Showing 751–800 of 4246 results

Deborah by James M. Ludlow

SKU: 9788184305370

For the descriptions of the battles of Judas mentioned in this book the writer has been compelled to supplement with his own imagination very meagre historic materials. The place of the fight with Apollonius (The Wady) is unidentified by chroniclers. The affair at Bethhoron follows only the general topography of the region. The stratagem of Judas at Emmaus is, however, well known, and was imitated by Bonaparte. The method of “The Hammer” at Bethzur cannot have differed greatly from that described. The result of all these battles is as historic as it was marvellous.

Deendayal Upadhyaya 100 Inspirational Stories by Renu Saini

SKU: 9789353227029

Pt. Deendayal Upadhyaya, who treated upliftment of the person at the lowest rung of society as the main goal of nation-building, was an epitome of simplicity, but his divine values made him visionary and extraordinary. Every person considered himself blessed after coming in contact with him. He would never leave anybody disappointed. He would use his sharp and brilliant mind and try to find a solution to any problem brought to him by any person. He was bursting with honesty, conscientiousness, courage and leadership qualities.
Unity and integrity of the nation always remained paramount to him and he constantly worked hard for the same. The exceptional example of collectivity, organisational skills and nationalism that he portrayed in his short but celebrated life would pave the way for not only the current but future generations also.
These short stories from the inspirational life of Pandit Deendayal Upadhyaya, a great son of Mother India, would help others achieve something significant in their lives.

Delhi Riots: Conspiracy Unravelled by Aditya Bhardwaj / Ashish Kumar Anshu

SKU: 9788194778936

The Truth of Delhi Riots is Unearthing Gradually
“As per our plan, on February 24 we called several people and told them how stones, petrol bombs and acid bottles are to be thrown. I shifted my family to another place. At about 1.30 p.m. in the afternoon on February 24 we began pelting stones.”
Only those who are not familiar with the real face of the Aam Aadmi Party will be surprised or shocked by the above statements made by the now expelled counsellor Tahir Hussain. The Aam Aadmi Party used its network of people associated with mosques and madarsas and relied on leaders such as Tahir Hussain and Amanat Ulla Khan to bag the Muslim votes in Delhi. In return for the votes, it seems that the party gave the license to a specific community to consign north east Delhi to flames.
Now that the chargesheet has been finalised by the Delhi Police about the riots that took place in East Delhi, it will be a fallacy to disassociate the riots that took place in places such as Jafrabad, Maujpur, Babarpur, Gokul Puri, Karawal Nagar, Bhajanpura, Yamuna Vihar from the violence that took place during the anti-CAA protests.
The violence that occurred during the anti-CAA protests in places such as Shaheen Bagh, Jamia Nagar, Seelampur were actually the precursor to a big riot.
The riot that took place in the north-east parts of Delhi during US President Donald Trump’s visit from February 23-26, 2020. For the violence that was orchestrated during these riots, the work of collecting empty bottles, stones and storing these on rooftops of houses had begun on February 4. Many people of the Muslim community had filled petrol in their vehicles so that this fuel could later be used for making petrol bombs. In many Muslim families, pamphlets about such riots were distributed with instructions on how to deal with Hindus. It is not rocket science to understand that the Muslim community was already prepared for the riots that broke out in north-east Delhi. Hindus did not get a chance to get their act together. Slowly the conspiracy behind the riots is unraveling and the lies perpetrated by the Communist ecosystem are falling flat.

Delusion and Dream : an Interpretation in the Light of Psychoanalysis of Gradiva by Sigmund Freud

SKU: 9788184306604

Perhaps the most extraordinary thing about the work is that the author knew nothing of psychotherapy as such, but wrought his way through the labyrinth of mechanisms that he in a sense rediscovered and set to work, so that it needed only the application of technical terms to make this romance at the same time a pretty good key to the whole domain of psychoanalysis. In a sense it is a dream-story, but no single dream ever began to be so true to the typical nature of dreams; it is a clinical picture, but I can think of no clinical picture that had its natural human interest so enhanced by a moving romance. Gradiva might be an introduction to psychoanalysis, and is better than anything else we can think of to popularize it. -Introduction by G. Stanley Hall

Demian by  Hermann Hesse

SKU: BP-2020-005-0081

Demian: The Story of Emil Sinclair’s Youth is a Bildungsroman by Hermann Hesse, first published in 1919; a prologue was added in 1960.


