
Immaculate Broadcasting Consortium world news pvt ltd,houses 3 web portals namely IBC World News, IBC News and Indian Police News 24×7 and is manned by experts in their respective areas.

 IBC World News is not just another international news channel!! It is a news channel that brings unbiased information about things happening around the world right into your premises!
IBC News is the portal that has a broad news base that would not only attract Indian readers but International readers as well.
Indian Police News 24×7 is the window to the world of crime and the efficient response of the police in tackling it. Indian Police News 24×7 brings to the limelight acts of integrity, valor, sacrifice, public service displayed by police personnel from all around the world.
In the era of the 5G generation, a person is no longer confined to his or her idiot box or conventional newspapers. There is something beyond and IBC is the answer!



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