Premium Magazines
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ABHIDHANANTAR- the well-known Marathi literary journal is ushering a new beginning due to the pressing demand from its huge audience worldwide.
We are coming out again totally charged with quality literary content which was solely missed by the discerning readers of Marathi and translated from the world languages in Marathi.
ABHIDHANANTAR was around on the Marathi Literary scene for fifteen years. It was one of the earliest literary magazine and literary movement in Marathi to recognize and respond creatively to the transforming power of the force of globalization on our life and culture. Before ABHIDHANANTAR, hardly anyone had given a serious thought to globalization and its impact on Marathi poetry. ABHIDHANANTAR has always given generous space to the thought of linguistic, culture and the literary changes taken place in the last decade of the previous century. It also provided a platform to new talent in poetry who responded to the new cultural and social changes brought about by the force of globalization. The focus of this periodical was on the relationship between literature and globalization and it showcased the literature and poetry which emerged from the social, cultural and linguistic crises brought about by globalization. Abhidhanantar was also honored with the Maharashtra Foundation Award for its contributions to Marathi literature.
Anubhav Magazine
Anubhav Magazine is published by Unique Features for more than 20 years. It is famous among niche Marathi audience across the globe who like to read quality content. Analysis of political and social issues from all aspects, introducing works of social activists not known to many and impeccable editing are specialties of Anubhav.
Champak – Marathi
Champak is India’s popular children’s magazine that is dedicated to the formative years of a child. The fascinating tales in it not only leave a deep imprint on the mind of its young readers but also impart them with knowledge that they will treasure for years to come.
Chikupiku is the first Marathi magazine for very young kids of age 1 to 8. Parents read the stories to the kids while looking at the bright, colorful pictures and drawings. This provides a way to create a strong bond between the parents and the kids. ChikuPiku helps in building reading habits, increases their power of imagination, and explores their potential.
Chitralekha Marathi
Started in 1950 by renowned journalist Vaju Kotak, the Chitralekha Group of Publications continues to hold its fort as an undisputed leader. The Group’s publications, which commenced its offerings in the regional magazine space targeting the prosperous markets of Gujarat and Maharashtra, has since witnessed numerous developments and has forged far ahead in the course of its journey.
With eight titles across various genres and languages, each of its publications targets audiences at virtually all psychographic and demographic levels. Family-oriented and eagerly awaited by its readers, it is no small wonder then, that over the years, circulation figures have steadily marked a quantum leap for each magazine.
Chitralekha Magazine
Chitralekha, which launched its maiden issue in 1950, remains the favourite news weekly magazine of India’s most prosperous and conspicuously consuming community in India, the Gujaratis. Reaching over110,000 homes per week in the financial capital of India ? Mumbai, it is the largest selling magazine across periodicity and language. It beats all English and other language publications by a huge margin. Overall, it circulates over240,000 copies per week and has retained its leadership position.
Its Marathi sibling follows closely with a circulation of over 100,000 copies in Maharashtra.
The news weekly’s cutting-edge editorial strives to dig beneath the covers for stories to put forth to its readers in an unprejudiced and impartial manner. Chitralekha has thus become a trusted source of privileged information and is credited with inspiring journalism.
The faith and loyalty of the readers, coupled with its massive reach amongst the rich and famous, makes it the lead vehicle for all lifestyle products in India, ensuring the advertisers an enormous return on their investments. .
Cine Tadka
Cine Tadka is a Marathi entertainment magazine. It focuses completely on Marathi Film/TV/Theater industry along with fashion.
Drushtilakshya Marathi
कुटुंबात राहताना आई-वडील,मुले यांचा घडणाऱ्या घटनेकडे पाहायचा दृष्टीकोन वेगवेगळा असू शकतो.पण ज्या वेळेस दृष्टीलक्ष्य एक असेल,म्हणजेच विकास हे दृष्टीलक्ष्य असेल तर मात्र सर्वजण एकाच स्तरावर येऊन आनंदाने राहतील. क्रिकेट मध्ये सामना जिंकणे हे जर दृष्टीलक्ष्य असेल तर गोलंदाजाचा दृष्टीकोन असतो,मी जास्त विकेट्स घ्याव्यात. यष्टीरक्षकाला वाटत, की मी जास्त झेल घ्यावेत, तर फलंदाजाला वाटत,माझं शतक व्हाव. परंतु जेंव्हा सामना जिंकणे हे दृष्टीलक्ष्य असत,तेंव्हा आपोआपच कुणी शतक मारलं,कुणी झेल घेतले हे दृष्टीकोन मागे पडतात.कुणी झेल सोडले याविषयी वाद होत नाहीत, याउलट ज्याच्यामुळे सामना जिंकला जातोय त्याला प्रोत्साहन द्यायला सुरुवात होते.’दृष्टीलक्ष्य’ ला आपोआप महत्त्व मिळत. याच कुणाला अर्थाने ‘दृष्टीलक्ष्य’ मासिकाची निर्मिती होत आहे.