SKU: 9788184307290

Renewal of Life by Transmission. The most notable distinction between living and inanimate things is that the former maintain themselves by renewal. A stone when struck resists. If its resistance is greater than the force of the blow struck, it remains outwardly unchanged. Otherwise, it is shattered into smaller bits. Never does the stone attempt to react in such a way that it may maintain itself against the blow, much less so as to render the blow a contributing factor to its own continued action. While the living thing may easily be crushed by superior force, it none the less tries to turn the energies which act upon it into means of its own further existence. If it cannot do so, it does not just split into smaller pieces (at least in the higher forms of life), but loses its identity as a living thing.

Democracy and Education: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Education by John Dewey

SKU: 9788184305591

Democracy and Education: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Education’ is a 1916 book by John Dewey. Dewey sought to at once synthesize, criticize, and expand upon the democratic educational philosophies of Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Plato. He saw Rousseau’s philosophy as overemphasizing the individual and Plato’s philosophy as overemphasizing the society in which the individual lived. Like George Herbert Mead and Lev Vygotsky, he viewed the mind and its formation as a communal process.

Democracy in America — Volume 1 by Alexis de Tocqueville

SKU: 9788184305592

In the eleven years that separated the Declaration of the Independence of the United States from the completion of that act in the ordination of our written Constitution, the great minds of America were bent upon the study of the principles of government that were essential to the preservation of the liberties which had been won at great cost and with heroic labors and sacrifices. Their studies were conducted in view of the imperfections that experience had developed in the government of the Confederation, and they were, therefore, practical and thorough. -Introduction

Demoniality: Or, Incubi and Succubi by Ludovico Maria Sinistrari

SKU: PP-02020-0003-48

The title and first page are in the author’s hand, that of an old man; the remainder is very distinctly written by another, but under his direction, as is testified by autographic side notes and rectifications distributed all through the work. It is therefore the genuine original manuscript, to all appearances unique and inedited.

Demonology and Devil-lore by Moncure Daniel Conway

SKU: 6235989716079

Three Friars, says a legend, hid themselves near the Witch Sabbath orgies that they might count the devils; but the Chief of these, discovering the friars, said—‘Reverend Brothers, our army is such that if all the Alps, their rocks and glaciers, were equally divided among us, none would have a pound’s weight.’ This was in one Alpine valley. Any one who has caught but a glimpse of the world’s Walpurgis Night, as revealed in Mythology and Folklore, must agree that this courteous devil did not overstate the case. Any attempt to catalogue the evil spectres which have haunted mankind were like trying to count the shadows cast upon the earth by the rising sun. This conviction has grown upon the author of this work at every step in his studies of the subject.

Demons and Tongues by Alma White

SKU: PP-02020-0003-47

Apostate Gentiles have turned their ears unto fables, ignoring the word of God and walking after the traditions of men, hence the soil of their hearts is ready for the devil’s own planting. The good seed finds no lodging-place. But God is merciful enough not to leave them without warning. He has a few people jn these days of awful peril who are exposing the works of the devil, and faithfully proclaiming His word and truth. —FROM THE BOOK

Denry the Audacious by Arnold Bennett

SKU: 9788184305721

Written by the famous British writer in 1911, ‘Denry the Audacious’ is a comic novel. This novel carries the deswcription of a perfect european society with walts dance parties, newspaper wars, question of honour, mystery, dystopianism, etc.

Design and Tradition by Amor Fenn

SKU: 9788184305337

Design and Tradition: A Short Account of the Principles and Historic Development of Architecture and the Applied Arts

Dhoni by C Rajshekhar Rao

SKU: 9789350488010

About the book
Mahendra Singh Dhoni’s rise has been phenomenal to say the least. Very few would have captured the hearts of so many in such a short span of time. From the backwaters of cricket to one of the top names on the international circuit is a journey that is inspiring thousands to take to the game with all seriousness.
This book traces Dhoni’s career from the early years in Ranchi, his struggles as well as the strokes of good fortune. It is an attempt to bring to light the development of a career, going beyond just statistics and scoreboards. The book is lent perspective not just by the who has seen Dhoni transcend from obscurity to fame, but also by those who played a role in helping him grow as a cricketer.
It is an endeavour to take readers close to their hero without eulogising him. The book has several details and anecdotes that have neither been read or heard of before. The author visited the hometown of the ‘rock star of Indian cricket’ to get an idea of his character and attitude and how his career was shaped.
The book also has several rare photographs and important statistics that add colour and depth to the narration.

