Showing 1951–2000 of 3730 results
Learn Bangla Through Hindi(Hindi To Bangla Learning Course)
“This book is ideal for high school & engineering students as well as hobbyists who have just started out building projects in Electrical and Electronics fields. The book starts with electrical and electronics fundamentals necessary for execution of projects. The basic knowledge is introduced first followed by a schematic diagram, components list and the theory behind the project to be performed is given. The projects have been divided into three segments corresponding to beginners, intermediate and engineering levels. The materials required to build the projects are commonly available at the corner shop and are less expensive than you think.
Ideal for beginners, high school (intermediate), engineering students and hobbyists
Useful for knowing basics of electronic components, circuit, and home lab setup.
Practical for doing projects at home or school laboratory
Learn Hindi Through Bangla(Bangla To Hindi Learning Course)
“Prastut Pustak me batchit sambandhit vakyo ko padhkar aap Bangla bhasha ka prayog Bazaar, Bus Stand, Office aadi jagho par asani se kar sakte hai. Yeh pustak un logo ko dhyan me rakhakar likhi gai hai jo hindi se Bangla bhasha sikhne ke ichchhuk hai. Bangla ke kai vidvano tatha manovaigyaniko se pramarsh ke pashchat is pustak ka sankalan kiya gya hai. Pathako ki suvidha ke liye is pustak ko kul panch khando me bata gya hai. Pustak ke saath Audio CD sanlagan hai jiska upyog kar aap saraltapurvak Banglabol sakte hai.
Pustak ke kuch pramukh ansh.
Bangla vyakaran se sambandhit Prayawachi Shabd, Vilom Shabd tatha Lokpriya Muhavaro ka prayog, Mahtvapuran Shabdavali me sharir ke vibhinn ang, aatmiy rishtedaron se sambandhit shabd, Khaad Samgri, Rog, Kide-Makodo, Janvaro ke Naam, Fal, Sabji tatha Vibhinn Dhatuo ke bare me jaankari di gai hai.
Pustak me Kya, Kyon, Kuon, Kaise aadi shabdo ka prayog Bazaar, Bank, Daakghar, Railway Station, Bus Stand, Restaurant aadi jagho par kis prakar Bangla bhasha me batchit kare iski vistrit jankari bhi di gai hai.
Aavedan patra, Abhinandan patra, Mitra ko patra, Pustako ke liye Order kis prakar likhe iska bhi udaharan pustak ke antim khand me nihit hai.
Pathako se anurodh hai ki Bangla sikhne ke liye is pustak me diye gaye batchit ke ansho ko pratidin avashaya padhe.
(This book helps people in learning Hindi langauge through rightful application of words and sentences in places like market, bus stands, offices, etc. It is specially designed for the people who wish to learn Bangla to hindi languague conversions. It is a compilation of exerts from various Hindi language experts and psychologists. The book has been divided into five parts to make it easier for the students to read and learn. It is available with a free Audio CD that helps individuals in learning to speak the language. Major parts of the boook: Hindi Grammar related synonyms, antonyms and usage of famous idioms, important words related to the body parts, foot items,family and relatives, diseases,insects, animals,fruits and vegetables and information related to metals. This book contains a list of words like what, why, how,who, etc. and their usage in Hindi language in places like markets, banks, post office, bus stand, restaurant, etc. in detail. The books also provides examples of application letters, invitation letters, letters to family and friends, letter to order for books in the last section. It is advisable for all the individuals to practice parts of speech and given grammar daily to have a command over the language.)
Learn Hindi Through Marathi(Marathi To Hindi Learning Course)
“Prastut Pustak me batchit sambandhit vakyo ko padhkar aap Marathi bhasha ka prayog Bazaar, Bus Stand, Office aadi jagho par asani se kar sakte hai. Yeh pustak un logo ko dhyan me rakhakar likhi gai hai jo hindi se Marathi bhasha sikhne ke ichchhuk hai. Marathi ke kai vidvano tatha manovaigyaniko se pramarsh ke pashchat is pustak ka sankalan kiya gya hai. Pathako ki suvidha ke liye is pustak ko kul panch khando me bata gya hai. Pustak ke saath Audio CD sanlagan hai jiska upyog kar aap saraltapurvak Marathibol sakte hai.
Pustak ke kuch pramukh ansh.
