Showing 3001–3050 of 3730 results

Shopping Centre News

SKU: Mag-111

Shopping Centre News magazine – launched at the India Shopping Centre Forum on March 18, 2008 – is currently in its 11th year of publication. In its decade+ journey, the publication continues to thrive as a knowledge resource center that collects, analyses and disseminates information on the rich Indian shopping centre industry.

The mission of the magazine is to encourage the development and spread of sophisticated management paradigms and maintenance methods, keeping in context global benchmarks of the mall industry. The monthly magazine also provides a body of focused research into the architecture, aesthetic and design aspects of shopping centres.

The magazine – which is the foremost, most authoritative publication for the shopping centre industry in India – is now available every month and in an all new format. It will continue to act as a bridge between the shopping centre developers and the retail community to help forge a mutually profitable relationship.

Shopping Centre News’ subscribers include everyone from CEOs, to marketing, leasing and fund managers to retailers, architects and retail designers. For those who want to keep up-to-date across the latest developments and events in the world of shopping centres, the magazine is a must-subscribe.

Shresth Nibandh

SKU: Mag-18847

A Modern Approach to pass various competitive exams based on the current syllabus and helpful to excel in the

Shresth Nibandh test and perform best in their career and comes with detailed solutions,

not just the answer key, for each and every question included in it. It promotes self-evaluation by enabling

you to not only practice and revise concepts but also keep track of your progress. This book allows you to

clarify your doubts and remove the fears generally associated with exams, improve your concentration and hone

your time management skills, enabling you to answer the questions within the given time frame.

Shri Ramakrishna Jyot

SKU: Mag-26729

This monthly magazine publishes scholarly articles on a wide range of topics such as culture, values education, motivation for youth, science, technology, Swami Vivekananda’s motivational events, spiritual memoirs, autobiographical articles, and health.


SKU: Mag-19851

Shubhapallaba, an online Odia e-magazine publishing since January 2018 quaterly founded by Sangram Keshari Senapati. Sangram Keshari Senapati and Tapas Ranjan are the editors for the Magazine. Sambeet Das in working as the designer for the Magazine.

ShutterART Photographic Digest

SKU: Mag-8573

ShutterART is a photography and DSLR video related magazine. This is the very FIRST full colour photography magazine in Sri Lanka. Same as this is the FIRST EVER GREEN MAGAZINE which use vegetable base Print ink and recycled papers in Sri Lanka.
ShutterART Is the most selling photography magazine in Sri Lanka and First Ever High Quality Sinhalese Photography and DSLR Videography Magazine in Sri Lanka.


SKU: Mag-17262

Shutter World is leading photography e-magazine that covers all kind of photography, photo techniques, reviews , ideas and guideline for choose photography equipment and much more like photo contest etc.

SIB Security Assistant ( Executive ) Recruitment Test

SKU: Mag-18192

SIB Security Assistant ( Executive ) Recruitment Test

A Modern Approach to pass various competitive exams based on the current syllabus and helpful to excel in xxxx exams and perform best in their career and comes with detailed solutions, not just the answer key, for each and every question included in it. It promotes self-evaluation by enabling you to not only practice and revise concepts but also keep track of your progress. This book allows you to clarify your doubts and remove the fears generally associated with exams, improve your concentration and hone your time management skills, enabling you to answer the questions within the given time frame.

Singapore’s Child

SKU: Mag-1117

With something for everyone in the family, Singapore’s Child is dedicated to helping parents, with children in preschool and primary school, understand the issues and challenges of parenting, as well as celebrate the joys of family. The companion magazine KIDZone is put together with children in mind. Filled with great reads and fun activities, it is a learning resource for children presented in an entertaining manner that will keep any child engaged.

Smart Indies

SKU: Mag-11117

SmartIndies is a series of content sets which are unpublished online on the blog of website. Basically we gather lots of data and decide to share it some of it outside our blog where readers can find it useful and get those information really quick which is a big deal for many.

So Cultures

SKU: Mag-17640

A global digital magazine which aims to connect the world with cultural stories.