Diabetes Quiz Book by Ashok Jhingan

SKU: 9789350488027

Although diabetes is an age old disease, but in recent times, because of man’s busy life, pollution and lack of restrictions on eating habits, this disease is spreading fastly. Due to lack of physical work the number of diabetic patients in cities is much more than in the rural areas. However, majority of the people do not have enough knowledge about this complex disease.
In this book, written in question-answer form, diabetes specialist, Dr. A.K. Jhingan, has given extensive information on the disease in simple and lucid language. The author has explained in detail how diabetes can be controlled through yoga, aasanas, praanaayam, walking, naturopathy, acupuncture, acupressure, etc. Besides guiding people suffering from diabetes to control it, emphasis has also been put on the preventions and the precautions to be taken.
The persons who are suffering from diabetes can acquire extensive knowledge about the disease through this book.

Dialstone Lane by W. W. Jacobs

SKU: BP-2020-005-0046

Mr. Edward Tredgold sat in the private office of Tredgold and Son, land and estate agents, gazing through the prim wire blinds at the peaceful High Street of Binchester. Tredgold senior, who believed in work for the young, had left early. Tredgold junior, glad at an opportunity of sharing his father’s views, had passed most of the work on to a clerk who had arrived in the world exactly three weeks after himself.
“Binchester gets duller and duller,” said Mr. Tredgold to himself, wearily. “Two skittish octogenarians, one gloomy baby, one gloomier nursemaid, and three dogs in the last five minutes. If it wasn’t for the dogs—Halloa!”
He put down his pen and, rising, looked over the top of the blind at a girl who was glancing from side to side of the road as though in search of an address.

Diaries of Court Ladies of Old Japan The Sarashina Diary, The Diary of Murasaki Shikibu, The Diary of Izumi Shikibu by Various

SKU: 9788184306921

Because women in ancient Japan enjoyed high status, they were well-educated and reasonably independent. They also produced much of the country’s best literature. Three of these amazing ladies wrote these diaries, among them the highly skilled writer Murasaki Shikibu. A lady-in-waiting to the Japanese Empress, she became very adept at observing the daily activities and attitudes of the upper classes. This is scarcely the place to trace the history of Japanese literature, but fully to understand these charming “Diaries of Court Ladies of Old Japan,” it is necessary to know a little of the world they lived in, to be able to feel their atmosphere and recognize their allusions.

Diary of a Nursing Sister on the Western Front, 1914-1915 by Anonymous

SKU: 6235989715684

“We had a great send-off in Sackville Street in our motor-bus, and went on board about 2 p.m. From then till 7 we watched the embarkation going on, on our own ship and another. We have a lot of R.E. and R.F.A. and A.S.C., and a great many horses and pontoons and ambulance waggons: the horses were very difficult to embark, poor dears. It was an exciting scene all the time. I don’t remember anything quite so thrilling as our start off from Ireland. All the 600 khaki men on board, and every one on every other ship, and all the crowds on the quay, and in boats and on lighthouses, waved and yelled. Then we and the officers and the men, severally, had the King’s proclamation read out to us about doing our duty for our country, and God blessing us, and how the King is following our every movement.” -An excerpt

Diaspora and National Building by Ruchi Verma; Nutan Pandey; Narayan Kumar; Anup K. Mudgal

