InFocus Greece

This issue of Appendix named InFocus is fully dedicated to Greece, a maritime world power and one of the strong economies of Europe. Charalambos Kounalakis, Minister Counsellor for Economic and Commercial Affairs at the Embassy of Greece to Serbia, Goran Knežević, Economy Minister, Georgios Papanastasiou, President of the Hellenic Business Association (HBA) told us stories about the cooperation between our two countries. Rita Ioanis Lozinsky, Ceo & Managing Director Of Alumil Yu Industry A.D. gave us her insight into doing business in Serbia, while Fanina Kovačević-Popaz Executive Officer of the Hellenic Business Association explains that the Serbian market has always been appealing to Greek investors. We analyse Greek crisis, tourism, spirit, customs and economy, as weel as the trade and cultural ties between Serbia and Greece.



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