SKU: Mag-27015

Socialpreneur India’s focus is to transform, motivate and educate entrepreneurs. Our organization offers real world solutions to the challenges faced by every entrepreneur. Be it guidance, marketing tools, and insider news to help build – and grow – your business

Soft Skill

SKU: Mag-24337

Soft skills are the personal character traits or qualities each of us has. In other words, soft skills refer to a person’s ability to relate to others, to get him/her and others organised, to communicate in written, spoken or other forms. Soft skills include psycho-social abilities and interpersonal skills that help people take decisions, solve problems, think critically, communicate effectively, build healthy relationships, demonstrate qualities of leadership and team building, manage time effectively, and cope with the stress and strain of life in a healthy and productive manner. This book has been divided into two parts: Intrapersonal skills and Interpersonal skills. Each part has 14 chapters. The uniqueness of this book is that besides the knowledge imparted within a chapter, the reader is encouraged to experience of an individual who has faced such a situation through “Impressions” and “Quiz It” to check the understanding of the chapter. This is an ideal book for developing soft skills in a person. The modern organisations say; it is relatively easy to infuse hard (technical skills in a person; soft skills takes years.


SKU: Mag-10427

The unique characteristic of ‘SOFURA’ is its cover-design. It is filled with the colourful drawings and paintings of children and the name of the artist also appears at the back page of the contents. This has indeed created a great interest among the children. In the editorial, ‘Hope you are well’, the editor gives inspiring messages and advises the young generation. Various articles, poems, stories, news items, jokes, letter to the editor etc. are published in this magazine. The editor always stresses on correct spellings for which he follows Chandrakanta Abhidhan- an Assamese dictionary, as well as on uniformity of language. The poems of ‘SOFURA’ are humorous but have a moral in them. The children can learn amazing facts of science in the science stories.

Soka Ikeda

SKU: Mag-12708

Ikedian News, the official campus magazine of Soka Ikeda College of Arts & Science for Women, powered by Nuggets Media Pvt Ltd. Stay tuned to what’s happening inside and outside the Soka Ikeda campus!

Solar Today Magazine

SKU: Mag-28307

Solar Today is a print and digital magazine that communicates the data-driven, fierce enthusiasm of the solar power industry to transform our energy use and combat climate change. It is written by experts in our professional community and was founded in 1987.

Solid State-JEE-Prep

SKU: Mag-2214

This e-book is about the solid state of matter. Solids are classified into crystalline and amorphous based upon the order of arrangement of particles.
The Solid State, Classification of Solids on the Basis of Nature of Order, Polymorphs, Classification of Crystalline Solids on the Basis of Intermolecular Forces, Some Important Characteristics of Various types of Crystals, Determination of Structure of Solids by X-ray Diffraction, Crystal Lattice/Bravais Lattice /Space Lattice, The Seven Crystal Systems, Bravais Unit Cells, Geometry of a Cube , Contribution of an Atom to the Unit cell Present at Its Different Sites, Types of Unit Cell, Relation between Edge length (a) and the Radius of Sphere (r) in Different Types of Cubic Unit for Pure Elements, Density of the Crystal, Packing of Constituent Particles in Crystal, Interstices or Voids or Holes in Crystals, Ionic Crystal, Assertion Reasoning Type of Questions, Imperfection or Defects in Crystals, Stoichiometric Defects, Impurity Defects, Properties of Solids, Superconductivity

Solid State-NEET Prep

SKU: Mag-2215

This e-book is about the solid state of matter. Solids are classified into crystalline and amorphous based upon the order of arrangement of particles.
The Solid State, Classification of Solids on the Basis of Nature of Order, Polymorphs, Classification of Crystalline Solids on the Basis of Intermolecular Forces, Some Important Characteristics of Various types of Crystals, Determination of Structure of Solids by X-ray Diffraction, Crystal Lattice/Bravais Lattice /Space Lattice, The Seven Crystal Systems, Bravais Unit Cells, Geometry of a Cube , Contribution of an Atom to the Unit cell Present at Its Different Sites, Types of Unit Cell, Relation between Edge length (a) and the Radius of Sphere (r) in Different Types of Cubic Unit for Pure Elements, Density of the Crystal, Packing of Constituent Particles in Crystal, Interstices or Voids or Holes in Crystals, Ionic Crystal, Assertion Reasoning Type of Questions, Imperfection or Defects in Crystals, Stoichiometric Defects, Impurity Defects, Properties of Solids, Superconductivity


SKU: Mag-19429

2019 RRB


SKU: Mag-27687

SOPHOS (Be smart, Stay skilled) magazine is an effort to bring together our stakeholders, Universities, Industry and the government sector, to showcase the vibrancy, festivities, initiatives, skills, efforts and achievements of our students and faculty. It also serves as an information and knowledge sharing platform.