SKU: 9789353228477

Over 33 million strong Indian diasporas spread all over the world has been an exceptionally successful story. Given their skills and other social qualities, they are also among the most sought after lots in most countries.
Indian diaspora has performed well on all important parameters — political, economical, technological and cultural. PIOs are amongst the
top skilled, employable and prosperous non-native people in most countries. They are heading some of the top multinational companies and hold high positions in many international organisations, in a way making an important contribution to the evolving global agenda. Today, Indian diaspora is investing in creating jobs and cutting edge technologies world over.
India has also done very well in reaching out to its diaspora through various channels, including the youth. At over USD 75 billion annually, India is the top recipient of remittances. Diaspora could also be an important source of technology and know-how. Given their goodwill on both sides, they are a great source of confidence-building between India and countries of their adoption and have demonstrated their clout on many occasions.
Over the last many centuries, Indians have travelled to many near and far off destinations in the world for trade, business, education and jobs. One major wave of such movement was carried out by the colonial administration under the so called indentured system for meeting labour shortages in their overseas plantations. This inhuman system of exploitation of workers finally ended and the centenary of its abolition was commemorated in many parts of the world including India during 2017-18. Antar Rashtrya Sahyog Parishad (ARSP) had organised year long activities to mark this important land mark in the life of Indian diaspora, culminating with an international conference on the topic, ‘Contribution of Diaspora in Nation Building’ in Mauritius in July 2018. Several leaders and scholars addressed this gathering and this publication captures the essence of its outcomes. This publication could be a good reference for students and scholars working on diaspora.

Dick Onslow Among the Redskins by William Henry Giles Kingston

SKU: 6235989716283

In few countries can more exciting adventures be met with than in Mexico and the southern and western portions of North America; in consequence of the constantly disturbed state of the country, the savage disposition of the Red Indians, and the numbers of wild animals, buffaloes, bears, wolves, panthers, jaguars, not to speak of alligators, rattlesnakes, and a few other creatures of like gentle nature. My old school-fellow, Dick Onslow, has just come back from those regions; and among numerous incidents by flood and field sufficient to make a timid man’s hair stand on end for the rest of his days, he recounted to me the following:—

Dictionary of Biology by Kirti Sharma

SKU: 9789351864479

Biology refers to the science of life. It is the study of living organisms, divided into many specialized fields that cover their morphology, physiology, anatomy, behaviour, origin and distribution. It is one of the most rapidly developing areas of science. Biology is the key to understanding the health and growth of microorganisms, plants and animals. The learning of biology relates to careers in many fields, including medicine and other health professions, agriculture, law, laboratory and field research, education, resource management and industry. Biologists study the structure, function, growth, origin, evolution and distribution of living organisms.
This Dictionary provides an explanation of the main ideas and concepts central to biology. It presents a galore of terms and definitions related to the subject in an easy, precise and lucid manner. It is designed in a concise way to provide a subtle know-how to the learners of the subject or who are lean to know the biological terminologies. It has been compiled focusing on the usefulness of quick revision of the subject. It is essentially a book to pick up and put down—a book to browse through and use to add to your understanding of basic ideas.

Dictionary of Botany by Anil Mishra

SKU: 9789350484838

This dictionary clarifies definitions of botanical and related terms in a lucid and easy to understand manner. Cross-references make the meaning of each term crystal clear. It covers a wide spectrum of important terms from biochemistry, soil-science and statistics.
The book also covers both pure and applied aspects of Botany including agriculture and horticulture. It is a comprehensive dictionary that contains major terms and concepts.The book provides useful information for all curious people who like to keep pace with the rapid developments in the field of Botany but are at times confused. It is designed to cater to the needs of the general reader as well as students pursuing higher studies. The dictionary is extremely useful for undergraduate students.

Dictionary of Chemistry by Taniya Sachdeva

SKU: 9789350487525

This Dictionary of Chemistry provides rich, clear and easy-to-understand definitions of all the terms and concepts that are commonly used in the world of chemistry. It covers all aspects of chemistry from biochemistry to physical chemistry and even those terms that are remotely connected to it. The main ideas and concepts of chemistry are lucidly explained. Cross references further clarify the concepts. Thiseasily accessible and comprehensive dictionary is beneficial for students of chemistry and those interested in the subject. It is especially useful for under graduates and is highly recommended for High Schools and public libraries.

Dictionary of Computer & Information Technology by Mrinal Talukdar

SKU: 9789350488034

Dictionary of Computer & Information Technology covers nearly every aspect of computers. The aim of this book is to present various terms and definitions of the subject in a simple and easily understandable language. The book is designed to be a comprehensive and authoritative source of definitions for computer-related terms and abbreviations.
This dictionary of computer terminologies includes terms drawn from a wide variety of topics relevant to computer users, including software, hardware, networking, data storage, graphics, games, information processing, organizations, programming and standards, the Internet and the World Wide Web.
This dictionary emphasizes terminology that the average computer user will encounter in documentation, online help, computer manuals, marketing and sales materials, etc. Because most computer users operate personal computers and desktop systems at home, work, or both, the majority of the entries in this dictionary cover the terminology used in describing and working with these systems.

