Objective General

Objective General English eBook
There’s only one way, you can improve your English language skills for any competitive exam, and the way is by regular practice. Start practicing English language in a smart and easy way with the Objective General English eBook. The eBook is designed by experts, wherein they have laid serious efforts in updating the content as per the syllabus of competitive entrance examinations. Importantly, the eBook includes chapters of reading comprehension, grammar usage, vocabulary, sentence rearrangement and 10 extra practice exercises. Every chapter has more than 60 solved examples with in-depth explanation for your better understanding. This eBook will be highly beneficial for those who are preparing for banking, SSC, MBA, Railways and other competitive exams.
Score above the cutoff marks in English Language of any competitive exam, and stay ahead in the competition with this eBook.
Below is brief detail of the chapters and practice exercises included in the eBook:
Break-up of 525 Questions included in the eBook
Reading Comprehension
60 solved examples
Grammar Usage
70 solved examples
Vocabulary Usage
135 solved examples
Sentence Rearrangement
60 solved examples
10 Practice Exercises
200 Questions



Publication Type



One Time

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