Audio Books
Showing 2001–2033 of 2033 results
The National Geographic Magazine Vol. 07 – 07. July 1896
The National Geographic Magazine, an illustrated monthly, the July Number. It includes the following articles: * The Work of the United States Board on Geographic Names, by Henry Gannett * The Seine, the Meuse, and the Moselle, part II, by William M. Davis * A Journey in Ecuador, by Mark B. Kerr, C. E. * The Aberration of Sound as Illustrated by the Berkeley Powder Explosion, by Robert H. Chapman * Mineral Production in the United States along with Geographic Notes and Miscellanea.
The National Geographic Magazine Vol. 07 – 08. August 1896
The National Geographic Magazine, an illustrated monthly, the August Number. It includes the following articles: * The Work of the National Geographic Society * Eighth Annual Field Meeting of the National Geographic Society * Geographic History of the Piedmont Plateau, by W J McGee * Spottswood’s Expedition of 1716, by Dr William M. Thornton * Jefferson as a Geographer, by Gen. A. W. Greely * Albemarle in Revolutionary Days, by Dr G. Brown Goode along with Geographic Notes and Miscellanea.
The National Geographic Magazine Vol. 07 – 11. November 1896
The National Geographic Magazine, an illustrated monthly, the November Number. It includes the following articles: * The Witwatersrand and the Revolt of the Uitlanders, by George F. Becker * The Economic Aspects of Soil Erosion (Part 2) by Dr N. S. Shaler * A Critical Period in South African History, by John Hyde * Geographical Notes – Asia
The Ontario Readers: Third Book
The Ontario Readers is a school book first published in 1919, by the Ontario Ministry of Education, containing short excerpts of literary works, both stories and poems, geared to grade-school age children. (Summary by aradlaw)
The Reformation Collection Volume 1
This volume of the Reformation collection begins with a summary of Protestant belief in the form of the Belgic Confession and John Calvin’s ‘cover letter’ to Francis I of France requesting that he read Calvin’s Institutes of the Christian Religion to understand the Protestant doctrine from its source rather than secondhand. 100 aphorisms summarising the contents of the Institutes follow as well as some instructions given by Thomas Cranmer showing the effect of the Reformation for clergy and parishes, as does a short protestation from the reformer William Tyndale expressing the Reformation methodology privileging the Bible as the source of doctrine and practice. It continues with several debates where both sides have been recorded: Cardinal Sadoleto’s measured letter to Geneva and Calvin’s reply, Pope Paul III’s letter to emperor Charles V and Calvin’s comments, with outrage expressed on both sides, followed by Thomas Cranmer’s writings on the relationship between the Papacy and the state. The leads naturally into some writings from the English Reformation where King Henry VIII required the Pope to be “driven out of England” and William Turner, botanist turned theologian, considered the command incompletely executed. There follow writings on the subject of the sacraments, ceremonies and attire which were a key area of dispute in the Reformation period. Afterwards come several expressions of Reformed piety in the form of prayers and a simple catechism for children. (Summary by InTheDesert) Other volumes of this collection: Volume 2 Volume 3
The Reformation Collection Volume 2
This volume of the Reformation collection, which has a particular focus on the English Reformation, begins with William Tyndale’s lively tract on the key Reformation doctrine of Justification by faith alone. Then follow two historical accounts of the reception that Reformation ideas received. Martin Luther works line by line through the popular Marian hymn Salve Regina expressing his disagreement. Christ the End of the Law is John Calvin’s summary of the gospel message, written as the preface to the Geneva Bible. Calvin’s Admonition against Astrology was translated into Early Modern English and has lain relatively forgotten for many years. There follow a number of documents authorised by Henry VIII and Edward VI of England showing the progress and regression of the Reformation in their reigns, including an essay against the claims of the Pope, written by Edward VI at age 12. Next come two letters relating to the English Reformation: Thomas Cromwell commenting on the reception of Tyndale’s ideas by Henry VIII and Peter Martyr Vermigli writing to Heinrich Bullinger from England during the writing of the prayer book, expressing sadness that Calvin’s doctrine of the sacraments had not found universal acceptance. Then come a series of short pieces by the ‘Oxford Martyrs’ – Thomas Cranmer, Hugh Latimer and Nicholas Ridley – carrying out the business of reforming the church. John Bradford’s Preface to Melanchthon’s book on prayer is “of interest, in showing the feeling entertained in England, by the faithful worshippers, during the brief period between the decease of Edward VI. and the imprisonment of the godly Protestant Bishops and other Clergy.” This volume of the Reformation collection ends with an eyewitness account of the final days of Martin Luther. (Summary by InTheDesert) Other volumes of this collection: Volume 1 Volume 3