Dictionary of Confusable Words by Harmik Vaishnav

SKU: 9789350488485

Spellings and pronunciation are very important in English language. One of the characteristics of this language is that there are many words with a slight change in spelling, similar pronunciation but different meanings. Such words are called homonyms or homophones.
In this book, many groups of such words are given along with sentences for explanation of the difference of meanings. This will help in understanding the language better and make the usages of the words smooth. It also shows that a spelling error can change the meaning of the word and hence the sentence to a great extent.
This book will be useful to understand the right use of word. The usage is explained with a sentence for better understanding. It will be useful to students; aspirants of competitive exams, professionals and of course the lovers of English language.

Dictionary of Education by S. Bhushan

SKU: 9789351868194

This dictionary’s focus is on current and evolving terminology specific to the broad field of Education, although terms from closely related fields used in the context of Education are also included. Encompassing the history of Education as well its future trends will aid in the understanding and use of terms as they apply to contemporary educational research, practice, and theory.
The dictionary aims to provide a starting-point for inquiry and does not claim to be exhaustive or comprehensive to some of the key terms and concepts in Education. It not only caters to the needs of students on education courses but is also be useful for others who have an interest in Education.

Dictionary of English Proverbs and Proverbial Phrases by Thomas Preston

SKU: 9788184305158

Dictionary of English Proverbs and Proverbial Phrases,Thomas Preston,Learning,prabhat books,low price books,prabhat books on kindle

Dictionary of Geography by Bhawani Kumar

SKU: 9789350487433

This Dictionary in its concept and content is an integrated wholethough out of necessity it impinges on associated disciplines and inevitably makes use of a wide range of similar terminology. In compiling this dictionary, the main criterion for inclusion has been usage. Geographical textbooks and periodicals have been thoroughly examined. It includes all those terms used in a specific geographical context or in a specialist sense which differs from general practice or popular usage. Foreign words are enumerated where they have been accepted in English geographical literature, especially where no satisfactory translation exists. The emphasis throughout is on specific factual information, rather than on bare definition and can be conveniently accessed alphabetically.

Dictionary of Humourous Quotations by Harmik Vaishnav

SKU: 9789351868187

Humour is the most loved, tingling and fun filled feature of human emotion. There is hardly any living person who does not like humour or has not felt for this sensation. Great thinkers, comedians, actors etc. try their best to generate humour through their wit, actions and words.
Quotations are great source of amusement, food for thought, essays and debates etc. There are numerous humourous quotes, dialogues, remarks etc. of renowned thinkers and writers.
This book has undergone careful selection and scrutiny of topics to be compiled. The quotes have come from various sources to entertain the reader and provoke his/her thought. Reading humour and wit also hones one’s sense of humour and wit. Some quotations are confusing and paradoxical. These are brain teasers and instruments of thoughts which when quoted on occasion earn a favourable impression instantly

Dictionary of Idioms by Mahesh Sharma

SKU: 9789350488492

“It rained cats and dogs”, “I know where his shoe pinches”, “Yes, it was really a blessing in disguise”… These idioms are often used in common language in our day to day talk or even correspondence. Their usage makes the communication and message to be conveyed quite effective.
Dictionary defines idiom as “a group of words whose meaning is different from the meaning of the individual words.” Idiom is a combination of words with figurative meanings. It often creates a picturesque image and that image conveys the meaning. For e.g. ‘where the shoe pinches’ the image automatically creates the image of pain and trouble and the place where there is trouble. Similarly, ‘add fuel to the fire’—it creates the image of fire blazing more and the meaning of aggravation comes out. The following example is widely employed to illustrate the point.

Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs by Najmussehar

SKU: 9789351860082

The English language has very distinctive kind of verbs called phrasal verbs Formed by the combination of verbs and preposition or adverb their meaning is completely different from the original verb. The phrasal verbs help enrich the English language and are commonly used both in spoken and written form to express more lucidly. Their flexible nature allows for the creation of new terms.
Since the meaning of these expressions differs from the original verb, they are very confusing. Therefore one needs to refer to a dictionary that can help understand the meaning behind these expressions. The meaning of these expressions are not found in dictionaries for they are a combination. This book will help overcome this problem. It comes as a boon to all those interested in the English language, for they can look up the phrase and understand the meaning behind them. Not only is the book a very good companion for students, but it is also good for those who find the language at times beyond comprehension. Besides this it will help in enriching their language, and they will be able to express themselves more effectively. It is essential for all who love the language and want to enhance their vocabulary.

Dictionary of Physics by Taniya Sachdeva

SKU: 9789350488522

Taniya Sachdeva has worked as an assistant editor at a leading publishing house. She is the co-author of an anthology of short-stories titled Just Plain Bad Luck. At present she is working as an assistant Professor at Delhi University and at the same time pursuing her M. Phil.

Dictionary of Proverbs by Najmussehar

SKU: 9789350487471

Proverbs are wise sayings. They are usually short, pithy statements of general truth. Proverbs are largely based on common sense or the practical experience of humanity. They are often metaphorical.
The word ‘proverb’ is said to have originated from the Latin word proverbium meaning concrete statement. These statements usually express a truth of any kind ranging from spiritual, practical to philosophical.
The book is packed with popular proverbs arranged under alphabetical headings intended to help the readers in finding the proverbs of their choice. The use of proverbs certainly adds to the beauty and impact of the expression. The readers are sure to benefit from this book.

Dictionary of Quotations by Sachin Sinhal

SKU: 9789350488508

A quotation is a group of words or a short piece of writing conceived in tranquility and with deep thinking. Quotations always constitute the greatness of man. They guide and inspire man to march quickly onto the path of progress and righteousness.
Quotation are stepping-stones to success. If they are imbibed with a purified mind and heart, they are sure to dispel all doubts and obstacles in life. Man can scale great heights by reading between the lines of quotations.
This book titled Dictionary of Quotations presents quotations by world-famous luminaries, to name a few— Confucius, William Shakespeare, John F. Kennedy, Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, Lord Buddha, Swami Vivekananda. Each and every quoted world in this unique peerless dictionary is sure to uplift man emotionally, intellectually and spiritually.
These quotations are evergreen, everlasting and have existed since time immemorial.

Dictionary of Quotations from Ancient and Modern, English and Foreign Sources by James Wood

SKU: 6235989715069

The present “Book of Quotations” was undertaken in the belief that, notwithstanding the many excellent compilations of the kind already in existence, there was room for another that should glean its materials from a wider area, and that should have more respect to the requirements, both speculative and practical, of the times we live in. The wide-spread materials at command had never yet been collected into a single volume, and certain modern writings, fraught with a wisdom that supremely deserves our regard, had hardly been quarried in at all.

Dictionary of Science by Bhawani Kumar

SKU: 9789350488539

This Dictionary of Science has been compiled as a convenient and immediately accessible reference book. Every aspect of its conception and layout has been planned to help the reader to find the scientific information he/she needs with minimum difficulty. Most of the terms come from a wide range of disciplines, particularly—chemistry, physics computers, life sciences, earth sciences and numerous branches of engineering and technology. While compiling this dictionary, emphasis has been placed on basic scientific principles, phenomena and processes. All major classifications, materials and their utilities and important definitions have been included.
Both concise and wide-ranging, this dictionary is an ideal reference work for students and a great introduction for non-scientists, and it passes the most difficult test of any dictionary—it is well worth browsing

Dictionary of Social Sciences by Dr. Anil Kumar Mishra/ Dr. Sudhir Kumar Mishra

SKU: 9789351867661

Dictionary of Social Sciences’ is a comprehensive reference work with over 1700 entries ranging from fifty to five hundred words covering topics such as anthropology, sociology, economics, political science, cultural studies, human and cultural geography.
The Dictionary is aimed at students and scholars who need ready access to defined terms in a social science outside of their immediate area of expertise; for example, an economist needing information regarding a political science term.
A must have book for readers having keen interest in social sciences.