आपल्या घरातील,आपल्या कुटुंबातील प्रत्येकाचे लक्ष्य वेगवेगळे असू शकेल. कुणाला व्यक्तिमत्त्व विकास आवश्यक वाटेल,कुणाला भावनिक, कुणाला बौद्धिक.एखाद्याला मुलांचा विकास भावेल तर कुणाला सर्वांचा अध्यात्मिक विकास व्हावा असे वाटेल या सर्वानच्या मागे दृष्टीलक्ष्य असेल, संपूर्ण कुटुंबाचा संपूर्ण विकास. त्यामुळे आपोआपच सर्वांचा चेतनेचा स्तर उंचावेल आणि उच्चतम विकसित समाजाची घडण होण्यास सुरुवात होईल. हा प्रयोग हातात घेताना आम्हा सर्वाना खात्री वाटते,की या प्रयोगात आपले सहकार्य व हातभार नक्कीच लागेल, प्रत्येक कुटुंबात दृष्टीलक्ष्य घेऊन जाऊ व सर्वांचा चेतनेचा स्तर उच्च करण्यास, संपूर्ण विकासास आपण निमित्त बनू. सरश्रींना कोटी कोटी प्रणाम आणि धन्यवाद!
Fem Time
मागील पंधरा ते सोळा वर्षांमध्ये मी जवळ जवळ बऱ्याच इंश्युरन्स, इन्व्हेस्टमेंट, बँकिंग, फायनान्स, शेयर मार्केट, टॅक्स आणि रियल इस्टेट या क्षेत्रात काम करीत असलेल्या कंपनी आणि त्यांच्याशी प्रत्यक्ष किंवा अप्रत्यक्ष निगडित असलेल्या लोकांच्या संपर्कात आलो. त्यांच्या काय अडचणी आहेत? त्यांना काय हवे आहे? ग्राहकांची गरज काय आहे? असंख्य प्रश्न आणि त्यांची उत्तरे प्रत्यक्ष चर्चे द्वारे आणि परिसंवादाच्या माध्यमातून समजली.
मला मनापासून वाटते कि हि सर्व माहिती प्रत्येक व्यक्तीसाठी गरजेची आहे. हजारो पुस्तकांच्या माध्यमातून उपलब्ध असलेली माहिती एका पुस्तकाद्वारे प्रकाशित करणे अयोग्य ठरेल, म्हणून नियमित मासिकाद्वारे तुमच्या समोर मांडण्याचा निर्णय घेतला. सर्वात पहिली अडचण आली भाषा माध्यम? बऱ्याच गोष्टी, संदर्भ, प्रत्येक क्षेत्राची अभ्यासपूर्ण माहिती आपल्या मातृभाषेत (मराठी) खूप कमी प्रमाणात उपलब्ध होती. इंग्लिश म्हटले कि बऱ्याच लोकांच्या सतरा माळे वरून जाते. भरपूर लोकांच्या भेटी घेतल्या आणि मराठी भाषेतून मासिक प्रकाशित करण्याचा निर्णय झाला. एक टप्पा पार पडला, पण खरी जबाबदारी पुढे आ वासून उभीच होती, मजकूर (कंटेंट) ? इतक्या मोठ्या माहितीच्या समुद्रात सूर मारून शिम्पले शोधण्याची मोहीम, खरंच किसी एक आदमी का काम नही. वरील सर्व क्षेत्रांशी निगडित, शैक्षणिक तसेच व्यावहारिक जगात मातब्बर असलेल्या व्यक्तींना भेटून त्यांनाही या मोहिमेत सहकारी बनवून घेतले. त्यांचे लेख, विचार आणि या क्षेत्रातील असलेले त्यांचे ज्ञान तुमच्या आणि आमच्या साठी पर्वणीच ठरेल. असो !