The Reformation Collection Volume 3
This volume of the Reformation collection, begins with John Calvin’s summary of the contents for the Bible from the preface to the Geneva Bible. Catherine Parr, last wife of Henry VIII, contributes her “Prayers or Meditations”, intended as a shortened Protestant equivalent to Thomas ? Kempis’ The Imitation of Christ. Next come accounts of trials and martyrdoms: Walter Mill, the last martyr of Scotland, John Bradford, an anonymous account of Protestants in Norfolk and Suffolk to commissioners sent by Mary I, Hugh Latimer’s examination as an old man and the execution of Henry Grey, father of Lady Jane Grey. Following these are a series of prayers: Lady Jane Grey, John Knox, Edward VI as well as Knox’s instructions on prayer. Knox also gives instructions for Christian gatherings in a time of persecution and John Wycliffe gives a rule of conduct for Christians in various life circumstances. Tyndale’s Prologues covers the gospel of Matthew and, more briefly, John. There follows a selection of Reformation thinking about the relationship between church and state: Thomas Cranmer’s sermon during the so-called “Prayer Book Rebellion” (the sermon notes he presumably preached from are included), Luther urging peace during the Peasants’ Revolt and Bullinger explaining that civil magistrates have the right to declare and fight wars (contrary to the pacifism of the Anabaptists).Next come treatises on various ethical questions: Peter Martyr’s opinion of dancing, Martin Bucer on almsgiving, Wolfgang Musculus on usury. There follow two controversial matters – James Waddell Alexander writes a history of Calvin’s involvement in the execution of Michael Servertus and showing that it had the universal support of the age in which he lived, rather than resulting from any personal animosity from Calvin. Then comes a controversial dialogue by Bernardino Ochino, ostensibly arguing against polygamy (Ochino himself appears as one half of the dialogue but makes close to no case against polygamy while his interlocuter is given twice the airtime) but in reality arguing for it, for which Ochino was exiled from Zurich. Calvin’s letter to Edward Seymour (Lord Protector of England) comes next which includes his opinion on the Church of England Books of Homilies. Next come a series of resulting from struggles to coexist between Protestants and Roman Catholics (not least on the question of the sacraments), intersperced with a short biography of John Wicklyffe and Oecolampadius’ sermon to teenagers, expounding the Apostles’ Creed. This volume of the Reformation collection ends with an eyewitness account of the final days of Oecolampadius. Other volumes of this collection: Volume 1 Volume 2
The Scrap Book (volume 1) Sampler
18 works — two non-fic articles & one short fiction or poetry each — from issues March, April, May, June, July, & August 1906 of The Scrap Book, Volume 1, edited by Frank Munsey. As he states in the editorial of the April 1906 issue (Vol 1, Iss 2) this was a sort of supplement to the editor’s popular monthly, Munsey’s Magazine’s_Magazine. The Scrap Book is very like an American version of Punch with many short, often humorous articles interspersed with at least one short story, some poetry, and several longer non-fic pieces. The Scrap Book ran up to 1912.(Summary by BellonaTimes)
The Shorter Works of Tertullian Volume 1
“In the latter part of the second and in the former part of the third century there flourished at Carthage the famous Tertullian, the first Latin writer of the church whose works are come down to us. All his writings betray a sour, monastic, harsh, and severe turn of mind. “Touch not, taste not, handle not,” might seem to have been the maxims of his religious conduct. The abilities of Tertullian, as an orator and a scholar, are far from being contemptible, and have doubtless given him a reputation to which his theological knowledge by no means entitles him. Yet the man seems always in good earnest, and therefore much more estimable than thousands who would take a pleasure in despising him, while they themselves are covered with profaneness. It is not for us to condemn, after all, a man who certainly honoured Christ, defended several fundamental Christian doctrines, took large pains in supporting what he took to be true religion, and ever meant to serve God. The Montanists, whose austerities were extreme, and whose enthusiasm was real, seduced at length our severe African, and he not only joined them, but wrote in their defence, and treated the body of christians from whom he separated with much contempt. He, in a great measure, left the Montanists afterwards, and formed a sect of his own, called Tertullianists, who continued in Africa till Augustine’s time, by whose labours their existence, as a sect, was brought to a close.” (Extracted from Joseph Milner, The History of the Church of Christ, p.267-275)
