Competative Books
Showing 3351–3400 of 4042 results
Rashtriya Pratibha Khoj Pariksha (Class-X)
Rashtriya Pratibha Khoj Pariksha (Class-X)
Rashtriya Pratibha Khoj Pariksha (For Class-VIII)
Rashtriya Pratibha Khoj Pariksha (For Class-VIII)
Rashtriya Pratibha Khoj Pariksha (For ClassVIII)
Rashtriya Pratibha Khoj Pariksha (For ClassVIII)
Rashtriya Raksha Academy Pariksha
A Modern Approach to pass various competitive exams based on the current syllabus and helpful to excel in Rashtriya Raksha Academy Pariksha exams and perform best in their career and comes with detailed solutions, not just the answer key, for each and every question included in it. It promotes self-evaluation by enabling you to not only practice and revise concepts but also keep track of your progress. This book allows you to clarify your doubts and remove the fears generally associated with exams, improve your concentration and hone your time management skills, enabling you to answer the questions within the given time frame.
RBI Officer Grade B (Phase 1) 2020
This book is a self help book for the people preparing for RBI officer exam. This book gives you some basic rules to follow for better performance in exams.
RBI Officer Grade B (Phase 2) 2020
RBI is an acronym of Reserve Bank of India, the central bank of our country. RBI is responsible for issuing currency notes, credit control and framing of monetary policies. The Reserve Bank of India is the main institution that regulates and controls the whole banking system of India. RBI conducts various examinations to recruit officers for its various branches. One of them is known as the RBI Grade B exam which comprises three different grades. These three different grades are DR (Direct Recruit), DEPR (Department of Economic Policy and Research) and DSIM (Department of Statistics and Information Management). This banking exam is very popular among aspirants who want to build up their career in the banking sector.
Real Functions-High School Math
A must have book for high school students. The topic REAL FUNCTIONS has been explained in detail. All the basic terminologies related to FUNCTIONS have been explained with good number of solved examples. Coverage :
Number Chart,Intervals,Functions,Testing For a Function by Vertical Line Test,Domain and Range of Some Standard Functions,Value of a Function,Classification of Functions,Bijective Function,Number of bijection (One-One onto),Composite Functions,Inverse of a Function,Odd and Even Function,Periodic Function
Reasoning Test (Verbal & NonVerbal)
A Modern Approach to pass various competitive exams based on the current syllabus and helpful to excel in “Reasoning Test (Verbal & NonVerbal)” exams and perform best in their career and comes with detailed solutions, not just the answer key, for each and every question included in it. It promotes self-evaluation by enabling you to not only practice and revise concepts but also keep track of your progress. This book allows you to clarify your doubts and remove the fears generally associated with exams, improve your concentration and hone your time management skills, enabling you to answer the questions within the given time frame.
Reasoning Test (Verbal Aur Non Verbal)
Reasoning Test (Verbal Aur Non Verbal)
A Modern Approach to pass various competitive exams based on the current syllabus and helpful to excel in xxxx exams and perform best in their career and comes with detailed solutions, not just the answer key, for each and every question included in it. It promotes self-evaluation by enabling you to not only practice and revise concepts but also keep track of your progress. This book allows you to clarify your doubts and remove the fears generally associated with exams, improve your concentration and hone your time management skills, enabling you to answer the questions within the given time frame.
REET : Level-I (Class 1-5) – Previous Years’ Papers & Practice Test Papers (Solved)
This immensely valuable book of ‘Previous Years’ Papers & Practice Test Papers (Solved)’ has been specially published for the aspirants of REET– (Level-I) (Class 1-5). The book is highly recommended for the aspirants to improve their problem solving skills, speed and accuracy, and help them prepare well by practising through these papers & MCQs to face the exam with Confidence, Successfully.
Purple Patches of the Book:
• The book comprises numerous questions in several Solved Previous Years’ Papers & Practice Test Papers which will prove extremely useful for aspirants to be familiar with the current exam pattern.
• All the questions in the book have been solved by respective subject-experts with due diligence. Detailed Explanatory Answers have also been provided for selected questions for Better Understanding of readers.
• The book will serve well both as practice material & a true test of your studies and preparation with actual exam-questions.
While the practice material in the form of Previous Years’ Papers is published with the sole aim of Paving the Way to your Success, your own intelligent study and practice in Synergy with this, will definitely ensure you Success in the Prestigious Exam.