Dictionary of Spelling by Pramod K Chaudhari

SKU: 9789350486153

To write English well, one needs vocabulary, grammar, an understanding of punctuation and good spelling.
“Why is English spelling such a nightmare?” To begin with, English is remarkable for the number of words that can have more than one correct spelling: protestor/protester, judgement/judgment and eyeing/ eying are all permitted spelling whereas ‘accomodation’ is not a permitted variant of ‘accommodation’.
This user-friendly book has thousands of words and tips to improve your spelling and ensure you get it right. Bouquet, boutique, fiancé(e), chauffeur, chemise, ennui, lingerie, ensemble, rouge, a la carte, coquette, nouveau riche are some of the French words used in English. There are many other misspelt foreign words. They are all listed in this book on mastering spelling.
Then there is a list of positive words that make sure you feel good, words of motivation! There is a special section devoted to spelling list for students. Commonly misspelt homophones are listed separately.
This valuable book is recommended for use for students, teachers, writers, editors and anyone working with the written word.

Dictionary of Synonyms & Antonyms by Anil Mishra

SKU: 9789350488560

The concept of Dictionary of Synonyms & Antonyms is to provide illustrated examples to show how words of less obvious sense are used, and markers such as ‘informal’, ‘derogatory’, and ‘obsolete’ highlight the usage style. It is replete with appropriate words that will help improve the vocabulary to a great extent. A person who has to use words to express himself or his thoughts in a better manner will benefit from owning a Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms. It is a handy reference book for better choice of words to enhance and improve language skills.This book serves this purpose more than any other. This useful reference goes beyond a thesaurus, explaining the fine shades of meaning that differentiate synonyms. Alphabetical arrangement of terms makes it easy to find the right words.
Similarly Antonyms, meanings and their usages have also been provided.
This is a good book to have if you are a poet, writer, student, or just a word-lover. It will serve as a useful guide to find and use the most appropriate word.

Dictionary of Verbs by Harmik Vaishnav

SKU: 9789350484845

Verb’ is the most important word of an English sentence. It denotes the action, tells or asserts something about a person or thing. There cannot be a sentence without a verb. The form of a verb changes as the tense. There are four forms of the verb namely—present, present participle, past tense and past participle. There are different kinds of verbs like regular and irregular verbs and transitive and intransitive verbs. In learning any language, the tense is the most important aspect of grammar and the verb is the most important in tenses.
In this book there is a compilation of many verbs in alphabetical order with all the four forms of present, present participle, past tense and past participle. Each form is explained with a sentence for understanding the usage of the said form.
This book will be useful to understand the right use of verbs. It will be useful to students, aspirants of competitive exams, professionals and of course the lovers of English language.

Diet and Health; With Key to the Calories by Lulu Hunt Peters

SKU: 9788184305199

Fat individuals have always been considered a joke, but you are a joke no longer. Instead of being looked upon with friendly tolerance and amusement, you are now viewed with distrust, suspicion, and even aversion! How dare you hoard fat when our nation needs it? You don’t dare to any longer. You never wanted to be fat anyway, but you did not know how to reduce, and it is proverbial how little you eat. Why, there is Mrs. Natty B. Slymm, who is beautifully thin, and she eats twice as much as you do, and does not gain an ounce. You know positively that eating has nothing to do with it, for one time you dieted, didn’t eat a thing but what the doctor ordered, besides your regular meals, and you actually gained.
Book with the right methods of gaining weight, as well as those for losing weight.

Difficult & Confusing Words by Najmussehar

SKU: 9788184305025

Words that are frequently miss pelt, misused, misunderstood or mispronounced or that are genuinely obscure. This book concentrates only on the Words which present difficulties & confusion to the average English users. It provides clear definitions of the more unusual and troublesome Words in the English language.

Digital Revolutionaries Who Have Change the World by Kalyani Mookherji

SKU: 9788184305234

The invention of the transistor, the earliest computing machines, the World Wide Web and its evolution into the internet marked the high points of this part of the digital revolution. These inventions changed the way people worked, studied as well as sought information and of entertainment. These inventions transformed entertainment, socializing, commerce, politics and studies in ways that would hardly be conceivable a generation back.
The next major stage in the digital revolution was the arrival of mobile devices, starting with the cellphone in 1973. Eventually this led to the development of tablets and smartphones where a significant feature is the integration with internet as well as online products and services. This has, in turn, opened up the scope for business, networking – both social and professional – and entertainment as never before.
Not surprisingly a new breed of technology experts and entrepreneurs has sprung up to take advantage of this dynamic new medium. Greatest Digital Revolutionaries offers a brief glimpse into the work, achieve-ments and future plans of some such individuals who have significantly contributed to the fields of ecommerce, information technology and related businesses.