The Story of My Life, Part 2 (Letters 1887 – 1901)
When Helen Keller’s autobiography was first published in 1903, Part 1 of this 3 part book, she was just a young woman studying at Radcliffe College. In it, she shares memories of her childhood, describes how Miss Sullivan rescued her from complete darkness, and reflects on her experiences as a college student. Part 2 is a collection of Helen’s letters from age 8 through 1901, addressed to various teachers, friends and mentors. This is interspersed with introductory commentary by her editor John Albert Macy. It is fascinating to see how her awareness of the world expanded as she matured, how much she relied on “teacher” (Anne Sullivan) to be her eyes ears, and interpreter of life, and displays her extraordinary graciousness, and ability to paint word pictures from an early age. Part 3 of this book includes in-depth writings by her teacher, Anne Mansfield Sullivan, on her teaching methods, their experiences learning together; and additional insightful commentary by editor John Albert Macy on Helen?s extraordinary education, personality, giftedness, and literary style. The 1962 hit movie “The Miracle Worker” (nominated for 5 academy awards), starring Anne Bancroft (won Best Actress) and Patty Duke (won Best Supporting Actress), was based upon information in this book. (Summary by Michele Fry)
The Wit and Humor of America, Vol 01
The Wit and Humor of America is a 10 volume series. In this, the first volume, 53 short stories and poems have been gathered from 44 authors. This volume is sure to delight listeners. (Summary by Linette Geisel)
The Wit and Humor of America, Vol 02
The Wit and Humor of America is a 10 volume series. In this, the second volume, 44 short stories and poems have been gathered from 31 authors. This volume is sure to delight listeners. (Summary by Linette Geisel)) The Wit and Humor od America series was edited by American humorist Marshall Pinckney Wilder (1859 – 1915) (from Wikipedia)
The Wit and Humor of America, Vol 03
The Wit and Humor of America is a 10 volume series. In this, the third volume, 45 short stories and poems have been gathered from 33 authors. This volume is sure to delight listeners. (Summary by Linette Geisel) The Wit and Humor of America series was edited by American humorist Marshall Pinckney Wilder (1859 – 1915)(from Wikipedia)
The Wit and Humor of America, Vol 04
The Wit and Humor of America is a 10 volume series. In this, the fourth volume, 40 short stories and poems have been gathered from 33 authors. This volume is sure to delight listeners. (Summary by Linette Geisel)
The Wit and Humor of America, Vol 05
The Wit and Humor of America is a 10 volume series. In this, the fifth volume, 43 short stories and poems have been gathered from 32 authors. This volume is sure to delight listeners. (Summary by Linette Geisel)
The Wit and Humor of America, Vol 07
The Wit and Humor of America is a 10 volume series. In this, the seventh volume, 43 short stories and poems have been gathered from 35 authors. This volume is sure to delight listeners. (Summary by Linette Geisel)
The Wit and Humor of America, Vol 08
The Wit and Humor of America is a 10 volume series. In this, the eighth volume, 40 short stories and poems have been gathered from 35 authors. This volume is sure to delight listeners. (Summary by Linette Geisel)
The Wit and Humor of America, Vol 09
The Wit and Humor of America is a 10 volume series. In this, the ninth volume, 37 short stories and poems have been gathered from 31 authors. This volume is sure to delight listeners. (Summary by Linette Geisel)
The Wit and Humor of America, Vol 10
The Wit and Humor of America is a 10 volume series. In this, the tenth volume, 62 short stories and poems have been gathered from 42 authors. This volume is sure to delight listeners. (Summary by Linette Geisel)
The World’s Best Poetry, Volume 7: Descriptive and Narrative (Part 1)
The seventh of ten volumes of poetry edited by Canadian poet laureate Bliss Carman (1861-1929). This collection, the first of two parts, contains a variety of odes, elegies, addresses, epitaphs and dedications that praise, mourn and remember some of history’s greatest and most memorable statesmen (such as Napoleon Bonaparte, George Washington and Abraham Lincoln) and writers (such as William Shakespeare, John Milton, Charles Dickens and Henry Wadsworth Longfellow). The collection also includes an introductory essay by author and poet Richard Le Gallienne (1866-1947). – Summary by Tomas Peter
