Premium Magazines
Showing 1–50 of 57 results
Aajker Shree
AAJKER SHREE is a by-monthly Bengali family-life style India Govt. Registered magazine starts from September 2013 and the starting issue was dedicated to Sri Satyajit Ray. We always maintain our content quality.
Just for an example Suchitra Sen, Swami Vivekananda, Uttpal Dutta etc. along with these cover story we have some special segment which makes our more rich and valuable.
Such as ‘Probashir Kolom’ from London. ‘Paye Paye’, ‘Bhalo Thakun’ & a special one ‘Ebare Shree’ etc. We always try to make ‘Aajker Shree’ a bengali magazine for all age, all phase & all type of people through out the world.
Our present circulation all over the India around 3,000 per issue which we wish become 5,000 very soon. “Bengal Cultural Association” from London, Dubai ,Malaysia, Singapore is attached with us from the beginning. We also have a fare number of subscriber from there. We send our magazine in Chicago & Dhaka also.
We want your association to join with Aajker Shree family and being a subscriber. Not only a subscriber, you can also write in our magazine’s different segment. Such as “Kalpo Kobita”, “Galpo”, “Rasui ki Rasam” etc.
Mail us:
Aarogya katha
A leading Bengali Health Magazine publish from Kolkata. It is distributed in Kolkata and suburbs. We use to publish interviews of Leading Doctors of Kolkata. Some general health topics are also there.
ABP Pujabarshiki
· সবক’টি পূজাবার্ষিকী মিলিয়ে ৩৩টি উপন্যাস।
· লিখেছেন শীর্ষেন্দু মুখোপাধ্যায়, সমরেশ মজুমদার, তিলোত্তমা মজুমদার, স্মরণজিৎ চক্রবর্তী, কুণাল বসু, সঙ্গীতা বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায় ও শ্রীজাতসহ অন্যান্য সাহিত্যিকরা। থাকছে জয় গোস্বামী ও শঙ্খ ঘোষের কবিতা।
· প্রত্যেকটি পূজাবার্ষিকী ডাউনলোড করুন মাত্র US $ 4.99 দিয়ে।
Adda is a bengali monthly lifestyle and issue based magazine focusing modern issues.
Adwitiya is the Fashion and Lifestyle magazine encompassing subjects which influence and affect the life of today’s modern woman of substance.
Adwitiya is edited by Ms Keya Seth, an internationally acclaimed Fashion and Lifestyle Specialist.
Adwitiya would take care of your fashion and lifestyle, recipe,recreation, entertainment,travelogue, health and all queries and quests of women of today’s ever changing world.
Ajker Sampurna
Apollo Gleneagles Hospitals Educational Trust, Kolkata presents Ajker Sampurna, a fortnightly Bengali Magazine.The magazine is a platform to create awareness among every individual for a better and healthy living. The magazine is the second magazine from the renowned hospitals group. The first magazine named B has nationwide fame. It is published from Hyderabad. The magazine consists articles on family and health. Ajker Sampurna is Edited by President & CEO, ER Apollo Hospitals, Dr Rupali Basu.
Ananda Alo
Ananda Alo (আনন্দ আলো) is one of the top Bangla Fortnightly Family Entertainment, Exclusive, TV, Cooking and Lifestyle Magazine in Bangladesh, Published By Impress Telefilm Publications!
The first and one of its kind “Bangla‟ celebrity magazine, ANANDALOK shares moments that are exclusive & straight out of the lives of celebrities. Their family, social needs as well as individual outlook towards life creates a relatable space in reader’s mind, making them ‘Social Equals.
Anandamela is the most widely read Bengali children’s magazine. With an enduring appeal across genders and age groups, it continues to celebrate the glory of companionship with its readers during their growing-up years. From science to sports, fiction to comics, adventure to astronomy — the magazine caters to the needs of a child’s psyche
Anjali, BATJ
Anjali is the yearly Tokyo Durga Puja magazine. This is a multilingual literary magazine published during Durga Puja (one of the most important festivals of India) in Bengali, English, Hindi, and Japanese languages. With the desire and help of the Indian community in Tokyo, the Embassy of India in Tokyo, the enthusiastic children , the authors and artists, the advertisers, Bengali Association of Tokyo, Japan (BATJ) and many more, we publish Anjali annually.