Marathi vyakaran se sambandhit Prayawachi Shabd, Vilom Shabd tatha Lokpriya Muhavaro ka prayog, Mahtvapuran Shabdavali me sharir ke vibhinn ang, aatmiy rishtedaron se sambandhit shabd, Khaad Samgri, Rog, Kide-Makodo, Janvaro ke Naam, Fal, Sabji tatha Vibhinn Dhatuo ke bare me jaankari di gai hai.
Pustak me Kya, Kyon, Kuon, Kaise aadi shabdo ka prayog Bazaar, Bank, Daakghar, Railway Station, Bus Stand, Restaurant aadi jagho par kis prakar Marathi bhasha me batchit kare iski vistrit jankari bhi di gai hai.
Aavedan patra, Abhinandan patra, Mitra ko patra, Pustako ke liye Order kis prakar likhe iska bhi udaharan pustak ke antim khand me nihit hai.
Pathako se anurodh hai ki Marathi sikhne ke liye is pustak me diye gaye batchit ke ansho ko pratidin avashaya padhe.
(This book helps people in learning Hindi langauge through rightful application of words and sentences in places like market, bus stands, offices, etc. It is specially designed for the people who wish to learn marathi to hindi languague conversions. It is a compilation of exerts from various Hindi language experts and psychologists. The book has been divided into five parts to make it easier for the students to read and learn. It is available with a free Audio CD that helps individuals in learning to speak the language. Major parts of the boook: Hindi Grammar related synonyms, antonyms and usage of famous idioms, important words related to the body parts, foot items,family and relatives, diseases,insects, animals,fruits and vegetables and information related to metals. This book contains a list of words like what, why, how,who, etc. and their usage in marathi language in places like markets, banks, post office, bus stand, restaurant, etc. in detail. The books also provides examples of application letters, invitation letters, letters to family and friends, letter to order for books in the last section. It is advisable for all the individuals to practice parts of speech and given grammar daily to have a command over the language.)
Learn Hindi Through Oriya(Oriya To Hindi Learning Course)
“Prastut Pustak me batchit sambandhit vakyo ko padhkar aap Odia bhasha ka prayog Bazaar, Bus Stand, Office aadi jagho par asani se kar sakte hai. Yeh pustak un logo ko dhyan me rakhakar likhi gai hai jo hindi se Odiabhasha sikhne ke ichchhuk hai. Odiake kai vidvano tatha manovaigyaniko se pramarsh ke pashchat is pustak ka sankalan kiya gya hai. Pathako ki suvidha ke liye is pustak ko kul panch khando me bata gya hai. Pustak ke saath Audio CD sanlagan hai jiska upyog kar aap saraltapurvak Odiabol sakte hai.
Pustak ke kuch pramukh ansh.
Odiavyakaran se sambandhit Prayawachi Shabd, Vilom Shabd tatha Lokpriya Muhavaro ka prayog, Mahtvapuran Shabdavali me sharir ke vibhinn ang, aatmiy rishtedaron se sambandhit shabd, Khaad Samgri, Rog, Kide-Makodo, Janvaro ke Naam, Fal, Sabji tatha Vibhinn Dhatuo ke bare me jaankari di gai hai.
Pustak me Kya, Kyon, Kuon, Kaise aadi shabdo ka prayog Bazaar, Bank, Daakghar, Railway Station, Bus Stand, Restaurant aadi jagho par kis prakar Odiabhasha me batchit kare iski vistrit jankari bhi di gai hai.
Aavedan patra, Abhinandan patra, Mitra ko patra, Pustako ke liye Order kis prakar likhe iska bhi udaharan pustak ke antim khand me nihit hai.
Pathako se anurodh hai ki Odiasikhne ke liye is pustak me diye gaye batchit ke ansho ko pratidin avashaya padhe.
(This book helps people in learning Hindi langauge through rightful application of words and sentences in places like market, bus stands, offices, etc. It is specially designed for the people who wish to learn oriya to hindi languague conversions. It is a compilation of exerts from various Hindi language experts and psychologists. The book has been divided into five parts to make it easier for the students to read and learn. It is available with a free Audio CD that helps individuals in learning to speak the language. Major parts of the boook: Hindi Grammar related synonyms, antonyms and usage of famous idioms, important words related to the body parts, foot items,family and relatives, diseases,insects, animals,fruits and vegetables and information related to metals. This book contains a list of words like what, why, how,who, etc. and their usage in Odia language in places like markets, banks, post office, bus stand, restaurant, etc. in detail. The books also provides examples of application letters, invitation letters, letters to family and friends, letter to order for books in the last section. It is advisable for all the individuals to practice parts of speech and given grammar daily to have a command over the language.)
