Dino Doggies

Based on the new Disney Junior animated series; this story book is perfect for the Pluto fan in your life. Includes simple text and colorful illustrations! Life is ruff for Pluto when he has no place to play. But when Funny the Fun house sends him back in time; everything is roar-some! Pluto becomes a prehistoric pup when Funny accidentally sends him back in time! Can Mickey rescue his best furry friend from the land of the dinosaurs? Geared towards kids ages 2-7; this book will encourage imaginative play and focus on themes of friendship and creativity. For more Mickey fun; checkout: Mickey Mouse Fun house Home sick! Mickey Mouse Fun house Get Ready for Fun! Mickey Mouse Club house: Mickey’s Easter Hunt Disney Junior Mickey: Box of Mickey Fun World of Reading: Disney Junior Mickey: Friendship Tales World of Reading: Mickey Mouse Mixed-Up Adventures Campy Camper Day



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