Dramatic Readings
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1601: Conversation, as it was by the Social Fireside, in the Time of the Tudors
Please note: this recording contains strong language. “1601,” wrote Mark Twain, “is a supposititious conversation which takes place in Queen Elizabeth’s closet in that year, between the Queen, Ben Jonson, Beaumont, Sir Walter Raleigh, the Duchess of Bilgewater, and one or two others … If there is a decent word findable in it, it is because I overlooked it.” 1601 depicts a highfalutin and earthy discussion between the Queen and her court about farting and a variety of sexual peccadillos, narrated disapprovingly and sanctimoniously by the Queen’s Cup-Bearer, an eyewitness at “the Social Fireside.” [Summary by Denny Sayers] Cast: Introduction ? Denny Sayers Narrator ? Jonathan Horniblow The Queen ? miette Beaumonte ? David Lawrence Lady Margery Boothy ? Kristin Hughes Lady Alice Dilberry, Ben Jonson, Lord Bacon ? Ruth Golding Lady Helen ? Philippa Sir Walter Ralegh ? Mark F. Smith Shaxpur ? Andy Minter
2 B R 0 2 B (Dramatic Reading)
Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. was a prolific and genre-bending American novelist known for works blending satire, black comedy, and science fiction, such as Slaughterhouse-Five, Cat’s Cradle, and Breakfast of Champions. 2 B R 0 2 B is a satiric short story that imagines life (and death) in a future world where aging has been “cured” and population control is mandated and administered by the government. (Summary by Wikipedia and Laurie Anne Walden) This recording is done as a dramatic reading. Characters: Narrator: Denny Sayers Hospital Orderly: Mark F. Smith Painter: Alan Davis-Drake Leora Duncan: Laurie Anne Walden Dr. Hitz: Michael Yard Wehling: Julian Jamison Federal Bureau of Termination hostess: Kara Shallenberg
Agnes Grey (Dramatic Reading)
Agnes Grey is the daughter of a minister, whose family comes to financial ruin. Desperate to earn money to care for herself, she takes one of the few jobs allowed to respectable women in the early Victorian era, as a governess to the children of the wealthy. In working with two different families, the Bloomfields and the Murrays, she comes to learn about the troubles that face a young woman who must try to rein in unruly, spoiled children for a living, and about the ability of wealth and status to destroy social values. After her father’s death, Agnes opens a small school with her mother and finds happiness with a man who loves her for herself. (Summary by Wikipedia) Cast: Narrator/Mary Grey/Grandmama Bloomfield: CaprishaPage Agnes Grey: Amanda Friday Edward Weston: Max K?rlinge Alice Grey: Tiffany Halla Colonna Richard Grey: Aidan Brack Mr. Murray/Uncle Robson: Anthony Mrs. Murray/Jem’s Wife: Elizabeth Klett Rosalie Murray: Arielle Lipshaw Matilda Murray: Elizabeth Barr Mr. Hatfield: Algy Pug Jem/Mr. Smith: Martin Geeson Servant: Charlotte Duckett Nancy Brown: Beth Thomas Mrs. Bloomfield: Victoria Martin Tom Bloomfield: Grace Mary Ann Bloomfield: April Gonzales Mr. Bloomfield: Robert Hoffman Betty: Kristingj Audio edited by Amanda Friday
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (Dramatic Reading)