Anubad Patrika
Anubad Patrika is 43 years old bengali quarterly magazine which only works on literature translations from various languages to Bengali. Anubad Patrika is Ananda Puroshkar, Bangla Academy and Mata Kusumkumari International award winner magazine.
Bartaman Puja Barshiki
Leading Bengali Weekly Magazine published from West Bengal India.
Bartaman Magazines Pvt. Ltd is the provider and owner of the website This is one of the most innovative, transparent and non intrusive website you will experience. We will strive to provide our members a wonderful reading experience that will match real time hard copy magazine reading. As of now we shall provide you magazines from the stable of Bartaman Private Limited for whom we are the sole and only authorized e-magazine provider.
Bengal Barota
Bengal Barota is a monthly magazine of ICE Media Ltd (Sister concern of Bengal Foundation).The magazine is under the ICE Media Ltd publishing umbrella, which produces ICE Business Times, Jamini, Charbela Chardik, and ICE Today.
The magazine’s publisher is entrepreneur Abul Khair Litu, who has also published Shilpa O Shilpi about Bangladeshi art. Litu is an art enthusiast and active in the Bengal Gallery of Fine Arts.
Bharat Bichitra
Bharat Bichitra
The High Commission of India has been publishing a Bengali literary monthly magazine ‘Bharat Bichitra’ for the last 41 years. The magazine is considered as one of the best of its kind in Bangladesh and has a wide readership among all sections of society. It serves as a cultural and literary bridge between India and Bangladesh and contains novels, short stories, poems, essays, art and culture, travelogues, memoirs, photo features, translations of literary works in various Indian languages and juvenile literature by famous as well as promising writers from both countries.
A Bengali quarterly literary magazine dedicated to new writings and translations of world and regional Indian literature into Bangla.
It gives me immense pleasure to welcome you onboard Biman Bangladesh Airlines, your home in the air. Biman aims to ensure that its passengers’ in-flight experience is enjoyable and comfortable. The influence of traditional Bengali hospitality is felt on each Biman flight you take through the personal service and attention to detail provided by dedicated and professional cabin staff. The airline is committed to continuous improvements in service to provide an even more pleasurable and comfortable flying experience. We have just recruited more than hundred bright, gracious, young cabin crew for service upgradation.
Its a new year issue. This issue contain regular segments as well as bonus read in all three categories like fashion beauty and lifestyle. This issue focuses on fashion and beauty forecasts and other related topic. Lifestyle segment also cover different and read-worthy topic. One will like to collect this issue of canvas.
CORPORATE is no 1 business technology magazine and one of the Bangladesh most published and circulated ICT Based business magazine. CORPORATE Magazine prepares you to succeed in today’s complex economy. You’ll find in-depth coverage of the latest trends in technology, finance and management. Our insight and analysis helps you succeed, personally and professionally. Stay up to date with CORPORATE magazine articles.
Laying a role in shaping the cultural ethos of Bengalis over the years, Desh magazine has been the epitome of Bengali language and literature in India.
Desh — Born on November 24 1933, is the second publication from the house of ABP.
A fortnightly, the magazine covers trends in literature, arts, science , current affairs and philosophy.
Some renowned literary figures both past and present associated with Desh include Rabindranath Tagore, Bibhuti Bhushan Bandopadhyay, Jibanananda Das, Saradindu Bandyopadhyay ,Shibram Chakraborty, Syed Mujtaba Ali ,Abu Sayeed Ayub ,Subodh Ghosh ,Subhash Mukhopadhyay, Satyajit Ray ,Ramapada Chaudhuri ,Samaresh Basu, Samaresh Majumdar, Shankar, Sunil Gangopadhyay, Shirshendu Mukhopadhyay, Joy Goswami , Suchitra Bhattacharyya .