REET : Level-I (Class 1-5) – Previous Years’ Papers & Practice Test Papers (Solved) – Hindi
प्रस्तुत पुस्तक ‘पिछले प्रश्न-पत्र (हल सहित) एवं प्रैक्टिस टेस्ट पेपर्स (हल सहित)’ ‘राजस्थान अध्यापक पात्रता परीक्षा (REET)– (Level-I) (Class 1-5) शिक्षक पद’ के परीक्षार्थियों के लिए विशेष रूप से प्रकाशित की गई है।
पुस्तक की मुख्य विशेषताएँः
• पुस्तक में गत वर्षों के अनेक प्रश्न-पत्र एवं प्रैक्टिस टेस्ट पेपर्स (हल सहित) दिये गये हैं। सभी प्रश्न संबंधित विषयों के विशेषज्ञों द्वारा हल किये गये हैं।
• अनेक चुने हुए कठिन प्रश्नों के उत्तर व्याख्यात्मक रूप में भी, हल करने की सरल विधियों के साथ, उपलब्ध करवाए गए हैं। इनके समुचित अध्ययन एवं अभ्यास द्वारा आप परीक्षा में पूछे जाने वाले प्रश्नों की प्रकृति से भली-भाँति परिचित हो सकेंगे।
• पूर्व वर्षों के प्रश्न-पत्रों का अध्ययन न केवल आपको प्रचलित परीक्षा-प्रणाली से अवगत करवाएगा अपितु आपको अपनी परीक्षा की तैयारी के परीक्षण का भी पूर्ण अवसर प्रदान करेगा।
• पुस्तक में संकलित प्रश्नों के हल आपको अपने विषय-अध्ययन द्वारा अर्जित ज्ञान का परीक्षा-प्रश्नों के उत्तरों के रूप में सही संयोजन करने में उचित मार्गदर्शन करेंगे।
पुस्तक में प्रश्न-पत्रों में उपलब्ध विविध प्रकार के प्रश्नों के उचित अभ्यास द्वारा आप निस्संदेह अपने बुद्धि-कौशल तथा तीव्र गति से प्रश्नों को हल करने की क्षमता का पर्याप्त विकास कर सकेंगे तथा परीक्षा का सामना पूर्ण आत्मविश्वास के साथ, सफलतापूर्वक कर सकेंगे।
REET : Social Studies Teacher—Level-II (Class 6-8) Previous Years’ Papers & Practice Test Papers
This immensely valuable book of ‘Previous Years’ Papers & Practice Test Papers (Solved)’ has been specially published for the aspirants of REET– Social Studies Teacher (Level-II) (Class 6-8). The book is highly recommended for the aspirants to improve their problem solving skills, speed and accuracy, and help them prepare well by practising through these papers & MCQs to face the exam with Confidence, Successfully.
Purple Patches of the Book:
• The book comprises numerous questions in several Solved Previous Years’ Papers & Practice Test Papers which will prove extremely useful for aspirants to be familiar with the current exam pattern.
• All the questions in the book have been solved by respective subject-experts with due diligence. Detailed Explanatory Answers have also been provided for selected questions for Better Understanding of readers.
• The book will serve well both as practice material & a true test of your studies and preparation with actual exam-questions.
While the practice material in the form of Previous Years’ Papers is published with the sole aim of Paving the Way to your Success, your own intelligent study and practice in Synergy with this, will definitely ensure you Success in the Prestigious Exam.