This classic tale by Lewis Carroll has delighted children for generations. Alice falls down a rabbit hole and encounters a wide variety of strange and wonderful creatures in all manner of bizarre situations. Join Alice as she journeys through Wonderland, trying to make sense of what she finds there. This version is read dramatically, with different readers voicing the different characters. (Summary by Lucy Perry) Cast Narrator: David Goldfarb Alice: Miss Avarice The White Rabbit: BellonaTimes Mouse: cher0520 Lory: Availle Duck: Jessamy Gloor Dodo: Tim Ferreira Eaglet: Dennis D. Old Crab: Joshua Logan Young Crab: Sonja Magpie: Lucy Perry Canary: ElleyKat Pat: Terence Taylor Bill: Aidan Brack Guinea Pig 1: Rat King Guinea Pig 2: Kelseigh Caterpillar: Algy Pug Pigeon: Kelseigh Fish-Footman: Terence Frog-Footman: Peter Yearsley Cook: Ana Baby: Elizabeth Klett Duchess: Heather Phillips Cheshire Cat: Elizabeth Klett March Hare: Denny Sayers Hatter: Arielle Lipshaw Dormouse: Ruth Golding Five: Neeru Iyer Two: Elli Seven: Henry Frigon Soldier 1: Dennis D. Soldier 2: Philbert Soldier 3: Lucy Perry Queen of Hearts: Nadine Eckert-Boulet King of Hearts: Peter Yearsley Gryphon: Algy Pug Mock Turtle: Kara Shallenberg Knave of Hearts: Levi Throckmorton Alice’s Sister: Diana Majlinger Audio edited by Elizabeth Klett and Arielle Lipshaw
Black Beauty (version 3 Dramatic Reading)
Black Beauty is a fictional autobiographical memoir told by a horse, who recounts many tales, both of cruelty and kindness. The title page of the first edition states that it was “Translated from the Original Equine by Anna Sewell.” After its publication in 1877, Sewell lived just long enough to see her first and only novel become an immediate bestseller, as well as it encouraging the better treatment of many cruelly-treated animals. Although initially intended for people who work with horses, it soon became a children’s classic. While outwardly teaching animal welfare, it also contains allegorical lessons about how to treat people with kindness, sympathy and respect. The story is narrated in the first person and each short chapter relates an incident in Black Beauty’s life, with Sewell’s detailed observations and extensive descriptions of horse behaviour lending the novel a good deal of verisimilitude. (Summary by Cori Samuel, Wikipedia, and Mary Kay) Black Beauty: Arielle Lipshaw Ginger: Beth Thomas Squire Gordon: Larry Wilson John Manly: Oxenhandler James Howard: Nolan Fout Jeremiah Barker: Todd Polly Barker: Kristin Gjerl?w Other roles read by: Nick Bulka, Zames Curran, Nolan Fout, Freakwhency, Kristin Gjerl?w, Ricky of Kokiri, Lydia, MaryAnn, Oxenhandler, Adele de Pignerolles, Rachel, Esther ben Simonides, K. Adrian Stroet, Joseph Tabler, Beth Thomas, Todd, Elizabeth Travers, Maggie Travers, Twinkle, Tomas Peter, and Larry Wilson Audio edited by Kim, Arielle Lipshaw, and Adele de Pignerolles
Courage (Dramatic Reading)
Courage follows the story of Courage, a young 12-year-old orphaned girl, who adapts to to meeting and living with new people. She lives up to her name . . . but, what becomes of her in the end? – Summary by bhavya Courage: Elsie Selwyn Larry: Larry Wilson Sylvia: LikeManyWaters Miss Julia: Beth Thomas Mary Duff: Foon Gentleman/David/Mr. Everett: TriciaG John: Josh Kibbey Celia Thaxter: Leanne Yau Big Bob: Campbell Schelp Man, Captain, Man 2: Bhavya Boy: William White Dick, Father, Bruce: Elijah Fisher Mrs. Everett: Anita Sloma-Martinez Big Girl: Evie Maria Small Girl: Zoe Trang Irishman: ChadH94 Narrator: Aaron White and Chuck Williamson Edited by bhavya, Larry Wilson, and Linny Proof-listened by Elijah Fisher and Lynette Caulkins
Crime and Punishment (Version 4 Dramatic Reading)