An all-colour magazine since 2003, Desh encompasses an array of features from Mantabya, Probondho, Bhraman , Galpo ,Dharabahik Upanyash, Kabita, Shilpa-Sanskriti, Granthalok ,Chitipatra ,Seshkatha.
Desh also brings forth special issues such as Desh Galpo Sankha and also Desh Boi Sankha during the Kolkata Book Fair .
Desh completed 80 years in 2013.
Ekak Matra
Ekak Matra is a bi-monthly literary magazine on contemporary issues being published over 19 yrs on a regular basis.. It carries a cover theme on any contemporary topic with other regular columns.. Now, the most popular magazine in Bangla..
Femina Bangla
For over 50 years now, Femina, India’s first and most read women’s English magazine, has been capturing the essence of the modern woman and how she has been evolving. In January 2014, Femina Bangla was launched to reach out to Bengali-speaking women of today who want to stay updated on latest developments in every sphere of life. With innovative covers and 100 per cent local content, the chic Bengali magazine brings to you every month the latest trends in fashion, beauty, health, fitness, lifestyle, food, films, fiction, career and finance. The magazine also consistently turns the spotlight on women achievers, belonging to all walks of life, from the East. Femina Bangla therefore offers a fine balance of stories, keeping in mind a modern Bengali woman’s preferences and tastes.
Grihshobha – Bangla
Grihshobha’s range of diverse topics serves as a catalyst to the emerging young Indian women at home and at work. From managing finances,balancing traditions, building effective relationship, parenting, work trends, health, lifestyle and fashion, every article and every issue is crafted to enhance a positive awareness of her independence.
The “Jnanbarta Foundation ” situated at 38, Surya Sen Street, 2nd Floor,Flat No.4,Kolkata-700009,India,takes the pleasure of introducing itself as a charitable organization . We follow the spiritual precepts of The famous saint Tarapith Bhairab Bamakhepa and Tarapith Bhairabdas Jnanananda Baba. We publish three periodicals in Bengali .“Jnanbarta Sadhanmarg”, “Gyan-Aloke” and “Sadhaker Jnanbarta” published as fortnightly and monthly .We are engaged in collecting information about spiritual activities under taken by different religious communities and preach spiritual awareness among the people, and advice them to come out of the barricades of superstitions.
Jolphoring is a Bengali language literary monthly magazine published by Techmagnet Solutions from India.
Kishore Bharati
In the year 1968 Kishore Bharati started with a vision to be a pioneer magazine for the youths of Bengal. During that period, there were no magazines for the Juvenile and Teenagers.
All the top authors like Ashapurna Devi, Premendra Mitra, Bonophool, Narayan Gangopadhyay and renowned artists like Mayukh Chowdhury, Narayan Debnath, Shailya Chakraborty contributed to the magazine from the start.
Down the years, all the top ranking and most popular authors from Bengal, like Sunil Gangopadhyay, Shirshendu Mukhopadhyay, Sanjeeb Chattopadhyay, Samares Mazumdar, Suchitra Bhattacharya have been associated with Kishore Bharati.
We encourage book reading and writing, and hence we regularly promote story writing competitions. To us quality matters more than the name. A bunch of young generation writers are now coming up.
KRISHI JAGRAN is the largest circulated rural family magazine in India, the reason behind its prodigious presence is as it comes in 12 languages –(Hindi, Punjabi, Gujarati, Marathi, Kannada, Telugu, Bengali, Assamese, Odia, Tamil, Malayalam and English – Agriculture World), 23 editions, ten lac plus circulation &reach; to 22 states. 2 Portals in English and Hindi that provide online information on Agriculture, post-harvest management, livestock, farm mechanization, crop advisory, updates on agriculture sector, events and market prices.