Souvenir of National Cost Convention

SKU: Mag-19001

Souvenir of the National Cost Convention, Pune

Speak Jazz

SKU: Mag-3992

Many young people (including myself – the author) who like jazz music, would like to learn to improvise, are missing some of the main points when studying improvisation. You can find many advices on the internet and they are all great for help. As many of you could notice, many times we meet with the most important process – transcribing. Speak Jazz magazine takes you across the most underestimated parts of the transcribing. The analysis, variations and importing. In each publication you’ll find one transcription of a solo played by some great jazz musicians and will do a detailed work out with the few bars of that unique material.


SKU: Mag-28507

SPECTRA – embodying freedom of expression


SKU: Mag-23015

Spectrum is a movement to connect and empower a community of engaged stakeholders to share their work and ideas in the world of education and career, learn from each other, and foster innovation published by AglaSem.

Aglasem is an Indian EdTech company, in operations since 2012. The portal and various apps of the same provides study materials and updates on education for school studies, entrance exams, college admissions, government jobs, talent search exams, olympiads. What started as a simple way of helping the student community with study notes, and papers back when the founders were in college, has today transformed into a movement where information, resources and guidance is available to all students and govt job aspirants. All thanks to the growing community of millions of students, teachers, educators and aspirants.

Spoken English

SKU: Mag-22770

“In today’s competitive world, Spoken English is considered as a passport for a guaranteed success in life. The craze for learning spoken English has led to the growth of various coaching institutes all over the country. Much as they may profess and advertise, it is not really possible to learn any language in 30 or 40 days. A person who genuinely wants to learn the language needs to spend at least two to three hours every day for at least five or six months before he or she feels confident to communicate in English.
The prime objective of this book is to encourage the students to learn English as a tool of communication and to enable them to understand the language thoroughly. The book basically looks at the language from the learners’ point of view and guides them through co-operative learning methods in order to master the effective communication skills in English.
The book has been divided into four convenient units of Grammar, Pronunciation, Conversation and Vocabulary. Each chapter covers one main area of learning English – explained thoroughly with examples and special attention being given to the basic skills. Carefully selected and balanced practical exercises have also been designed and included with each topic or chapter to give the readers or learners, particularly the students, ample practice and a complete understanding of the subject.
In short, the book follows the modern functional approach to the study of English. So readers, the book is definitely a one-stop solution for learning English!

Spoken English For Bangali Speakers

SKU: Mag-22769

“In today’s competitive world, Spoken English is considered as a passport for success in life. The craze for learning spoken English has led to the growth of coaching institutes all over the country. Much as they may profess and advertise, it is not really possible to learn any language in 30 days. A person who genuinely wants to learn the language needs to spend two to three hours every day for at least five or six months before he or she would feel confident to communicate in English.
The prime objective of this book is to encourage students to learn English as a tool of communication and to enable them to understand the language thoroughly. The book basically takes off from the learner’s point of view and guides them through cooperative learning methods in order to help master the effective communication skills in English.
The book has been divided into four convenient units of Grammar, Pronunciation, Conversation and Vocabulary. Each chapter covers one main area of learning English – explained with examples. Carefully selected and graded exercises have also been included throughout the book to give readers ample practice and a complete understanding of the subject.
In short, the book follows the modern functional approach to the study of English. So readers, it is definitely a one-stop solution for speaking English!

Spoken English For Kannada Speakers

SKU: Mag-22766

“In today’s competitive world, Spoken English is considered as a passport for success in life. The craze for learning spoken English has led to the growth of coaching institutes all over the country. Much as they may profess and advertise, it is not really possible to learn any language in 30 days. A person who genuinely wants to learn the language needs to spend two to three hours every day for at least five or six months before he or she would feel confident to communicate in English.
The prime objective of this book is to encourage students to learn English as a tool of communication and to enable them to understand the language thoroughly. The book basically takes off from the learner’s point of view and guides them through cooperative learning methods in order to help master the effective communication skills in English.
The book has been divided into four convenient units of Grammar, Pronunciation, Conversation and Vocabulary. Each chapter covers one main area of learning English – explained with examples. Carefully selected and graded exercises have also been included throughout the book to give readers ample practice and a complete understanding of the subject.
In short, the book follows the modern functional approach to the study of English. So readers, it is definitely a one-stop solution for speaking English!