The story tells of the inner turmoil of Rodion Raskolnikov, a student in St. Petersburg who commits murder. His psychological and moral agitation is furthered and complicated by his family’s arrival in St. Petersburg, his sister’s engagement to a manipulative and unworthy man, and his encounters with the impoverished and troubled Marmeladov family. Summary by Mary J. Cast Narrator: Mary J and Piotr Nater Rodion Romanovitch Raskolnikov: Chris Pyle Semyon Zaharovitch Marmeladov: John Burlinson Katerina Ivanovna Marmeladova: TJ Burns Nastasya Petrovna: Patricia Silveira Pulcheria Alexandrovna Raskolnikova: Beth Thomas Alexander Grigorievich Zametov: Foon Dmitri Prokofitch Razumihin: Zach K. Zossimov: Brett G. Hirsch Pyotr Petrovitch Luzhin: Eduardo Amalia Fyodorovna Lippevechsel (Amalia Ludwigovna, Amalia Ivanovna): Availle Avdotya Romanovna Raskolnikova (Dounia): K.G.Cross Sofya Semyonovna Marmeladova (Sonia): Wanda White Arkady Ivanovitch Svidriga?lov: Antti V?h?kainu Porfiry Petrovitch: tovarisch Andrey Semyonovitch Lebeziatnikov: Peter Tucker Various other roles read by: tiwo007, alanmapstone, Algy Pug, Eva Davis, Antonio Soto Pati?o, Dafni Ma, Jael Baldwin, Antti V?h?kainu, Mark Chulsky, Leanne Yau, Lian Pang, linny, Lydia, MaryAnn, Melanie T, A LibriVox Volunteer, KHand, Oxenhandler, Paezra, Tom Penn, Recording Person, David Purdy, SaraHale, sashelliott, SherlHolmesMD, Larry Wilson, Christine Lehmar, Ashur Gharavi, Joseph Tabler, Michele Eaton, Katherine Edmar, Zechariah Ramar Edited by: linny Proof listeners: Kim, linny, Piotr Nater, KevinS, Tomewing, Grace Peters, Lynette Caulkins, and KHand.
Dramatic Reading Scene and Story Collection, Volume 001
LibriVox readers present a collection of their favorite chapters and short stories, with the original author?s words all brought to life with different reader voices for each character in our popular Dramatic Reading style. This volume includes Anne’s Confession from Anne of Green Gables by Lucy Maud Montgomery, Coming Home from Mates of Billabong by Mary Grant Bruce [not PD in Australia or Europe], Scandal in Bohemia from The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, The Tunnel Under the World by Frederik Pohl [only PD in the US], The Valley of the Shadow of Death from For the Term of His Natural Life by Marcus Clarke, Five Stories from the Chronicles of Clovis by Saki, The Proof of the Pudding from The Story Girl by Lucy Maud Montgomery, The Garden Party and A Dill Pickle by Katherine Mansfield, and The Tale of Samuel Whisker or The Roly Poly Pudding by Beatrix Potter. Cast lists: Chapter XIV, Anne’s Confession, from Anne of Green Gables BC: Beth Thomas Edited By: Maria Kasper Anne Shirley: Rachel Marilla Cuthbert: Saskatoonie Matthew Cuthbert: Norman Elfer Narrator for Anne’s Confession: Kristin Gjerl?w Chapter VI, Coming Home, from Mates at Billabong Edited By: Maria Kasper Nora: Beth Thomas Jim: ToddHW Mrs. Brown: Kristin Gjerl?w Wally: Larry Wilson Mr. Linton: Algy Pug Dr. Anderson: Larry Wilson Cecil: Esther ben Simonides Billy: Rosslyn Carlyle Narrator for Coming Home: Teresa Bauman Scandal in Bohemia, from The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Edited By: Maria Kasper Dr John Watson (who is the Narrator): Algy Pug Sherlock Holmes: Beth Thomas The King of Bohemia: azureblue Irene Adler: Sarah Terry Godfrey Norton: Eden Rea-Hedrick Bystander: Willy Irene?s Maid: Etel Buss The Tunnel Under the World Edited By: Maria Kasper Narrated By: SionedV Guy Burckhardt: Beth Thomas April Horn/Janet: Kristin Gjerl?w Swanson: Larry