REET:Mathematics & Science Teacher Level-II (Class 6-8) Previous Years’ Papers & Practice Test Hindi
प्रस्तुत पुस्तक ‘पिछले प्रश्न-पत्र (हल सहित) एवं प्रैक्टिस टेस्ट पेपर्स (हल सहित)’ ‘राजस्थान अध्यापक पात्रता परीक्षा (REET)– (Level-II) (Class 6-8) : गणित एवं विज्ञान शिक्षक पद’ के परीक्षार्थियों के लिए विशेष रूप से प्रकाशित की गई है।
पुस्तक की मुख्य विशेषताएँः
• पुस्तक में गत वर्षों के अनेक प्रश्न-पत्र एवं प्रैक्टिस टेस्ट पेपर्स (हल सहित) दिये गये हैं। सभी प्रश्न संबंधित विषयों के विशेषज्ञों द्वारा हल किये गये हैं।
• अनेक चुने हुए कठिन प्रश्नों के उत्तर व्याख्यात्मक रूप में भी, हल करने की सरल विधियों के साथ, उपलब्ध करवाए गए हैं। इनके समुचित अध्ययन एवं अभ्यास द्वारा आप परीक्षा में पूछे जाने वाले प्रश्नों की प्रकृति से भली-भाँति परिचित हो सकेंगे।
• पूर्व वर्षों के प्रश्न-पत्रों का अध्ययन न केवल आपको प्रचलित परीक्षा-प्रणाली से अवगत करवाएगा अपितु आपको अपनी परीक्षा की तैयारी के परीक्षण का भी पूर्ण अवसर प्रदान करेगा।
• पुस्तक में संकलित प्रश्नों के हल आपको अपने विषय-अध्ययन द्वारा अर्जित ज्ञान का परीक्षा-प्रश्नों के उत्तरों के रूप में सही संयोजन करने में उचित मार्गदर्शन करेंगे।
पुस्तक में प्रश्न-पत्रों में उपलब्ध विविध प्रकार के प्रश्नों के उचित अभ्यास द्वारा आप निस्संदेह अपने बुद्धि-कौशल तथा तीव्र गति से प्रश्नों को हल करने की क्षमता का पर्याप्त विकास कर सकेंगे तथा परीक्षा का सामना पूर्ण आत्मविश्वास के साथ, सफलतापूर्वक कर सकेंगे।
REET:Mathematics & Science Teacher Level-II (Class 6-8) Previous Years’ Papers & Practice Test Paper
This immensely valuable book of ‘Previous Years’ Papers & Practice Test Papers (Solved)’ has been specially published for the aspirants of REET– Mathematics & Science Teacher (Level-II) (Class 6-8). The book is highly recommended for the aspirants to improve their problem solving skills, speed and accuracy, and help them prepare well by practising through these papers & MCQs to face the exam with Confidence, Successfully.
Purple Patches of the Book:
• The book comprises numerous questions in several Solved Previous Years’ Papers & Practice Test Papers which will prove extremely useful for aspirants to be familiar with the current exam pattern.
• All the questions in the book have been solved by respective subject-experts with due diligence. Detailed Explanatory Answers have also been provided for selected questions for Better Understanding of readers.
• The book will serve well both as practice material & a true test of your studies and preparation with actual exam-questions.
While the practice material in the form of Previous Years’ Papers is published with the sole aim of Paving the Way to your Success, your own intelligent study and practice in Synergy with this, will definitely ensure you Success in the Prestigious Exam.
REET:Social Studies Teacher—Level-II (Class 6-8) Previous Years’ Papers & Practice Test Papers Hindi
प्रस्तुत पुस्तक ‘पिछले प्रश्न-पत्र (हल सहित) एवं प्रैक्टिस टेस्ट पेपर्स (हल सहित)’ ‘राजस्थान अध्यापक पात्राता परीक्षा (REET)– (Level-II) (Class 6-8)’ के परीक्षार्थियों के लिए विशेष रूप से प्रकाशित की गई है।
पुस्तक की मुख्य विशेषताएँः
• पुस्तक में गत वर्षों के अनेक प्रश्न-पत्र एवं प्रैक्टिस टेस्ट पेपर्स (हल सहित) दिये गये हैं। सभी प्रश्न संबंधित विषयों के विशेषज्ञों द्वारा हल किये गये हैं।
• अनेक चुने हुए कठिन प्रश्नों के उत्तर व्याख्यात्मक रूप में भी, हल करने की सरल विधियों के साथ, उपलब्ध करवाए गए हैं। इनके समुचित अध्ययन एवं अभ्यास द्वारा आप परीक्षा में पूछे जाने वाले प्रश्नों की प्रकृति से भली-भाँति परिचित हो सकेंगे।
• पूर्व वर्षों के प्रश्न-पत्रों का अध्ययन न केवल आपको प्रचलित परीक्षा-प्रणाली से अवगत करवाएगा अपितु आपको अपनी परीक्षा की तैयारी के परीक्षण का भी पूर्ण अवसर प्रदान करेगा।
• पुस्तक में संकलित प्रश्नों के हल आपको अपने विषय-अध्ययन द्वारा अर्जित ज्ञान का परीक्षा-प्रश्नों के उत्तरों के रूप में सही संयोजन करने में उचित मार्गदर्शन करेंगे।
पुस्तक में प्रश्न-पत्रों में उपलब्ध विविध प्रकार के प्रश्नों के उचित अभ्यास द्वारा आप निस्संदेह अपने बुद्धि-कौशल तथा तीव्र गति से प्रश्नों को हल करने की क्षमता का पर्याप्त विकास कर सकेंगे तथा परीक्षा का सामना पूर्ण आत्मविश्वास के साथ, सफलतापूर्वक कर सकेंगे।
Regional Rural Banks Office Assistants Preliminary Exam
A Modern Approach to pass various competitive exams based on the current syllabus and helpful to excel in Regional Rural Banks Office Assistants Preliminary Exam exams and perform best in their career and comes with detailed solutions, not just the answer key, for each and every question included in it. It promotes self-evaluation by enabling you to not only practice and revise concepts but also keep track of your progress. This book allows you to clarify your doubts and remove the fears generally associated with exams, improve your concentration and hone your time management skills, enabling you to answer the questions within the given time frame.