साध्या आणि सोप्या भाषेत तुमच्या समोर आम्ही घेऊन येत आहोत “फेम” टाईम ऑफ फर्स्ट इन्व्हेस्ट मॅनेजमेंट, टप्या टप्याने या क्षेत्रातील सर्व विषय हाती घेणार आहोतच. मनापासून एक नम्रविनंती करतो, आपल्या मित्र परिवार यांनाही आपल्या “फेम” टाईम मासिकाचे नियमित सदस्य होण्यास प्रोत्साहित करावे. प्रिय वाचक आपले प्रश्न, सूचना, आणखी काय समाविष्ट असायला हवे या विषयी आपण आम्हाला यावर ई-मेल वर पाठवू शकतात.
आपला नम्र
Governancenow Marathi
Governance Now is a multi-media initiative for participatory reportage and analyses related to governance of all institutions and processes that are vital to public life in India. Currently, we are available as, and GovernanceNow, the fortnightly print magazine.
Our editorial team comprises senior journalists, citizen journalists, and guest writers from diverse disciplines and professional backgrounds. All of us are passionate about transparency and accountability in our national public life.
grahasanket / ग्रहसंकेत
Astrological Magazine includes monthly predictions, daily prediction.
Articles about meditation, yoga & indian culture.
Most trusted marathi magazine in astrology followers since 2005.
Grihshobha – Marathi
Grihshobha’s range of diverse topics serves as a catalyst to the emerging young Indian women at home and at work. From managing finances,balancing traditions, building effective relationship, parenting, work trends, health, lifestyle and fashion, every article and every issue is crafted to enhance a positive awareness of her independence.
Jatra – Marathi
Menaka, Maher and Jatra have been household names among Marathi-speaking people within Maharashtra, and without, since the 1960s. Founded by the late P. V. Beheray, each of the three magazines has carved a distinct niche of its own in the literary and cultural circles of Marathi populace. While Menaka projects the self-made, bold woman’s aspirations and challenges in this age, and Maher serves as the Marathi woman’s rock solid family anchor, Jatra is known as the leading Marathi magazine in the humour genre.
Jivan Vikas (जीवन विकास)
Jivan Vikas’ is a Marathi monthly magazine of Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission published from Ramakrishna Math, Dhantoli, Nagpur.
‘जीवन-विकास’ मराठी मासिक रामकृष्ण मठ, नागपूर येथून दर महिन्याच्या पहिल्या तारखेस प्रकाशित होत असते. आध्यात्मिक, धार्मिक, सांस्कृतिक लेख व तसेच शिक्षण, समाजजीवन, मानसशास्त्र, अर्थशास्त्र, तत्त्वज्ञान, कला, विज्ञान, इतिहास, चरित्रे प्रभृती इतरही महत्त्वाच्या क्षेत्रांतील मूल्यांसंबंधी विधायक लेख ‘जीवन-विकास’ मधून प्रकाशित होत असतात.
Kalnirnay Diwali Ank 2017
जागतिक ते देशातील अंतर्गत विविध घटनांचा आढावा घेणारे नामांकित लेखकांचे अभ्यासपूर्ण लेख, शिरीष पै यांचे हायकू, ‘भारतात ब्रिटीश आलेच नसते तर?’ या विषयावर विविध क्षेत्रातील मान्यवरांचा परिसंवाद, कथा, कविता, व्यंगचित्र, राशिभविष्य, मामंजी यांचे विनोदी किस्से असा भरघोस मजकूर वाचकांना यंदाच्या कालनिर्णय सांस्कृतिक दिवाळी २०१७ अंकात वाचता येईल.
The environment around us is influencing our Marathi Culture, our Lifestyle & Food more than any time. Katta captures those changes happening around us & how we are changing – highlighting newer horizons.
Kokan Media
साप्ताहिक कोकण मीडिया हे संपूर्ण कोकणाला वाहिलेले आणि दर शुक्रवारी रत्नागिरीतून प्रसिद्ध होणारे साप्ताहिक आहे.