Wilson Mary Burckhardt: Elizabeth Klett Cigarette seller/Advertiser: Norman Elfer Miss Mitkin: Rosslyn Carlyle Narrator: SionedV Mr. Dorchin: Bruce Pirie Chapter 27, The Valley of the Shadow of Death, from For the Term of His Natural Life Edited by: TimoleonWash Narrator: Beth Thomas Jemmy Vetch ?The Crow?: Ali Kazerani Gabbett: Truman Thames Alick Sanders ?The Moocher?: Mark Chulsky Greenhill: TimoleonWash Tom Bodenham: Glenn O’Brien 5 Stories from The Chronicals of Clovis Read and edited by: : Peter Yearsley : Philippa : Lucy Perry Chapter 17, The Proof of the Pudding, from The Story Girl Editor: Rachel Beverly/Narrator: Savannah Felicity: Rachel Dan: Glenn O’Brien Peter: Willy Cecily: Lydia Sara (The Story Girl): Beth Thomas Uncle Roger: David Lawrence The Garden Party Edited by: Ernst Pattynama Narrator: Elizabeth Klett Meg: Kristin Gjerl?w Mother: Beth Thomas Laura: thestorygirl Tall Man: Truman Thames Pale Man: Zames Curran Workman: Zames Curran Sadie: Lydia Jose: Esther ben Simonides Godber’s Man: ToddHW Kitty Maitland: Jessie Yun Lady 1: Elizabeth Klett Lady 2: Newgatenovelist Lady 3: Anna Simon Mr Sheridan: Ray Kasper Cook: MaryAnn Laurie, Hans: Amy Gramour Woman 1: Rapunzelina Woman 2: Vanessa Cooley A Dill Pickle Edited by : Rapunzelina Narrator: Larry Wilson Vera: Savannah Thomas: ToddHW The Tale of Samuel Whiskers, or, The Roly Poly Pudding Edited by: Rachel Narrator: Rachel Tabitha Twitchit (a mother cat): Beth Thomas Ribby (Tabitha’s cousin): Bria Snow Moppett (a mischievous female kitten): Kristin Gjerl?w Mittens: SuperCoconut Tom Kitten (a mischievous male kitten): Jessie Yun Samuel Whiskers: Willy Anna Maria (The wife of Samuel, a villainous rat): Vanessa Cooley
Dramatic Reading Scene and Story Collection, Volume 002
Librivox readers present a collection of their favorite chapters and short stories, with the original author?s words all brought to life with different reader voices for each character in our popular Dramatic Reading style. This volume includes Various Detectives, Cute Animals, Talking Fireworks, and Interesting People and Situations: See cast list for authors and book/story names. – Summary by ToddHW Cast list: 01. Adventure of the Dying Detective by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle; Run by:: Beth Thomas (1974-2020) Sherlock Holmes: Peter Yearsley Mr Culverton-Smith: TJ Burns Butler (to Mr Smith): Leanne Yau Mrs Hudson: Foon Inspector Morton: Beth Thomas (1974-2020) Dr John Watson: johnnyenglish : 02. An Unexpected Result by Edward P. Roe; Run by:: LikeManyWaters Narrator: LikeManyWaters Jack Ackland: johnnyenglish Will Munson: Chuck Williamson Eva van Tyne: thestorygirl Mrs Alston: Availle Eva?s Aunt: Foon ?Half a dozen voices?: Larry Wilson A friend: Sonia : 03. The Purloined Letter by Edgar Allan Poe; Run by:: Chuck Williamson Mr C Dupin: Seamus Dobbin Prefect G: Joe Bly Narrator: Chuck Williamson : 04. The Stolen Bacillus by H. G. Wells; Run by:: Sonia Narrator: Availle Bacteriologist: johnnyenglish Anarchist: ToddHW Minnie: Beth Thomas (1974-2020) Old Tootles: Rob Marland Ostler Boy: Eitel Tommy Biles: Adrian Stephens Cabman: Scott Caulkins Another Cabman: Sonia : 05. The Wind in the Willows, Chapters 3 and 4, by Kenneth Grahame; Run by:: Peter Yearsley Narrator: thestorygirl Rat: TJ Burns Mole: Beth Thomas (1974-2020) Badger: johnnyenglish Otter: Foon Hedgehog: Jasmin Salma Rabbit: Peter Yearsley : 06. The Remarkable Rocket by Oscar Wilde; Run by:: Rob Marland Narrator: Rob