Reiki For Healing
Reiki healing is defined as a systematic intervention by a practitioner to help another living being by means of focused intention, hand contact, or passes to improve his well being and health. Healing is brought about without the use of conventional energetic, mechanical, or chemical interventions. Laying-on of hands treatments last 15–60 minutes and are commonly given at weekly intervals. Distant healing may be sent as a mental intent, meditation, or prayer.
Healing is given in many ways, under many names, through various traditions and schools including therapeutic touch, reiki, qigong, and prayer. The book explains the know how to prepare for Reiki treatment, what to do before or after treatment, Reiki positions– on the Head, Trunk, Back – method & benefits. This book explains methods to cure 43 ailments, such as Headache, Backache, Anemia, Arthritis, Asthma, Diabetes, Pain, Heart Attack, Depression, Fatigue, Cold, Insomnia, Allergies, Nose, Teeth, Eye, Leg, Rheumatism, Bladder, Addiction, Burns, Cancer, Fever, Detoxification, Digestion, Blood Pressure, Kidney, Liver etc.
Reserve Bank of India Assistants Recruitment Exam.
A Modern Approach to pass various competitive exams based on the current syllabus and helpful to excel in Reserve Bank of India Assistants Recruitment Exam. exams and perform best in their career and comes with detailed solutions, not just the answer key, for each and every question included in it. It promotes self-evaluation by enabling you to not only practice and revise concepts but also keep track of your progress. This book allows you to clarify your doubts and remove the fears generally associated with exams, improve your concentration and hone your time management skills, enabling you to answer the questions within the given time frame.
Revit 2019 Architecture
Designing the Future
Key Features
● Each command is explained in a simple and understandable manner
● Step-by-step explanation
● Practical knowledge rather than theoretical knowledge
● Covers all the modules of Revit 2019 architecture
A Basic book about Autodesk Revit Architecture 2019 in which Revit Architecture and its advanced version is explained in step by step.
This book carries a lot, if you are starting Revit Architecture for the first time. This book is extremely simple to understand and will enlighten you with the fundamentals of Revit Architecture; you can easily learn Revit as it is a basic step-by-step book. The main objective of writing this book is to make students enthusiastic about learning the concepts of Revit.
What will you learn
● Revit , its history, its usage
● Workspace, Revit shortcut, its Properties and Project Browser
● Revit Architecture
● Model text with set work plane
● Structural beam, Structural column
● Link Revit, Link IFC, Decal Type
● Project Information, Project Parameters, Project Unit
Who this book is for
Mechanical engineers and designers, automobile engineers, product designers.
Table of Contents
1. Revit Introduction
2. Overview
3. Architecture
4. Structural
5. Insert
6. Annotate
7. Manage
8. Modify
9. Massing & Site
10. View
About the Author
Linkan Sagar has done B.Tech from UPTU, Lucknow. His first book AutoCAD Reference was published in the year 2015, and second book AutoCAD Training Guide was published in the year 2017, which is much appreciated and opted in the AutoCAD technology. He has extensively worked on various other software’s like Solidworks, Catia, Staad-pro and Revit. He is having wide Industry exposure. He has worked on and successfully delivered more than 18 major and over 100 mini live projects. He is currently associated with one of US Based MNC Company.
Srishty Rawal pursuing D. Arch from Hapur, Uttar Pradesh. She extensively works on various software such as AutoCAD, 3Ds MaX, Revit and Primavera. She is a trainer and works on projects of Autodesk Revit.Designing the Future
Key Features
● Each command is explained in a simple and understandable manner
● Step-by-step explanation
● Practical knowledge rather than theoretical knowledge
● Covers all the modules of Revit 2019 architecture
A Basic book about Autodesk Revit Architecture 2019 in which Revit Architecture and its advanced version is explained in step by step.