Email :
Mobile : 9422382621
Weekly Kokan Media is a Marathi weekly magazine published from Ratnagiri District of Maharashtra. This magazine covers the happenings in Kokan region of Maharashtra state in India. Kokan is the coastal belt of Maharashtra covering Mumbai, Palghar, Thane, Raigad, Ratnagiri and Sindhudurg districts. Kokan Media tries to cover reports regarding maximum aspects including Traditional and linguistic diversity, events, tourism, agriculture, etc.
As you know for the last nineteen years, Krishi Jagran, India’s No.1 and the only Hindi Agricultural Family Magazine with a circulation of above 309071 copies in Hindi, 68084 copies in Punjabi, 40138 copies in Gujarati and 35000 copies in Marathi has been a guide and counselor for the Indian farmers in every sphere of life. Our presence in 13 states such as UP, Uttarakhand, Haryana, MP, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan, Bihar, Jharkhand, HP, Punjab, Maharashtra and J&K.
Krushibhushan Magazine’ is a Marathi agricultural magazine, published quarterly. It is dedicated to the plenary development of farmers and agriculture. Being run by a social perspective, we have been very consistent in maintaining the quality of the magazine. Our non-commercial motto is the key reason behind Krushibhushan’s success.
Our chief editor, Mr Rajkumar Dhurgude has driven Krushibhushan towards excellence with his vision and thorough knowledge in the agriculture field. The Expert authors who publish various research-based articles on crops are the backbone of Krushibhushan magazine. We have been able to help thousands of farmers with the help of these expert authors. Krushibhushan is committed to bringing modern agricultural technology to farmers.
Lokprabha, a weekly Marathi magazine, came into being 32 years ago. It carries extensive and in-depth coverage of topics, ranging from social to political, cultural to educational and many more.
Lokprabha is seen as the only magazine that symbolises Maharashtra in its true form. In-depth scrutiny is at the heart of of Lokprabha. As loyal readers know, it’s only here that you get an actual analysis of any situation.
Over the years, Lokprabha has received several honours from state organizations. The new initiative by Lokprabha is its foray into the youth segment where it has launched ‘Uthful’ – a fortnightly section dedicated to the youth of today and their trends.
Loksatta Poornabramha
Loksatta Poornabramha, a healthy & tasty food magazine armed with recipes by renowned Ayurvedacharya – Vaidya Khadiwale
Maher – Marathi
Over the years, Maher has established itself as the magazine for readers who want quality content and insightful features while being able to discuss topics related to the family at large. Maher continues to adapt and evolve to meet the changing needs of readers as it enters into its 51st year in January 2013. A few highlights of Maher are as follows:
• A special interview of a person involved in out-of-the box initiatives in personal, social or political life.
• A literary treat of 4 to 5 stories written by well-known writers
Manashakti – A Monthly Magazine by Manashakti Research Centre, Lonavala tries to provide information on how to achieve everlasting happiness in life. It caters to the likes and needs of every age group in the family.
Language – Marathi
The yearly subscription for this Magazine includes:
1. 10 issues of Manashakti Monthly Magazine from January to October.
2. Diwali Issue published in November.
3. Bal Diwali Ank published in November.
1. Topics ranging from prenatal education up to life after death.
2. Guidance for students and parents.
3. Personality Development for teenagers and youths.
4. Various techniques of meditation and concentration for stress management.
5. Motivational stories.
6. Rational, logical guidance based on scientific approach.
The magazine boasts of a readership of approximately 3,00,000 people across Maharashtra.
Manashakti – To elevate your happiness; To alleviate your sorrows.
मनशक्ती मासिक
मनशक्ती केंद्र, दरमहा मनशक्ती मासिक पाठ प्रकाशित करते. कुटुंबातील प्रत्येकाच्या आवडीची व प्रत्येक वयोगटातील व्यक्तींना उपयुक्त सदरे यात असतात. या मासिकाचे हजारो वर्गणीदार आहेत.