Marland Rocket: Joe Bly Prince and Dragon-fly: lorda Page, Squib, and The People: Jasmin Salma Princess, Catherine Wheel, and Goose: Beth Thomas (1974-2020) King and Frog: Adrian Stephens Roman Candle, Workman, and The People: Lynette Caulkins Cracker: Hannoria Bengal Light, Duck, and The People: TJ Burns First Boy: ToddHW Second Boy: Grace Buchanan Fire-balloon: Grace Buchanan : 07. The Diamond Necklace by Guy De Maupassant; Run by:: Campbell Schelp Narrator: Betsy Walker Mathilde Loisel: Sonia Monsieur Loisel: Larry Wilson Jeanne Forestier: Beth Thomas (1974-2020) Jeweler: Foon : 08. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button by F. Scott Fitzgerald; Run by:: Lynette Caulkins Narrator: James K. White Roger Button: Rob Marland Doctor Keene: Larry Wilson First Nurse: Lynette Caulkins Second Nurse: Beth Thomas (1974-2020) Benjamin Button: Adrian Stephens Store Clerk: Grace Buchanan Mr. Hart: KevinS First Undergraduate: lorda Second Undergraduate: Patrick Glenn Hildegarde: Availle Townspeople: ToddHW Roscoe Button: Chuck Williamson Sentry: lorda Colonel: Scott Caulkins : 09. The Tale of the Pie and the Patty-Pan by Beatrix Potter; Run by:: Beth Thomas (1974-2020) Narrator: johnnyenglish Ribby (a cat): Beth Thomas (1974-2020) Duchess (a dog): Betsy Walker Dr Maggotty (a magpie): Larry Wilson Cousin Tabitha Twitchit (a cat): Devorah Allen : 10. A Retrieved Reformation by O. Henry; Run by:: Larry Wilson Narrator: Sarah Hite Jimmy Valentine: Adrian Stephens Warden: Availle Mike Dolan: Rob Marland Ben Pierce: Joe Bly Mr Adams: ToddHW Annabelle: TJ Burns Mother: Beth Thomas (1974-2020)
Dramatic Reading Scene and Story Collection, Volume 003
Librivox readers present a collection of their favorite chapters and short stories, with the original author?s words all brought to life with different reader voices for each character in our popular Dramatic Reading style. This volume includes readings from Louisa May Alcott, two by L M Montgomery, Lewis Carroll, Victor Hugo, Kate Chopin, C K Chesterton, Jack London, and A A Milne. NOTE that Milne died in 1956 and this story is not PD in for listeners in Europe and/or Australia, and other countries which observe copyright of author’s death +70 years. – Summary by ToddHW Cast lists: 1. The Masked Marriage from Little Women by Louisa May Alcott. BC for this DR is Salvationist Sam Pickwick: Joanna Michal Hoyt Ferdinand Deveraux: Pelham Flowerdew Count de Avalon: Wayne Cooke Fairy Queen: MaybeCordelia Troubadour: David Purdy 2. Barriers Swept Away from Anne’s House of Dreams by L. M. Montgomery. BC for this DR is Bookworm360 Anne Blythe-Shirley: Michele Eaton Leslie Moore: MaybeCordelia Narrator: Joanna Michal Hoyt 3. A Mad Tea Party from Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll . BC for this DR is jennlea Narrator: Peter Yearsley Alice: Bookwork360 Hatter: Wayne Cooke March Hare: Eitel Dormouse: Jenn Broda 4. By Courier by O. Henry, from his collection The Four Million. BC for this DR is JoannaHoyt Young Man: ToddHW Boy: Greg Giordano Young Lady: MaybeCordelia Robert Ashburton: Wayne Cooke Narrator: Joanna Michal Hoyt 05. The Bishop Works and Little Gervais, from Les Miserables by Victor Hugo and translated by Isabel F. Hapgood. BC for this DR is ElizaZ Narrator: Joanna Michal Hoyt Madame Magloire: TJ Burns Monseigneur Bienvenue: ToddHW Jean Valjean: Wayne Cooke Little Gervais: Jasmin Salma Priest: Larry Wilson 6. The Kiss by Kate Chopin. BC for this DR is wib66 Brantain: ToddHW