Learn Hindi Through Telugu(Telugu To Hindi Learning Course)
“India is a vast country of continental size. Despite increasing literacy, English continues to be the link language for want of acceptable language within the country. However, Hindi still remains the language of the masses, spoken by more than half the population and understood by nearly three-fourths. Although Hindi is taught in school syllabi, its purpose is purely academic that hardly serves to promote national unity through ease in conversation. Understanding this need in filling this disjointed gap, V&S Publishers has taken the first fledging step by deciding to bring out a conversational Indian Language series, beginning with Telugu-to-Hindi module, in the name of “sampurna vyakaran sahit……..”
After years of research and hard work and supported by knowledgeable persons of literary taste, we have come out with this unique volume that is significantly different from all the other language learning courses out there. The major difference: this module format also provides the basics of grammar which are absent from all the other titles in the market. These basics of grammar not only provide knowledge base of the language, but also enable an individual to learn the language while speaking it.
Learn Kannada Through Hindi(Hindi To Kannada Learning Course)
Most scientifically prepared book for Kannada speakers who are interested in learning how to speak Hindi correctly and effectively. Everyday conversational tone and language has been used throughout the book for convenience in learning. A sentence in Kannada is immdiately followed in Hindi. The book can be used to pick up speaking Hindi at market places, shops, schools, colleges, bus stands, stations, trains, hospitals, banks and at other possible places where an average person is likely to go.
Learn Marathi Through Hindi(Hindi To Marathi Learning Course)
Prastut pustak ka sankalan Marathi k kayee vidvano tatha manovagyaniko se paramarsh k pashchyat kiya gaya hai. Prastut pustak me shamil baat chit se sambandhit vakiyo ko padh kar aap Marathi bhasha ka bazaar/ railway station / office aadi jaghao par aasani se prayog kar sakte hai. Yeh pustak un logo ko dhyaan me rakh kar likhi gai hai jo hindi se marathi bhasha seekhne k lea ikchuk hai. Pathko ki suvidha k lea es pustak ko panch khndo me baata gaya hai. Pustak k kuch pramukh aansh; marathi vrakran se sambandhit prayavachi sabdh, vilom sabdh tatha lokpriya muhavaron ka prayog , mehtapurn sabdhavali me shareer ki vibhin aank, rishtedaaro se sambandhit sabdh, khadiya samagri, rog, jaanvaro k naam, phal, sabzi tatha vibhin dhatuo k bare me jaankari di gie hai.Pustak me kya, kyu, kaun,kese aadi shabdho ka pyayog aadi baazzar,bank,daak ghar, railway station, bus stand, restraunt , aadi jagha par kis prakar marathi bhasha me kare iski vistrut jaan kari de gie hai. Aveden patra , abhinandan patra, mitro ko patra tatha pustako k lea order kis prakaar likhe eska bhi udharan pustak k aantim khand me deya gaya hai. Paathko se anurodh hai ki marathi seekhne k lea es pustak me dea gai baatchit k aansho ko pratidin prayog me lai. Agar aap k paas samay ka aabhav hai to pratidin keval do shabdho ka prayog sekhe. Dhere dherey marathi bhasha par aapki pakar majbut ho jaigi.(Most scientificall prepared book for Marathi speakers who are interested in learning how to speak Hindi correctly and effectively. Everyday conversational tone and language has been used throughout the book for convenience in learning. A sentence in Marathi is immdiately followed in Hindi. The book can be used to pick up speaking Hindi at market places, shops, schools, colleges, bus stands, stations, trains, hospitals, banks and at other possible places where an average person is likely to go.)