भाषा – मराठी
मनशक्ती मासिक पाठ व दिवाळी अंकाची वैशिष्ट्ये
१. ‘न्यू वे’ तत्त्वज्ञानावर आधारित अभ्यासपूर्ण जीवनस्पर्शी सदरे
२. पालक, मुलांना मार्गदर्शन
३. युवक-युवतींसाठी व्यक्तिमत्त्व विकास
४. ताणमुक्तीसाठी ध्यान, एकाग्रता, आत्मविकासाच्या युक्त्या
५. प्रेरणादायी, स्फूर्तिदायक कथा
६. व्यक्तीविकासातून कुटुंब, समाज व राष्ट्रकल्याण
७. बुद्धिनिष्ठ, वैज्ञानिक, तर्कसंगत मार्गदर्शन
तुमचे सुख टिकण्यास, दुःख कमी होण्यास… मनशक्ती
हजारो कुटुंबात वाचले जाणारे ‘मनशक्ती’ मासिक आपल्याही घरी हवेच!
या अंकाची वार्षिक वर्गणी येथे घेतल्यास, पुढील अंक तुम्हाला वाचता येतील:
१. जानेवारी ते ऑक्टोबर महिन्याचे मासिक
२. नव्हेंबर महिन्यातील दिवाळी अंक
३. नव्हेंबर महिन्यातील बाल-दिवाळी अंक
आजच वर्गणीदार व्हा.
Infrastructure, Urbanization, Housing & Realty Power, Water, Waste Resourcing, Sugar, Agro Economy, Mining, Telecom, Steel, Cement and more information on new updates and much more….
Menaka – Marathi
Beautiful to behold, Menaka magazine in its new avatar has blown the readers away with insightful but light-hearted content. The magazine is bold, cheeky, informative and ahead of the pack. We are taking our relationship with readers to a new level with the launch of a new trendy section, Menaka 2 crafted essentially for the mobile generation. Produced monthly, this special section captures everything our readers love to read and cherish, in a format that offers readers and advertisers more value for their money. A few highlights of Menaka are as follows:
• A special interview of a woman in a conventional or non-conventional profession.
• Columns on Health and fitness, Food, Relationships by subject matter experts
• A special coverage of topics in focus and prominence to people in limelight.
• A special section on China – mapping development, progress and the country’s ambition to conquer the world.
• Special focus on adventure, romantic and detective fictional stories.
Miloon Saryajani
Towards a healthy dialog between men and women…
Miloon Saryajani is a different name for a equally different magazine. Although the name suggests that it is a women centric magazine, it is not ‘feminine’ in character. It is definitely not ‘just for women’. Born on 9th August 1989, ‘Miloon Saryajani’ welcomes all men and women as readers and writers. We strongly believe that the process of social change should be free from gender discrimination and men and women striving together for a better society is an indicator of a sound healthy society.
‘Miloon Saryajani’ is more than a magazine, it is a helping hand and friendly support to all those men and women who want to lead their life as ‘thinking human beings’.
Follow us on Social Media:
We are delighted to introduce ‘Mitrangan’ a well designed, versatile magazine which is aligned with knowledge and entertainment.
The magazine is developed and well edited from the point of view that everyone should give prior place in his or her favorite collection of books.
As it is a Quarterly magazine ‘Mitrangan’ will enhance the beauty of your table or teapoy for at least 3 months and will remain remarkable one.
It is particularly noted that ‘Mitrangan’ is not only for entertainment but to give positive and valued inspiration to its readers.
मराठी नियतकालिकांचा इतिहास गेल्या दीडशे वर्षांचा आहे. अनेक उत्तमोत्तम मासिके, साप्ताहिके या काळात प्रसिद्ध झाली. अशा नियतकालिकातील अजरामर लेखांचे संकलन म्हणजे पुनश्च …
Rishi Prasad Marathi
Rishi Prasad has now become the largest circulated spiritual monthly publication in the world with more than 10 million readers. The magazine is a digest of all thought provoking latest discourses of His Holiness Asharam Bapuji on various subjects directing simple solutions for a peaceful life. The magazine also features news on happenings at various ashrams in past month, inspirational texts from scriptures/legends , practical tips for healthy day-to-day living balancing materialism by idealism, Bapuji’s answers to questions raised by seekers, disciples’s experiences etc.
Sakal Premier
A monthly journal on Films, Music and Entertainment, Premier is the hot favourite of movie bus and Masala Entertainment lovers. Featuring great pictures along with tantalizing gossip about the Marathi Film Industry,
Premier is a must have for every hip and happening Marathi Manoos! with sections that cover budding actors and performers, it has become a new place for the dreamers to give talent hungry production houses, a peek into their abilities. The Hollywood Section keeps its readers paced with the news updates on the best lms and entertainment from around the world.