Harvy: Greg Giordano Natalie: Matea Bracic Narrator: Michele Eaton 7. The Eye of Apollo, by G.K. Chesterton, from The Innocence of Father Brown. BC for this DR is Mozartjr Narrator: Mozartjr Father Brown: Kalamareader Kalon the Prophet: GregGiordano Flambeau: Kalamareader Ms. Joan Stacey: Aligator Ms. Pauline Stacey: LCaulkins 8. The Quarantine at Alexander Abraham’s by L.M. Montgomery, from The Chronicles of Avonlea. Bookwork360 is the BC for this DR Narrator/Peter-Angelina MacPherson:Bookworm360 Rev. Allan:Kalamareader Mrs. Allan:WendyKatzHiller Alexander Abraham Bennett:ToddHW Dr. Blair:GregGiordano 9. Chapter 5 of Hearts of Three by Jack London. SCaulkins is the BC for this DR Narrator: Lynette Caulkins Francis Morgan: Greg Giordano Pedro Zurita: Scott Caulkins Rafael: Wayne Cooke Gendarme: ToddHW Ignacio: Larry Wilson Augustino: Jim Locke Henry Morgan: Ben Tucker 10. The Making Of A Christmas Story, from Happy Days by A. A. Milne ( – 1956). ElizaZ is BC for this DR NOTE: Milne died in 1956. This story is not PD for readers in Europe and/or Australia, and other countries which observe copyright of author’s death +70 years. Author: Wayne Cooke Editor: Greg Giordano Alice: Lynette Caulkins Robert Hardrow: Mozartjr Elsie: Eliza
The Adventures of Chatterer the Red Squirrel (Dramatic Reading)
Author and editor of numerous children’s books, Thornton W. Burgess was also a noted conservationist. In writing for youngsters he combined a gift for storytelling with his love of the outdoors, creating an entertaining menagerie of animals whose adventures he skillfully recounted in a series of charming fables. In them, he taught young readers about nature and encouraged them to love the “lesser folk in fur and feathers.” In this delightfully told tale, Burgess chronicles the escapades of Chatterer the Red Squirrel, who’s known throughout the Green Forest as a mischief maker. Narrowly escaping the clutches of Shadow the Weasel and Redtail the Hawk, the bushy-tailed little fellow decides to leave the forest for a new home, only to learn that curiosity, carelessness, and mistrust can lead to a heap of troubles. First published in 1915, this engaging story will charm readers of all ages ? as well as young listeners. Recorded by students of Houghton College in Houghton, NY Characters: Mercedes Miller: Narrator Joe Miner: Chatterer Hannah Messerschmidt: Reddy, Pussy, Boy, Voices Kaitlyn McKinney: Sammy, Mom, Porky, Tommy Robert Kuchar: Peter, Farmer, Shadow
The Adventures of Danny Meadow Mouse (Dramatic Reading)
Danny begins his tale regretting the length of his tail until he is corrected by Mr. Toad. Then he has a series of stalkings by Reddy and Granny Fox. He is captured by Hooty the Owl and escapes mid-flight to Peter Rabbit’s briar patch. Peter goes to Farmer Brown’s peach orchard and gets caught in a snare and barely escapes himself. Finally Danny gets trapped in a tin can and must use his wits to escape Reddy Fox again. (Summary from Wikipedia) Cast: Narrator…………………………Linette Geisel Danny Meadow Mouse…….Marty Kris Striped Chipmunk……………Elizabeth Klett Johnny Chuck…………………Barry Eads Old Mr. Toad…………………..Scott A. Jackson Reddy Fox……………………..Chris Marcellus Granny Fox…………………….Patti Cunningham Hooty the Owl………………….Elizabeth Klett Tommy Tit the Chickadee….Amy Gramour Peter Rabbit……………………ToddHW Farmer Brown…………………Barry Eads Farmer Brown’s Boy…………ChyAnne Donnell Audio Edited By: Linette Geisel This project was proof listened by Linette Geisel and ToddHW.
