knowledge of Constitution of India. Though there are a-dime-a-dozen books available in the market on the subject, yet this book has a special place among all because of its unique presentation and contents. The book is presented in a simple reader-friendly manner to enable all types of readers easily learn, understand and practise the intricacies of Constitution of India. The book covers almost all aspects of Indian Constitution with numerous multiple choice question-answers. There is a spectrum of questions in exhaustive exercises to test your knowledge and learning of Indian Constitution, and to provide ample scope for practice to prepare for academic and competitive exams as well. The book will definitely prove to be a boon to the inquisitive students, competitive exam-aspirants, and other readers in sharpening their knowledge of Indian Constitution and prepare them well for their respective exams.



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