Sakal Saptahik
The binding thread of the responsible Maharashtrian people…
Saptahik Sakal is a name to reckon with in the Marathi Magazine world. Sakal Saptahik has spent the last twenty eight years being the beacon of health, nance, lifestyle, social issues, and national issues along with food and beverage and knowledge related informative sections. It is devoted to the Indian Family Unit and oers life-changing insights into several sectors for the uplifting and development of the Maharashtrian mindset. With ample opportunities of participation and contribution, Saptahik Sakal has turned into a reigning Marathi weekly today.
Sakal Tanishka
As a representative of the new age, modern and yet culturally sound Indian Woman, Tanishka strives for a balance between Familial Duties, Careers and Social Life while dealing with the elevation of their economic and social status. With regular segments on Fashion and Lifestyle, Tanishka has become the friend of the young and progressive Marathi Woman, who engages her intellect and lifestyle.
Satyagrahi Vichardhara
This magazine analyses political, social and cultural activities.This magazine express progressive outlook
Smart Udyojak
Smart Udyojak’ is Marathi Business Magazine. It is very helpful to develop entrepreneurial qualities of Marathi businessmen. Marathi businessmen will get an opportunity to connect with the business world through Smart Udyojak magazine.
.तांत्रिकी – आंधारातील विश्व हे मासिक आम्ही ई आन्वीक्षिकी Media या ब्लॉग वरून प्रकाशित करत आहे . या मासिकाचा मुख उद्देश लोकांपर्यंत आपला खरा इतिहास व संस्कुती पोहचवणे आहे . दर महिन्याला आपल्याला हा अंक मोफत उपलब्ध असेल.
The Sunday Indian – Marathi
The Sunday Indian is the only newsmagazine in the world to be published simultaneously in 14 different languages. The languages include English, Hindi, Tamil, Gujarati, Bengali, Urdu, Punjabi, Assamese, Oriya, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi & Bhojpuri. Since its launch in October 2006, it has rapidly emerged as the preferred weekly news magazine for quality conscious and discerning readers across the country. Without any doubt, it is India’s favourite news magazine!
The Unexplored Legacy
This publication will majorly discuss food culture, heritage, unexplored culture, recipes the lifestyle of People, fashion, traditional and modern history of specific locations, cultural legacies, and food legacies.
▪ Opportunities for rural India encouraging rural people and boosting their lifestyle, the importance of
▪ Education, encouraging education, skill enhancement activities, various articles from industry and domain
▪ Experts on various topics of preserving cultural food and historical legacies.
▪ Sustainability Lifestyle – how to maintain a sustainable lifestyle, DIY, support and encourage people for upcycling and recycling through domain expert articles, and live experiences.
▪ Youth and legacy – Special features by youth about how they contribute to preserving legacies and how can they take forward the legacies to build a healthy and better society for every human being.
Vivek Vichar – विवेक विचार
विवेक विचार हे विवेकानंद केंद्र कन्याकुमारीचे मराठी मासिक आहे. विवेकानंद केंद्र हे आध्यात्मिक पायावरील सेवा संघटन आहे. स्वामी विवेकानंद यांचा मनुष्य निर्माणातून राष्ट्र पुनरुत्थान या संदेशानुसाार केंद्राचे कार्य चालते. केवळ महाराष्ट्रातच नाही तर इंदूर, भोपाळ, उज्जैन, बडोदा, दिल्ली, बेळगाव, धारवाड, चेन्नई, कोलकाता, अरुणाचल प्रदेश आदी ठिकाणच्या मराठी घरांमध्येही विवेक विचार मासिक आवर्जून वाचले जाते.
Weekly Sadhana
Weekly Sadhana is a Marathi ( Regional language of Maharashtra ) magazine based in Pune . A great freedom fighter and renowned literate Sane Guruji was the founder editor. It was started on the first anniversary of Indian independence, i.e.Aug 15, 1948. The magazine covers thought provoking / analytical articles on Social, Political & Cultural topics. This Magazines ideology is very much parallel to Indian constitution.
Yuva is a Marathi magazine published monthly. This magazine is based on current topics and tries to encourage the younger generation. It provides fair and balanced perspectives of social and political changes in India and more.