Spoken English For Odia Speakers

SKU: Mag-22754

“In today’s competitive world, Spoken English is considered as a passport for success in life. The craze for learning spoken English has led to the growth of coaching institutes all over the country. Much as they may profess and advertise, it is not really possible to learn any language in 30 days. A person who genuinely wants to learn the language needs to spend two to three hours every day for at least five or six months before he or she would feel confident to communicate in English.
The prime objective of this book is to encourage students to learn English as a tool of communication and to enable them to understand the language thoroughly. The book basically takes off from the learner’s point of view and guides them through cooperative learning methods in order to help master the effective communication skills in English.
The book has been divided into four convenient units of Grammar, Pronunciation, Conversation and Vocabulary. Each chapter covers one main area of learning English – explained with examples. Carefully selected and graded exercises have also been included throughout the book to give readers ample practice and a complete understanding of the subject.
In short, the book follows the modern functional approach to the study of English. So readers, it is definitely a one-stop solution for speaking English!

Spoken English For Telugu Speakers

SKU: Mag-22753

“In today’s competitive world, Spoken English is considered as a passport for success in life. The craze for learning spoken English has led to the growth of coaching institutes all over the country. Much as they may profess and advertise, it is not really possible to learn any language in 30 days. A person who genuinely wants to learn the language needs to spend two to three hours every day for at least five or six months before he or she would feel confident to communicate in English.
The prime objective of this book is to encourage students to learn English as a tool of communication and to enable them to understand the language thoroughly. The book basically takes off from the learner’s point of view and guides them through cooperative learning methods in order to help master the effective communication skills in English.
The book has been divided into four convenient units of Grammar, Pronunciation, Conversation and Vocabulary. Each chapter covers one main area of learning English – explained with examples. Carefully selected and graded exercises have also been included throughout the book to give readers ample practice and a complete understanding of the subject.
In short, the book follows the modern functional approach to the study of English. So readers, it is definitely a one-stop solution for speaking English!

SSB (What? How? And Why?)

SKU: Mag-17950

A Modern Approach to pass various competitive exams based on the current syllabus and helpful to excel in SSB (What? How? And Why?) exams and perform best in their career and comes with detailed solutions, not just the answer key, for each and every question included in it. It promotes self-evaluation by enabling you to not only practice and revise concepts but also keep track of your progress. This book allows you to clarify your doubts and remove the fears generally associated with exams, improve your concentration and hone your time management skills, enabling you to answer the questions within the given time frame.

SSB Interviews The A to Z Guide To Final Selection

SKU: Mag-18552

A Modern Approach to pass various competitive exams based on the current syllabus and helpful to excel in “SSB Interviews The A to Z Guide To Final Selection” exams and perform best in their career and comes with detailed solutions, not just the answer key, for each and every question included in it. It promotes self-evaluation by enabling you to not only practice and revise concepts but also keep track of your progress. This book allows you to clarify your doubts and remove the fears generally associated with exams, improve your concentration and hone your time management skills, enabling you to answer the questions within the given time frame.

SSC JE 2021 – Reasoning

SKU: Mag-25346

SSC JE 2021 – Reasoning

SSC – Arithmetic

SKU: Mag-25301

SSC – Arithmetic

SSC – CPO(SI) Paper I & II

SKU: Mag-20396

SSC – CPO(SI) Paper I & II

SSC – General Awareness

SKU: Mag-19622


SSC 2021 – Arithmetic

SKU: Mag-25393

SSC 2021 – Arithmetic

SSC CAPF’s / CPO Sub Inspectors Exam. Solved Papers

SKU: Mag-18287

SSC CAPF’s/CPO SubInspectors Exam. Solved Papers – Editorial Board : Pratiyogita Darpan

SSC CAPFs Constables Recruitment Exam. (General Duty)

SKU: Mag-18788

A Modern Approach to pass various competitive exams based on the current syllabus and helpful to excel in SSC CAPFs Constables Recruitment Exam. (General Duty)
exams and perform best in their career and comes with detailed solutions, not just the answer key, for each and every question included in it. It promotes self-evaluation by enabling you to not only practice and revise concepts but also keep track of your progress. This book allows you to clarify your doubts and remove the fears generally associated with exams, improve your concentration and hone your time management skills, enabling you to answer the questions within the given time frame.


SKU: Mag-28057



SKU: Mag-20209


SSC Combined Graduate Level Exam. (For Tier I & II) Solved Papers

SKU: Mag-18279

A Modern Approach to pass various competitive exams based on the current syllabus and helpful to excel in SSC Combined Graduate Level Exam. (For Tier I & II) Solved Papers exams and perform best in their career and comes with detailed solutions, not just the answer key, for each and every question included in it. It promotes self-evaluation by enabling you to not only practice and revise concepts but also keep track of your progress. This book allows you to clarify your doubts and remove the fears generally associated with exams, improve your concentration and hone your time management skills, enabling you to answer the questions within the given time frame.