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365 Foreign Dishes

Starters, main courses and desserts from around the world, one dish for every day of the year. From Turkey to China, from India to England, from Austria to Egypt, a wide variety of mouth-watering cuisines are represented. Each recipe is described in one short paragraph, making this book perfect for dipping into when you?re seeking inspiration on what to cook. (Summary by Lucy Perry)

A Course of Lectures on the Principles of Domestic Economy and Cookery

“This course of lectures is designed to meet the wants of two classes of persons: First?Those who are experienced housekeepers, familiar with the principles and practice of cookery, but who desire information concerning the preparation of the finer dishes of the modern school. Second?The young ladies in attendance at the University and others like them, who have had their time and attention so engrossed with studies and other duties that they have not had the opportunity to qualify themselves in this most important branch of a woman?s education.” – Summary by From the Introduction

All-Time Favorite Cranberry Recipes

Published by Ocean Spray Cranberries, Inc., this book of recipes features cranberries in appetizers, salads, side dishes, main dishes, breads, cakes, cookies. desserts, and beverages. (Summary by Larry Wilson)

American Cookery

American Cookery, by Amelia Simmons, was the first known cookbook written by an American, published in 1796. Until this time, the cookbooks printed and used in what became the United States were British cookbooks, so the importance of this book is obvious to American culinary history, and more generally, to the history of America. The full title of this book was: American Cookery, or the art of dressing viands, fish, poultry, and vegetables, and the best modes of making pastes, puffs, pies, tarts, puddings, custards, and preserves, and all kinds of cakes, from the imperial plum to plain cake: Adapted to this country, and all grades of life. (Description from Wikipedia)

Cookie ‘n’ Cracker Cookin’

This is a short recipe book published by the United Biscuit Company of America, later to become the Keebler Company. Each recipe features one or more of their products the best known of which are Club Crackers, Town House Crackers, Honey Grahams, and Saltine Crackers. Categories range from appetizers through desserts. – Summary by Larry Wilson

Cottage Cheese Recipe Book

This short recipe book from the Borden Company has a full range of recipes including Appetizers, Salads, Salad Dressings, Breads, Main Dishes, and Desserts. – Summary by Larry Wilson

Culinary Herbs: Their Cultivation, Harvesting, Curing and Uses

This book describes use and care, and growing of herbs for cooking, healing and other interesting miscellaneous information related to herbs. – Summary by Crystalarmeta

The American Housewife

This cookbook and reference guide leads the American Housewife through how to make everything from Meat to Common Drinks, as well as helpful tips and tricks for any housewife! Also included in this fine text are sections on Cooking for The Sick, and how to make your own: Essences, Perfumes, Dyes and Soaps. This work also features an extensive section on The Art of Carving-Which covers anything you might need to carve! (Summary by Jennifer Stearns)

The Book of Household Management

“Mrs. Beeton’s” is a guide to all aspects of running a household in Victorian Britain. Published in 1861, it was an immediate bestseller, running to millions of copies within just a few years. In the cookery sections, Mrs. Beeton follows the animal “from his birth to his appearance on the table.? Learn how to care for poultry during moulting season, how to wean calves, how to cure hams, salt cod, carve mutton, and much more. (Summary by Wikipedia and Sarah Jennings)

The Book of Ices, Ice Beverages, Ice-Creams and Ices

Summer is around the corner, time to make ice cream! This volume contains tried and true recipes for all kinds of cold drinks and desserts to cool off on a hot summer day. Though published in 1891, these recipes can still sweeten this year’s season. – Summary by Carolin

The Cooking Manual of Practical Directions for Economical Every-Day Cookery

Food is one of the necessities but also one of the greatest pleasures. Knowing how to cook a good meal is therefore extremely important for all of us. Maybe you can find some inspiration for tonight’s dinner in this 1877 cook book by Juliet Corson. – Summary by Carolin

The Experienced English Housekeeper

‘Cut a large old hare in small pieces, and put it in a mug with three blades of mace, a little salt, two large onions, one red herring, six morels, half a pint of red wine, three quarts of water, bake it in a quick oven three hours…’. English cooking at its best from eighteenth-century celebrity chef, Elizabeth Raffald. Born in Doncaster, Raffald worked for 15 years as housekeeper in great houses, including that of Lady Elisabeth Warburton at Arley Hall, Cheshire, before setting up as a confectioner and innkeeper in Manchester. The Experienced English Housekeeper was published in 1769 and ran to 13 editions. This reading is from the 10th edition (1786) and includes 900 recipes (or as listeners will discover, receipts). Vegetarians take note, some sections of this book contain large quantities of meat! (Summary by Phil Benson)