Learn Odia Through Hindi(Hindi To Odia Learning Course)
“Prastut Pustak me batchit sambandhit vakyo ko padhkar aap Odia bhasha ka prayog Bazaar, Bus Stand, Office aadi jagho par asani se kar sakte hai. Yeh pustak un logo ko dhyan me rakhakar likhi gai hai jo hindi se Odiabhasha sikhne ke ichchhuk hai. Odiake kai vidvano tatha manovaigyaniko se pramarsh ke pashchat is pustak ka sankalan kiya gya hai. Pathako ki suvidha ke liye is pustak ko kul panch khando me bata gya hai. Pustak ke saath Audio CD sanlagan hai jiska upyog kar aap saraltapurvak Odiabol sakte hai.
Pustak ke kuch pramukh ansh.
Odiavyakaran se sambandhit Prayawachi Shabd, Vilom Shabd tatha Lokpriya Muhavaro ka prayog, Mahtvapuran Shabdavali me sharir ke vibhinn ang, aatmiy rishtedaron se sambandhit shabd, Khaad Samgri, Rog, Kide-Makodo, Janvaro ke Naam, Fal, Sabji tatha Vibhinn Dhatuo ke bare me jaankari di gai hai.
Pustak me Kya, Kyon, Kuon, Kaise aadi shabdo ka prayog Bazaar, Bank, Daakghar, Railway Station, Bus Stand, Restaurant aadi jagho par kis prakar Odiabhasha me batchit kare iski vistrit jankari bhi di gai hai.
Aavedan patra, Abhinandan patra, Mitra ko patra, Pustako ke liye Order kis prakar likhe iska bhi udaharan pustak ke antim khand me nihit hai.
Pathako se anurodh hai ki Odiasikhne ke liye is pustak me diye gaye batchit ke ansho ko pratidin avashaya padhe.
(This book helps people in learning Odia langauge through rightful application of words and sentences in places like market, bus stands, offices, etc. It is specially designed for the people who wish to learn hindi to odia languague conversions. It is a compilation of exerts from various Hindi language experts and psychologists. The book has been divided into five parts to make it easier for the students to read and learn. It is available with a free Audio CD that helps individuals in learning to speak the language. Major parts of the boook: Odia Grammar related synonyms, antonyms and usage of famous idioms, important words related to the body parts, foot items,family and relatives, diseases,insects, animals,fruits and vegetables and information related to metals. This book contains a list of words like what, why, how,who, etc. and their usage in Odia language in places like markets, banks, post office, bus stand, restaurant, etc. in detail. The books also provides examples of application letters, invitation letters, letters to family and friends, letter to order for books in the last section. It is advisable for all the individuals to practice parts of speech and given grammar daily to have a command over the language.)
Learn Telugu Through Hindi(Hindi To Telugu Learning Course)
“Prastut Pustak me batchit sambandhit vakyo ko padhkar aap telugu bhasha ka prayog Bazaar, Bus Stand, Office aadi jagho par asani se kar sakte hai. Yeh pustak un logo ko dhyan me rakhakar likhi gai hai jo hindi se telugu bhasha sikhne ke ichchhuk hai. Telugu ke kai vidvano tatha manovaigyaniko se pramarsh ke pashchat is pustak ka sankalan kiya gya hai. Pathako ki suvidha ke liye is pustak ko kul panch khando me bata gya hai. Pustak ke saath Audio CD sanlagan hai jiska upyog kar aap saraltapurvak telugu bol sakte hai.
Pustak ke kuch pramukh ansh.
Telugu vyakaran se sambandhit Prayawachi Shabd, Vilom Shabd tatha Lokpriya Muhavaro ka prayog, Mahtvapuran Shabdavali me sharir ke vibhinn ang, aatmiy rishtedaron se sambandhit shabd, Khaad Samgri, Rog, Kide-Makodo, Janvaro ke Naam, Fal, Sabji tatha Vibhinn Dhatuo ke bare me jaankari di gai hai.
Pustak me Kya, Kyon, Kuon, Kaise aadi shabdo ka prayog Bazaar, Bank, Daakghar, Railway Station, Bus Stand, Restaurant aadi jagho par kis prakar telugu bhasha me batchit kare iski vistrit jankari bhi di gai hai.
Aavedan patra, Abhinandan patra, Mitra ko patra, Pustako ke liye Order kis prakar likhe iska bhi udaharan pustak ke antim khand me nihit hai.
Pathako se anurodh hai ki telugu sikhne ke liye is pustak me diye gaye batchit ke ansho ko pratidin avashaya padhe.