Monthly Zaitun
Zaitun is a monthly magazine, committed to promote positiveness amongst the readers in easy and simple language. It does not cater for any kinds attitudes that may have links or promote violence, extremism, or anything that might be considered as a threat to peace and tranquility of the citizens. Zaitun likes to focus on educational, social, religious and cultural aspects of our life. There is not barrier for anyone to contribute in Zaitun as long as it is in line with its basic principles.
Nabakallol is the most widely circulated Bengali lifestyle magazine . It published from
Porjotan Magazine advertising is a proven method for successful campaign, as it gives you the opportunity to promote your brand to 200,000 readers. Place your ad in the hands of the most valuable audience of Porjotan. With the circulation of over 35,000 Porjotan Magazine offers a unique opportunity to advertise to its most frequent and valuable customers. As Porjotan Magazine carries limited advertisements, it ensures high visibility to all readers. Porjotan is a Monthly Magazine in the Travel & Tourism Segment. Porjotan advertising is utilized by a variety of brands to reach out to their target audience. Book Porjotan Magazine ads online today
Rishi Prasad Bengali
One of the largest circulated spiritual monthly magazine RISHI PRASAD is now available in BENGALI language also.
Roshuighor is a culinary lifestyle magazine in Bengali. Such initiative has been taken for the first time in Bangladesh. This is the third issue of the magazine published is on May 07, 2015. This issue is based on summer. Readers will find a lot of interesting features, recipes pictures in the issue.
The “Jnanbarta Foundation ” situated at 38, Surya Sen Street, 2nd Floor,Flat No.4,Kolkata-700009,India,takes the pleasure of introducing itself as a charitable organization . We follow the spiritual precepts of The famous saint Tarapith Bhairab Bamakhepa and Tarapith Bhairabdas Jnanananda Baba. We publish three periodicals in Bengali .“Jnanbarta Sadhanmarg”, “Gyan-Aloke” and “Sadhaker Jnanbarta” published as fortnightly and monthly .We are engaged in collecting information about spiritual activities under taken by different religious communities and preach spiritual awareness among the people, and advice them to come out of the barricades of superstitions.
Samajsiksha Magazine
Samaj-Siksha is a 66 years old monthly Bengali magazine on Rural Development and Agriculture, of Ramakrishna Mission Lokasiksha Parishad, Narendrapur, Kolkata 700 103, India.
Ramakrishna Mission Lokasiksha Parishad is an integrated rural and urban development unit of the Ramakrishna Mission Ashrama, Narendrapur ( , Kolkata 700 103 which is a branch centre of the Ramakrishna Mission, Belur Math (, Howrah, West Bengal registered under the Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860 and revised according to West Bengal Societies Registration Act XXVI of 1961 bearing Registration No.1917/3 of 1909-10 dated 4th May 1909
Since its inception on July 31, 1986, Sananda has always celebrated womanhood. It represents the modern Indian woman who balances her work and home perfectly. Sananda helps her in bringing out the best in herself and guides her towards complete empowerment. Apart from being the only women’s magazine in ABP’s bouquet, it is also acclaimed as the highest-selling Bengali magazine.
A fortnightly magazine, Sananda has sections dealing with fashion, interiors, health, recipes, relationships, travel, etiquette etc. Recently, some new sections such as a Consumers’ Forum, Aapnar Priyo Purush, Asadharon and Shaktirupena have been added to make the magazine more contemporary and relevant. Consumers’ Forum empowers consumers about their rights and gives them a platform to voice their concerns. Aapnar Priyo Purush deals with problems and their solutions, faced by the men in their lives. Asadharon is about extraordinary achievements by ordinary women, while Shaktirupena is all about women celebrities.
Sampurnaa, launched in 2003, is a collection of articles on a topic relevant to readers. Past issues have covered household tips, pregnancy planning, interior decoration, parenting and body care. In addition, there are two special issues — Parboni, in January, is a lifestyle issue with a calendar for the readers and Pushpanjali, out just before the Pujas, is a collection of stories and features.