This book carries a lot, if you are starting Revit Architecture for the first time. This book is extremely simple to understand and will enlighten you with the fundamentals of Revit Architecture; you can easily learn Revit as it is a basic step-by-step book. The main objective of writing this book is to make students enthusiastic about learning the concepts of Revit.
What will you learn
● Revit , its history, its usage
● Workspace, Revit shortcut, its Properties and Project Browser
● Revit Architecture
● Model text with set work plane
● Structural beam, Structural column
● Link Revit, Link IFC, Decal Type
● Project Information, Project Parameters, Project Unit
Who this book is for
Mechanical engineers and designers, automobile engineers, product designers.
Table of Contents
1. Revit Introduction
2. Overview
3. Architecture
4. Structural
5. Insert
6. Annotate
7. Manage
8. Modify
9. Massing & Site
10. View
About the Author
Linkan Sagar has done B.Tech from UPTU, Lucknow. His first book AutoCAD Reference was published in the year 2015, and second book AutoCAD Training Guide was published in the year 2017, which is much appreciated and opted in the AutoCAD technology. He has extensively worked on various other software’s like Solidworks, Catia, Staad-pro and Revit. He is having wide Industry exposure. He has worked on and successfully delivered more than 18 major and over 100 mini live projects. He is currently associated with one of US Based MNC Company.
Srishty Rawal pursuing D. Arch from Hapur, Uttar Pradesh. She extensively works on various software such as AutoCAD, 3Ds MaX, Revit and Primavera. She is a trainer and works on projects of Autodesk Revit.Designing the Future
Key Features
● Each command is explained in a simple and understandable manner
● Step-by-step explanation
● Practical knowledge rather than theoretical knowledge
● Covers all the modules of Revit 2019 architecture
A Basic book about Autodesk Revit Architecture 2019 in which Revit Architecture and its advanced version is explained in step by step.
This book carries a lot, if you are starting Revit Architecture for the first time. This book is extremely simple to understand and will enlighten you with the fundamentals of Revit Architecture; you can easily learn Revit as it is a basic step-by-step book. The main objective of writing this book is to make students enthusiastic about learning the concepts of Revit.
What will you learn
● Revit , its history, its usage
● Workspace, Revit shortcut, its Properties and Project Browser
● Revit Architecture
● Model text with set work plane
● Structural beam, Structural column
● Link Revit, Link IFC, Decal Type
● Project Information, Project Parameters, Project Unit
Who this book is for
Mechanical engineers and designers, automobile engineers, product designers.
Table of Contents
1. Revit Introduction
2. Overview
3. Architecture
4. Structural
5. Insert
6. Annotate
7. Manage
8. Modify
9. Massing & Site
10. View
About the Author
Linkan Sagar has done B.Tech from UPTU, Lucknow. His first book AutoCAD Reference was published in the year 2015, and second book AutoCAD Training Guide was published in the year 2017, which is much appreciated and opted in the AutoCAD technology. He has extensively worked on various other software’s like Solidworks, Catia, Staad-pro and Revit. He is having wide Industry exposure. He has worked on and successfully delivered more than 18 major and over 100 mini live projects. He is currently associated with one of US Based MNC Company.
Srishty Rawal pursuing D. Arch from Hapur, Uttar Pradesh. She extensively works on various software such as AutoCAD, 3Ds MaX, Revit and Primavera. She is a trainer and works on projects of Autodesk Revit.Designing the Future
Key Features
● Each command is explained in a simple and understandable manner
● Step-by-step explanation
● Practical knowledge rather than theoretical knowledge
● Covers all the modules of Revit 2019 architecture
A Basic book about Autodesk Revit Architecture 2019 in which Revit Architecture and its advanced version is explained in step by step.
This book carries a lot, if you are starting Revit Architecture for the first time. This book is extremely simple to understand and will enlighten you with the fundamentals of Revit Architecture; you can easily learn Revit as it is a basic step-by-step book. The main objective of writing this book is to make students enthusiastic about learning the concepts of Revit.
What will you learn
● Revit , its history, its usage
● Workspace, Revit shortcut, its Properties and Project Browser
● Revit Architecture
● Model text with set work plane
● Structural beam, Structural column
● Link Revit, Link IFC, Decal Type
● Project Information, Project Parameters, Project Unit
Who this book is for
Mechanical engineers and designers, automobile engineers, product designers.