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (Dramatic Reading)
In order to escape his cruel father, and led by a thirst for adventure, Huck Finn sets off down the Mississippi River with Jim, an escaped slave. But trouble is never far behind them, and their adventures are only beginning when they meet up with two men who claim to be a duke and a king! And that?s before Jim gets captured by none other than Tom Sawyer?s aunt and uncle? who mistake Huck for Tom. The hilarious adventures and scrapes of Huck, Jim, Tom, and others are brought to life in this dramatic reading. – Summary by Rachel Cast Huckleberry Finn: Patrick Saville Tom Sawyer: Ashur Gharavi Jim: Oxenhandler The Duke of Bridgewater: Edward Kirkby The King: Zames Curran Uncle Silas: Evan Zeiger Aunt Sally: Kristin Gjerl?w Various other roles read by: Zames Curran, KHand, Ashur Gharavi, John Burlinson, K. Adrian Stroet, Donald Cummings, Willy, Larry Wilson, Joseph Tabler, Soumen Barua, Rachel, Twinkle, Availle Edited by: linny Proof listeners: Donald Cummings, Rachel, Nadiezda, Tawnya Roy, Zames Curran
The Adventures of Jerry Muskrat (Dramatic Reading)
Join us as we follow Jerry Muskrat and his friends on an adventure to discover what is threatening their homeland, Laughing Brook and Smiling Pool. (Summary by Linette Geisel) Cast: Narration: Marty Kris Jerry Muskrat: Phil Chenevert Peter Rabbit: Lucy Perry Billy Mink: ChyAnne Donnell Mother Muskrat: Linette Geisel Bobby Coon: Amy Gramour Mr. Coon: Glenn Previtera Grandfather Frog: ToddHW Little Joe Otter: Nicky Rivera Farmer Brown’s boy: ChyAnne Donnell Mr. Redwing: Chris Marcellus Spotty the Turtle: Barry Eads Ol’ Mistah Buzzard: Beverly Scott Paddy the Beaver: Leonard Wilson Audio edited by: Linette Geisel This project was proof listened by Linette Geisel and Marty Kris.
The Adventures of Mr. Mocker (Dramatic Reading)
When an innocent blue jay starts talking in his sleep, it’s up to him to find out what’s going on in this fun, naturalistic, Southern-style children’s story. (Summary by Miriam Esther Goldman) Cast: Narration: Marty Kris Mr. Mocker: Gargoyle Unc? Billy Possum: Barry Eads Old Mrs. Possum: Donna Lauten Jimmy Skunk: Phil Chenevert Sammy Jay: Marty Kris Peter Rabbit: om123 Jerry Muskrat: Marty Kris Hooty the Owl: Laurie Anne Walden Jenny Wren: Elisabeth Harvey Blacky the Crow: Beverly Scott Reddy Fox: JimOCR Boomer the Nighthawk: Marty Kris Bobby Coon: Marty Kris Sticky-Toes the Tree Toad: Cheri Gardner Mistah Buzzard: Beverly Scott Grandfather Frog: JimOCR Teensy Fly: ChyAnne Donnell Audio edited by: Phil Chenevert and Linette Geisel
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (Version 6 dramatic reading)
A collection of short Sherlock Holmes stories by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Dedicated to Beth Thomas. Summary by kathrinee. Cast List: Cast Sherlock Holmes: Peter Yearsley Dr. John Watson: johnnyenglish, and Tomas Peter Various other roles read by: Larry Wilson, Beth Thomas, Amelia Chesley, Adrian Stephens, Algy Pug, Lola Janie, Leanne Yau, Max K?rlinge, chuckconvr, Bernd Ungerer, Nemo, Rafe Ball, Foon, KHand, Rob Marland, TJ Burns, Zames Curran, and thestorygirl. Edited by: Peter Yearsley and johnnyenglish Proof listeners: Beth Thomas, johnnyenglish, Peter Yearsley, and Linette.