Saptahik Bartaman
Saptahik Bartaman Magazine Advertising is utilized by a variety of brands to reach out to their target audience. You can explore Shoes And Accessories Magazine Advertising Rates & Shoes And Accessories Magazine Advertising Costs here.Saptahik Bartaman Magazine Advertising offers multiple opportunities to target a captive audience in an uncluttered environment with inspiring advice, insights and host of fascinating features.
Sarir O Sasthya
The Leading Bengali Health Magazine Published from West Bengal, India
Shapla is mainly bimonthly bengali magazine of Panagarh, Paschim Bardhaman, West Bengal, India.
Shaptahik, a weekly publication on socio-political issues, is one of the leading vernacular magazines in Bangladesh. It specializes on political analysis and investigative reporting.
The key focus of the publication is to analyze current political situation as well as to evaluate social issues. Successful individuals of Bangladesh’s urban and rural community, ranging from agricultural success stories to industrial entrepreneurs, are frequently selected as subjects of the magazines cover stories in special issues. Local manufacture attire, fashion, fads and style are also prioritized in the magazine’s articles and stories.
South Asian and international politics, sports, technology, entertainment, travel, showbiz, and lifestyle also receive special treatment. The magazine also provides considerable importance to the protection of the country’s natural and mineral resources.
Sukhi Grihakon
Sukhi Grihakon is one of the popular Bengali Monthly Magazine served in Kolkata, West Bengal and North-Eastern States of India. Monthly Magazine Sukhi Grihakon written in Bengali language is the section. The Suckhi Grihakon Magazine is a production of famous daily newspaper company Bartaman Press Pvt Ltd.
Suktara Is most widely circulated Bengali childrens magazine running successfully for
last70 years.
Sunny Fort Sampriti
Sunny Fort Sampriti is a Durga Puja Magazine of all Sunny Fort residents. Sunny Fort is a residential complex in Newtown Kolkata. The magazine is a collection of articles, poems, art and photographs contributed by residents of Sunny Fort.
Taboo বাংলা
নতুন এই যুগে, খবর এখন তাৎক্ষণিক। মানুষ আর টিভি, নিউজ পেপারের জন্য অপেক্ষা করে না। মানুষ এখন খবর চায় দ্রুত। তবে খবরের বাইরের খবরও দরকার। Regular থেকে Odd সব। আর তাই Odd বাংলা হাজির করেছে তার বিশেষ বিভাগ Taboo বাংলাকে পত্রিকা হিসাবে। যেখানে রয়েছে আমাদের নির্বাচিত কিছু লেখা।
The Monthly C News
Since 2002, Monthly C News has been relentless in its efforts as one of the leading ICT magazines of the country, to share latest technology news, analysis and insights from home and abroad with its readers. Over the years, we have added new dimensions to our content and presentation and have tried our best to fulfill our commitment to the unhindered growth of the ICT industry of Bangladesh. Believing that grassroots people must be involved with the emerging technology revolution, C News has taken the magazine to even the most far-flung areas of the country, in an attempt to inform and inspire people about the crucial role that technology can play in their lives.
The Editorial Board believes that C News can be an excellent platform for sharing company news and views and Products/services information to the wider cross-sections of people in general and potential clients and business partners in particular.
The Magazine also covers company events, product/service announcements, National and International ICT Events and updates routinely on time on hardcopy (White:110 page offset; published Monthly) publication as well as on – the daily updated online technology portal, the first of its kind in Bangladesh.
The Sunday Indian – Bangla
The Sunday Indian is the only newsmagazine in the world to be published simultaneously in 14 different languages. The languages include English, Hindi, Tamil, Gujarati, Bengali, Urdu, Punjabi, Assamese, Oriya, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam,
Marathi & Bhojpuri. Since its launch in October 2006, it has rapidly emerged as the preferred weekly news magazine for quality conscious and discerning readers across the country. Without any doubt, it is India’s favourite news magazine!
Tinkle Special Digest (Bengali)
We Bid Adieu To The Year 2013 With Four Books Of Tinkle Special Digest. These Books Are Loaded With Stories Of Your Favourite Tinkle Toons, Interesting Stories And Activities.