Table of Contents
1. Revit Introduction
2. Overview
3. Architecture
4. Structural
5. Insert
6. Annotate
7. Manage
8. Modify
9. Massing & Site
10. View
About the Author
Linkan Sagar has done B.Tech from UPTU, Lucknow. His first book AutoCAD Reference was published in the year 2015, and second book AutoCAD Training Guide was published in the year 2017, which is much appreciated and opted in the AutoCAD technology. He has extensively worked on various other software’s like Solidworks, Catia, Staad-pro and Revit. He is having wide Industry exposure. He has worked on and successfully delivered more than 18 major and over 100 mini live projects. He is currently associated with one of US Based MNC Company.
Srishty Rawal pursuing D. Arch from Hapur, Uttar Pradesh. She extensively works on various software such as AutoCAD, 3Ds MaX, Revit and Primavera. She is a trainer and works on projects of Autodesk Revit.
Rib-Tickling Jokes
Laugh your way to long life! The humourist, R.K. Murthi has tapped the depths of humour, struck a rich vein of rib–tickling jokes and put them together between the covers of this slim volume. These are jokes shared with friends, relations and colleagues during interaction with them which whipped up laughter on every occasion. Quite a few have been garnerned from books, newpapers, magazines, radio and TV programmes. These have been put together and presented under suitable headings for you to savour at leisure.
RIMC (Rashtriya Indian Military College) Entrance Exam Guide
This winsome mentoring book is specially published for the aspirants of ‘Rashtriya Indian Military College (RIMC) Entrance Exam’ for admission to Class VIII. Based on the Latest Pattern of the exam, the book also comprises Previous Years’ Solved Papers for aspirants to make them familiar with the type of questions, and their answers. The book is highly recommended for the aspirants to Sharpen their Problem Solving Skills with intensive practice of numerous important questions provided in the book, and prepare them to face the exam with Confidence, Successfully. All the Relevant & Important chapters & topics are covered in the book at appropriate length in a Reader-friendly manner. Additionally, a brief detail about RIMC, its Admission Procedure and Tips for Preparation are also provided in the book to guide the readers. In short, you can rely upon this book for study, practice and during the precious moments before the exam. The book contains adequate Study and Practice Material with numerous Multiple Choice Question-Answers on all the relevant subjects important from the point of view of examination. Both the Study and Practice Material have been prepared by respective subject-experts with due diligence. While the well-structured study and practice material of this book is designed to Enable you Achieve Success, the synergy of your own intelligence and practice with it will definitely Ensure you a seat in this prestigious institution, paving the way for a bright future.
RPF/RPSF Constables (Executive) Computer Based Test
A Modern Approach to pass various competitive exams based on the current syllabus and helpful to excel in “RPF/RPSF Constables (Executive) Computer Based Test” exams and perform best in their career and comes with detailed solutions, not just the answer key, for each and every question included in it. It promotes self-evaluation by enabling you to not only practice and revise concepts but also keep track of your progress. This book allows you to clarify your doubts and remove the fears generally associated with exams, improve your concentration and hone your time management skills, enabling you to answer the questions within the given time frame.
RRB ALP Stage-II Electronics Mechanic (Radio & Television)
RRB ALP Stage-II Electronics Mechanic (Radio & Television)
RRB Exam
RRB Recruitment of Senior Section Engineer is done through a written exam which is conducted with defined syllabus and pattern. Jagran Josh provides you with 4 mock papers to help you test your exam preparedness.
Exam pattern: The question paper will be an objective type paper (Multiple Choice Questions MCQs) in which there are 150 questions. The total time allotted for the test is 2 hours (120 minutes).
Marks Distribution:
• Technical Ability & General Science (90 questions)
• General Awareness/ Arithmetic/ General Intelligence (60 questions)
There will be negative marking in the paper of 1/3rd marks for every wrong answers. Take these tests now to strengthen your preparations. Best of luck!
RRB Group D 2020
This book is a self help book for the people preparing for RRB Group officer exam. This book gives you some basic rules to follow for better performance in exams.
RRB ITI ALP & Technician Stage-II Physics & Math
RRB ITI ALP & Technician Stage-II Physics & Math
RRB JE – Stage II – Vol 1 – Civil & Allied Engineering
RRB JE – Stage II – Vol 1 – Civil & Allied Engineering
RRB JE – Stage II – Vol 2 – Civil & Allied Engineering
RRB JE – Stage II – Vol 2 – Civil & Allied Engineering