(This book helps people in learning Telugu langauge through rightful application of words and sentences in places like market, bus stands, offices, etc. It is specially designed for the people who wish to learn hindi to Telugu languague conversions. It is a compilation of exerts from various telugu language experts and psychologists. The book has been divided into five parts to make it easier for the students to read and learn. It is available with a free Audio CD that helps individuals in learning to speak the language. Major parts of the boook: Telugu Grammar related synonyms, antonyms and usage of famous idioms, important words related to the body parts, foot items,family and relatives, diseases,insects, animals,fruits and vegetables and information related to metals. This book contains a list of words like what, why, how,who, etc. and their usage in marathi language in places like markets, banks, post office, bus stand, restaurant, etc. in detail. The books also provides examples of application letters, invitation letters, letters to family and friends, letter to order for books in the last section. It is advisable for all the individuals to practice parts of speech and given grammar daily to have a command over the language.)
Learn to Write Correct English (Eng.Hindi)
A Modern Approach to pass various competitive exams based on the current syllabus and helpful to excel in Learn to Write Correct English (Eng.Hindi) exams and perform best in their career and comes with detailed solutions, not just the answer key, for each and every question included in it. It promotes self-evaluation by enabling you to not only practice and revise concepts but also keep track of your progress. This book allows you to clarify your doubts and remove the fears generally associated with exams, improve your concentration and hone your time management skills, enabling you to answer the questions within the given time frame.
Learning Mathematics – The Fun Way
“Learning Mathematics the Fun way caters to those students who deserve to have their individual learning needs satisfied. This book emphasises on teaching with activities, drawing on real-life models from children’s point of view and promotes expectations for success.
The book nurtures the interest of the student by bringing up the fun-quotient in the learning process. This will help students gain confidence in ability to reason and thereby enhance problem solving skills. This also meets the requirement of the NCERT syllabus.
This book offers categories of questions that reinforces critical knowledge and strengthens student’s reasoning and problem-solving skills.
Salient features:
• Attractive picture illustrations
• Simple & lucid language
• Thought provoking puzzles
• Concept building activities
• Skill developing games
• Solved examples for clear understanding
• Common errors & their corrections
• Tricks & shortcuts for easy calculations
• Worksheets for practice
• Test series
• Mental Arithmetic
Legal Desire Quarterly Legal Journal
Legal Desire Quarterly Journal Vol-1, Issue-1, October 2013
Legal Desire is a Quarterly Legal Journal having esteemed legal articles and views of authors including Law Students, Professionals, Faculty and Research Scholars.
Legal Notes
Legal Notes, the latest addition in the Newsline Publications group, proposes to bring a fresh perspective to legal issues.
On any given day, there could be 40 different items in the news with respect to courts – right down from the Supreme Court to the district court on a range of issues from Blue Whale to NEET to Love Jihad and Blackberry messages. It’s as bewildering as it is exhilarating. In fact, it’s liberating that in this democracy of ours we have the ability to debate agree or dissent as we continue our march onwards.
Legal Notes will seek to assess, analyse, debate and dissect how the business of law impacts our lives in a hundred different ways. LN hopes to record the business of law each month for your reading pleasure.
Legal Samadhaan
It is a Bi-monthly Legal Magazine which is based on Matrimonial Causes and is focused on providing general legal awareness/support to its readers.
Leggi illustrate
Leggi Illustrate has been for more than forty years, the reporting guide for accountants, lawyers, consultants and entrepreneurs in the absolution of their tax obligations. The mission of this monthly is to explain clearly and reliably the mechanisms (and texts) of Italian regulations, allowing you to pay the minimum allowed, without errors and without uncertainties.
LetterWriting – An Art
A Modern Approach to pass various competitive exams based on the current syllabus and helpful to excel in the
LetterWriting – An Art test and perform best in their career and comes with detailed solutions,
not just the answer key, for each and every question included in it. It promotes self-evaluation by enabling
you to not only practice and revise concepts but also keep track of your progress. This book allows you to
clarify your doubts and remove the fears generally associated with exams, improve your concentration and hone
your time management skills, enabling you to answer the questions within the given time frame.