The World’s Best Poetry, Volume 7: Descriptive and Narrative (Part 2)
The seventh of ten volumes of poetry edited by Canadian poet laureate Bliss Carman (1861-1929). This collection, the second of two parts, contains a series of odes and addresses to the natural and artistic realms, as well as various geographic places in the world, from Egypt and India, all the way to England and America. It concludes with popular narrative poetry originating from the Greek, Roman, Norse, German, East Asian, Spanish, French, English, Scottish and American literary traditions. – Summary by Tomas Peter
Tim Bobbin: A View of the Lancashire Dialect
A comic dialogue written in John Collier’s idiosyncratic version of the 18th century South Lancashire dialect together with a collection of 19th century texts on Collier and his work. Egged on by Meary (Mary), Tummus (Thomas) recounts the series of misadventures that ensue when he makes a trip to Rochdale on an errand for his master. First published in 1746, the text grew over subsequent editions as Collier expanded the story, added a preface in which he berates publishers who had pirated his work, and inflated and amended his glossary. The text read here is the final version of the preface, dialogue and glossary, which appeared in an 1862 edition of Collier’s works. Collier’s texts are followed by several accounts of Collier’s life and commentaries on his work, Elijah Riding’s 1860 ‘plain English’ translation of the Tummus and Meary text, and three poems set at Collier’s graveside in Rochdale. (Summary by Phil Benson)
Travel Collection: Short Non-fiction
A collection of short, non-fiction travel memoirs or guides written in, or translated into, English. Material covered might be a museum, a village or town, or a particular voyage or train journey, or other travelogues of potential interest to listeners. – Summary by KevinS
United Kingdom House of Commons Speeches Collection, volume 3
This is the third LibriVox collection of speeches given in the House of Commons of the United Kingdom. The collection comprises recordings of 10 historic speeches given to the UK House of Commons between 1601 and 1960. Readings are of speeches originally given by Queens Elizabeth I and Victoria, and by parliamentarians Edmund Burke, Herbert Asquith, Winston Churchill, Barbara Castle, Margaret Thatcher and Michael Foot. (Summary by Ruth Golding)
Victorian Short Stories of Troubled Marriages
A delightful collection of short stories by some of the luminary authors of the Victorian era. These stories explore the truth behind the Victorian marriage. – Summary by Gina Belmonde
Vintage Verse Rhapsody: A Poetry Collection
A collection of poetry selected and performed by Bob Gonzalez, rhapsode. Rhapsodes of Ancient Greece were ?song-stitchers,? performing selections from the epics of Homer and Hesiod. The contemporary rhapsode performs the classical poetry of his or her language, culture, and tradition. Any particular collection and arrangement of poems for performance I term a ?rhapsody.? In general terms, a rhapsody is an ecstatic expression of feeling and enthusiasm. In music, a rhapsody is an instrumental composition irregular in form and suggestive of improvisation. The poems in this rhapsody comprise a number of poems that I have performed in public and known for much of my life as well as several recent additions to my repertory. They are arranged in chronological order from the 16th century to the early 20th century. Some of the poets represented here are Edmund Spenser, William Shakespeare, John Donne, John Milton, Alexander Pope, William Blake, William Wordsworth, John Keats, Alfred Tennyson, Walt Whitman, Emily Dickinson, Lewis Carroll, and Robert Frost. (Summary by Bob Gonzalez)
Wedding Poems
In honor of Kristin and Corey?s wedding (April 2006) we?ve recorded a selection of wedding-themed poems. Congratulations, you two!
Yellowstone National Park: Six Early Pieces
Lost in the wilderness of The Yellowstone for over a month, nearly dying of starvation and wild animal attack, despairing of ever finding his way out. Here are six relatively unknown early pieces about the U.S.A.?s first national park. The first is a U.S. Geological booklet about initial exploration and Congress?s institution of the park. The next two are articles from Scribner?s Monthly, 1871, a very popular magazine of the time, describing the park?s features (vol 2 #1 pp 1-17 and vol 2 #2 pp 113-128) . The fourth piece is a narrative by the leader of the exploratory expedition described in the first piece, H.V. Hayden (Scribner?s Monthly, vol 3#2 pp 388-396, February 1872) The fifth piece is a lecture on the park by a very popular lecturer and writer, 1900 (John L. Stoddard?s Lectures, vol 10). The last piece is a man?s first-person narrative of his being lost in the Yellowstone wilderness for thirty-seven days, 1871, Scribner?s Monthly again (vol 3#1). – Summary by david wales