The Age of Innocence (Dramatic Reading)
The Age of Innocence centers on an upper-class couple’s impending marriage, and the introduction of a woman plagued by scandal whose presence threatens their happiness. Though the novel questions the assumptions and morals of 1870s’ New York society, it never devolves into an outright condemnation of the institution. In fact, Wharton considered this novel an “apology” for her earlier, more brutal and critical novel, The House of Mirth. Not to be overlooked is Wharton’s attention to detailing the charms and customs of the upper caste. The novel is lauded for its accurate portrayal of how the 19th-century East Coast American upper class lived, and this, combined with the social tragedy, earned Wharton a Pulitzer Prize ? the first Pulitzer awarded to a woman. Edith Wharton was 58 years old at publication; she lived in that world, and saw it change dramatically by the end of World War I. The title is an ironic comment on the polished outward manners of New York society, when compared to its inward machinations. (Summary by Wikipedia) Cast list: Newland Archer: Winston Tharp Lawrence Lefferts: Ernst Pattynama and: Algy Pug Christine Nillson : Elizabeth Klett and: Jenn Broda Sillerton Jackson: Bill Mosley Young Man/Thorley/Waiter/Mr. Merry: John Trevithick Mrs. Manson Mingott: Elizabeth Klett May Welland: CaprishaPage Mrs. Welland: Beth Thomas and: TJ Burns Ellen Olenska: Amanda Friday and: Lydia Mrs. Archer: Arielle Lipshaw Julius Beaufort: Jason Mills Janey Archer: Libby Gohn Henry van der Lyden: Ron Altman Louisa van der Lyden: Maryanka Gertrude Lefferts/Maid: Charlotte Duckett Nastasia : Diana Majlinger Duke of St. Austrey: Alan Mapstone Mrs. Struthers: Stefanie Heinrichs Butler: Oxenhandler Mr. Letterblair: tovarisch Ned Winsett: ToddHW Mr. Welland: Alan Mapstone Marchioness Medora Manson: Libby Gohn Dr. Carver: Alan Mapstone and Bob Neufeld Reggie Chivers: Drpage The Rector/Gov. of New York: tovarisch M. Riviere: ToddHW Miss Blenker/Young Lady: Naomi Park Miss Sophy Jackson: Elizabeth Klett Regina Beaufort: Charlotte Duckett Mrs. Lovell Mingott: Astrid Fingerhut Dallas: Chuck Williamson Narration: CaprishaPage and: Kathrine Engan and: ambsweet13 and: Pari Editing: CaprishaPage and: ToddHW
The Blind Brother (Version 2 Dramatic Reading)
A story of repentance and forgiveness set in the times of the the coal mines. Follow a blind boy and his brother determined to get him cured but also determined to live up to a moral code even if that mean years of blindness for Benny. See self sacrifice and family togetherness in this classic tale. – Summary by Luke Castle Cast List Narrator: Sky Asimaru Doctor: lorda Jack: Andrew James Bennie, Judge: larryhayes7 Lawyer Pleadwell: Adam Bielka Tom: Navin Sandy: RockyOctopus District Attorney, Lawyer Summons: Alan Mapstone Random Testifying Guy, Sheriff: Michael L Micheal Carolann, Irishman: Wayne Cooke Court Clerk, Little Fellow: ambsweet13 Mother: Lily Lewis G. Travers: peterbrashvoice Patsy: Rebecca Brown Neighbor: Twinkle Foreman: David Olson Edited by: David Olson