The Libertatem Magazine is a Law Magazine launched by The Law Brigade, a startup of two students from Institute of Law, Nirma University, Ahmedabad; Ankita Ranawat & Rahul Ranjan. The Group’s name, “The Law Brigade” should be taken as a fire brigade which reaches where there is fire. The fire which is present in the law students and members of the legal arena. Libertatem is a latin word meaning a sense of freedom of expression. It channelizes this expression of the person who has something to express irrespective of the fact that what the CV of that person says, which is given a very high value and everybody is in a rat race to build it. It provides a platform to people who have something to express for the welfare of the community at large. A joint effort of students and deadly law this a medium for the maximum utilization by all of you.
Through this platform students will be getting to know about the talk of the town of the legal arena, call for papers, MUN’s taking place and other related things which a student should do and are there for welfare. People will also get to know about the ideas of the eminent personalities as there interviews which in turn are a message will be there in the magazine itself. A picture gallery is also waiting for you all which will be having a greater impact.
So, to broaden the scope of your knowledge and to get out of stereotype journals this is an arena for you all to express and get impress.
LIC Assistant Recruitment Exam
A Modern Approach to pass various competitive exams based on the current syllabus and helpful to excel in LIC Assistant Recruitment Exam exams and perform best in their career and comes with detailed solutions, not just the answer key, for each and every question included in it. It promotes self-evaluation by enabling you to not only practice and revise concepts but also keep track of your progress. This book allows you to clarify your doubts and remove the fears generally associated with exams, improve your concentration and hone your time management skills, enabling you to answer the questions within the given time frame.
LIC Sales/Financial Executive Test
A Modern Approach to pass various competitive exams based on the current syllabus and helpful to excel in LIC Sales/Financial Executive Test exams and perform best in their career and comes with detailed solutions, not just the answer key, for each and every question included in it. It promotes self-evaluation by enabling you to not only practice and revise concepts but also keep track of your progress. This book allows you to clarify your doubts and remove the fears generally associated with exams, improve your concentration and hone your time management skills, enabling you to answer the questions within the given time frame.
Life Coaching Today is the Magazine for Today’s Coaching, Therapist, and Hypnotherapist Professionals. We are a peer run organization seeking to provide our community with information, resources, best practices, and business models to help them deliver exceptional service and bring longevity to a sustainable practice!
Life Learning Magazine
Information, inspiration, and support for families and adults who are living and learning without school, which is sometimes called “unschooling” or “natural learning.” Parents, grown life learners, and experts worldwide share their experiences and thoughts about personalized, non-coercive, active, interest-led learning from life.
Linux – Complete Manual
Linux is a remarkable, free operating system that allows you to take back control of your computer. Not only is this fully-featured operating system powerful enough for advanced users, it’s easy to use and perfect for those who don’t want to follow the pack with Windows or macOS. Linux, from freedom comes elegance.
Linux The Complete Manual 2nd edition
Covering everything you need to know about using the latest version of Ubuntu, this MagBook is essential for anyone who wants access to great software without having to shell out a fortune to get it!
Whether you are building a computer from scratch and want to customise your software, or are tired of how slow your current Windows PC is, this updated MagBook produced by the teams of Computer Shopper, PC PRO and MicroMart, is your key to unlocking your PC’s potential whilst saving money through gaining access to free software for life!
Little Issue
little issue is a quarterly magazine aimed at learners in the foundation phase (Grade R –3). The magazine supports foundation phase learners with fun, interactive learning material that supports their early learning. Content is aligned to the Department of Basic Education’s National Curriculum Framework for the foundation phase.
Little Planet
Little Planet is a unique newspaper especially crafted for toddlers comprising Amazing Facts, Did You Knows, Puzzles, Activities, Crosswords in kid’s language. It is a niche edu-tainment newspaper circulating for the last 15 years to various cities and states like Mumbai, Delhi-NCR, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and many more.
Every month read Little Planet and add value in your life.
LL.B. Entrance Examination
A Modern Approach to pass various competitive exams based on the current syllabus and helpful to excel in LL.B. Entrance Examination exams and perform best in their career and comes with detailed solutions, not just the answer key, for each and every question included in it. It promotes self-evaluation by enabling you to not only practice and revise concepts but also keep track of your progress. This book allows you to clarify your doubts and remove the fears generally associated with exams, improve your concentration and hone your time management skills, enabling you to answer the questions within the given time frame.