Diplomacy & Diaspora by Dr Lm Singhvi

SKU: 9789351862505

National Security at its simplest means the nation’s control of its borders and the preservation of its territorial integrity including its airspace and territorial waters. Above all, it means the protection of national institutions of governance and the freedom of the people without subversion, infiltration and disruption.
On the other hand, there can be no real national security without international security. Diplomacy is an instrument of establishing and maintaining the equilibrium of national and international security.
Both diplomacy and national security have their roots in the conceptual scheme and operational aspects of sovereignty, which is the hallmark of States.
National security and diplomacy are inextricably interwoven. Indeed defence and diplomacy, the diplomat and the soldier have much in common except that their battle-lines and locations, their target areas, their weapons and equipment and their strategies and tactics are distinct and are tackled differently.
Diplomacy is the defence of one’s country and its interests beyond its frontiers, but in a sense, diplomacy only an extension of national security. The intelligence network of the country both within the country and overseas plays a vital role in both in diplomacy and for national security.

Dis-Ease of Medicine by Dr Anil Chaturvedi

SKU: 9789351862185

There is a wide grown belief that many of the qualities of good doctors have been lost in an effort to understand the disease rather than the problem of sick people. The efficiency and the effectiveness of medical individuals will be enhanced if the physicians converse with concern and create an expression to leave an impression. Without knowledge, impression and the highest ethical standards, no one can be a truly good physician. Hippocrates’s firm belief still holds true.
Modern western medicine lays great emphasis on evidence-based medicine, which they believe is scientific. The concept of what is scientific changes over time and varies between individual and institutions. Scientific modern values accept observation and measurements.
This book covers various aspects of medicine and health by one of the senior doctors with vast experience of curing people thru a blend of modern system of medicine and naturopathy.

Discipline and Other Sermons by Charles Kingsley

SKU: 9788184307272

These were the words of the Eastern sage, as he looked down from the mountain height upon the camp of Israel, abiding among the groves of the lowland, according to their tribes, in order, discipline, and unity. Before a people so organized, he saw well, none of the nations round could stand. Israel would burst through them, with the strength of the wild bull crashing through the forest. He would couch as a lion, and as a great lion. Who dare rouse him up?

Discourses on the First Decade of Titus Livius by Niccolo Machiavelli

SKU: 9788184306190

Discourses on the First Decade of Titus Livius’ is a work of political history and philosophy written in the early 16th century by the Italian writer and political theorist Niccolò Machiavelli, best known as the author of ‘The Prince’. The Discourses were published posthumously with papal privilege in 1531.

Discover the Power Within You by Arun H. Raikar

SKU: 9789350488638

We all have tremendous reservoirs of qualities and huge stocks of powers hidden inside us. The only thing required is to discover them. One will agree that each one of us is a good combination of pluses and minuses. No one is perfect or custom-made. At times we face failures because we tend to overlook where things went wrong. Sometimes we find that the goal set by us is not clear. That’s because the lens through which we look at the goal itself is not clear.
There is a misconception about success. There are people who assume that success is reserved only for a particular class, and that it is something beyond their reach. They also presume that they do not have the qualities or the assets necessary for major accomplishments.
Those whom one considers successful have discovered their powers and polished them. This book will make readers discover the power within them.

Disputation of Doctor Martin Luther on the Power and Efficacy of Indulgences by Martin Luther

SKU: 9788184305939

First published in 1517, ‘Disputation of Doctor Martin Luther on the Power and Efficacy of Indulgences’ is a list of propositions for an academic disputation written by Martin Luther, who started the Protestant Reformation, a schism in the Catholic Church which profoundly changed Europe.

Disputed Handwriting  by Jerome K Jerome

SKU: 9788184306394

“But few writers in the United States have expended their genius in the field of disputed, forged, or fraudulent handwriting. In France and Germany the subject has been more studied, and in both languages several valuable books have appeared, while in this country it is only recently that disputed handwriting has been looked upon as one of the sciences.
“Up to the time of the publication of this work nothing has appeared in the United States on the subject of disputed handwriting, short magazine and newspaper articles sufficing.” -Preface