Showing 3201–3250 of 3730 results
The Diplomatic Insight
The Diplomatic Insight (ABC Certified) is Pakistan’s First English-Arabic-Persian multilingual magazine which has been publishing since 2008 with theme objective of “Peace Through Informed Dialogue”. Through the dynamics of Media, Diplomacy and Peace, the magazine as a leading media organisation, is dedicated to provide neutral and objective analysis. The magazine is not only publishing books, research and analytical reports, supplements and newsletters but also organize seminars, workshops, conferences, roundtable dialogues and produce documentaries on various issues like interfaith harmony, dialogue among civilizations, cultural diplomacy, religions, peace, extremism, dynamics of various conflicts, international relations and domestic politics. The Diplomatic Insight is a neutral and non-governmental organization that is open for collaboration with Diplomatic Missions, international organizations, research institutes and others, to join hands together in order to create understanding of dynamics of relations and cooperation amongst people, groups and nations in a strife-torn world.
The Diplomatic Insight
H# 533, St# 33, I-8/2,
P.O Box # 1239, Islamabad- Pakistan
Tel : +92 51 486 4370-253 929 7
Fax : +92 51 444 0104
The Eco Pages
Spreading the eco-friendly approaches in life to all strata of the society, The Eco Pages, an online green technology magazine is the first of its kind in India, but the benefits of the publication is for the entire world as the platform is online which enables universal access.
The Essential Guide to Landscape Photography 3
Do you dream of shooting stunning landscape images? The team at Digital SLR Photography magazine are on hand with all the information, advice and inspiration you need to create breathtaking professional looking photographs with the third edition of their best-selling MagBook.
The Essential Guide to Portraits 2
The Essential Guide to Portraits 2nd edition. On the quest to create better pictures? The up-to-date information, inspirational guides and helpful instructions within this MagBook are an invaluable resource for any serious amateur looking to become a better photographer. With experts guiding you through every stage of shooting a portrait – from viewing the subject to considering the use of lighting, composition, backgrounds and techniques involved in recording the image, this MagBook provides you with the information you need to create maximum impact photographs! Covering all stages of digital portraiture, this guide starts with fundamentals such as setting up your camera, mastering camera modes, understanding exposure and lighting, and progresses onto easy-to-follow tutorials covering manipulating daylight, capturing memorable family portraits and digital techniques including using Photoshop and post-production tools.
The Expat Education Guide
This guide provides information to those interested in sending their children to an international school in Malaysia. It includes comprehensive information on the range of schools in the country.
The Expat Leader
The Expat Leader is a professional development publication for international school leaders.
The Expat Teacher
Written by teachers for teachers. The Expat Teacher free monthly digital
magazine is aimed at teachers in international schools across
the globe. Offering articles on Lifestyle, Learning, Teaching and Travel.
Helping you to get the most out of your international experience.
The Franchise Magazine
The Franchise Magazine – We are one of the UK’s most successful publications for franchisee recruitment.
Each edition focussing on key franchise exhibitions and events, The Franchise Magazine actively supports every new industry initiatives, such as ‘Women in Franchising’, and is backed up by targeted social media strategy.
Published quarterly by Franchise Development Services, their expertise continually helps franchisors recruit franchisees that meet their criteria.
The Global Analyst
The Global Analyst is a monthly business and finance magazine for professionals like CFA, CA, ICWAI, CPA, ACS, CFO, CEO, COO, Businessmen, Students, Investors, Stock Brokers,Investment Banking professionals,Research Associates, Professors, Market Researchers, and Students.
It contains Informative articles by eminent authors ,Interviews of top industry professionals, Opinion of Industry experts, Industry & market insights into banking / finance, Insurance, IT, Infrastructure, guidance on equities, regulatory authorities and much more.
The Global Leader
Written by leaders for leaders. The Global Leader free monthly digital
magazine is aimed at school leaders in international schools across
the globe. Offering articles on Learning, Leading , Lifestyle and Travel.
Creating community one issue at a time.
The Global Teacher
Written by teachers for teachers. The Global Teacher free monthly digital
magazine is aimed at teachers in international schools across
the globe. Offering articles on Learning, Teaching , Lifestyle and Travel.
Creating community one issue at a time.
The Independent Guide to the iPad
The ultimate gadget for 2011, the iPad 2 has hit the shops and is guaranteed to be a hit with all tech fanatics. Highlighting the iPad 2’s most exciting new features, best native and stand-alone Apps, as well as providing comprehensive guides to help you master all areas of the new and improved iPad – this MagBook is the ultimate iPad 2 guide.
The Independent Guide to the iPhone 4
This comprehensive guide to the iPhone 4 – the world’s most desirable mobile – is effectively the manual Apple forgot to supply with the handset. Covering all iPhone features and reviews for top applications, this is the only guide you’ll need to make the most of your phone.
The Independent Guide to the Mac
The Independent Guide to the Mac 4th edition. If you have a Mac, iPad, iPhone or iPad, this must-have expert written guide to the whole Apple range is for you! Updated to contain all the new Apple products for 2011-2012, you’ll find all the advice, user guides and tips to help you master your gadget with ease.
The Indian Tycoon
The Indian Tycoons sole focus is to provide support and education to emerging entrepreneurs. We specialise in audience targeting, marketing, and we have a solid foundation in entrepreneurial niche.
The International Alpine Handbook English language
The UIAA is the International Federation of Climbing and Moutaineering Associations, familiar to all mountaineers through its Equipment Safety Label and the world ice climbing competition series. Now the UIAA publishes its famous Alpine Handbook as a digital app with hyperlinks to regularly updated information. It is sold as a subscription to be used as an aide memoire for anybody learning mountaineering and climbing activities: an important contribution to safety, sustainability and sport
The Journey of 30 Moments
iNTELLYJELLY believes that superheroes are real and live around us. A child’s day-to-day challenges can effectively be eased out by these real-life heroes, instead of the imaginary ones. Our aim is to have children identify them and connect with them as their ‘go to people’.
The Lark- A Magazine For Children
The Lark is a magazine for children containing stories, riddles, artworks, plays and songs, poetry, introductions to authors from the past, as well as a fun look at the practices of philosophical enquiry! Kids Quills is a forum where children from around the world can share their creative works and ideas, from spoken word recitals to sculptures, limericks to line drawings. The Lark will be your guide and with each issue you will come to know more of he and his kin, a wonderful family of colourful characters. The Lark is released 4 times per year.
The Lawyers Chronicle
The Lawyers Chronicle is a pan-African online publication for lawyers, scholars, students and policy makers. It surveys the main trends of legal and socio-political issues on the African continent.
The Lawyers Chronicle is multidisciplinary and multidimensional in its work and approach. It provides the legal community, scholars and students with a very crucial platform for information and analysis on a broad range of issues that matter on the continent.
Though our focus is Africa, we are also working with friends from jurisdictions outside the continent. This is due to the fact that we believe that analyzing issues from other jurisdictions is crucial to our legal development and this would further enrich our expertise and knowledge of the law.
The Majlis
Welcome to the Majlis magazine, a student run magazine which is released twice a year. For the first time, we have now released a digital edition and we also have a YouTube page which features videos about things that take place at Doha College and Qatar at large…
The Management Accountant
The Institute of Cost Accountants of India (ICAI) is a statutory body set up under an Act of Parliament in the year 1959. The Institute as a part of its obligation regulates the profession of Cost and Management Accountancy. The Institute also pursues the vision of cost competitiveness, cost management, efficient use of resources and structured approach to cost accounting as the key drivers of the profession.
The Institute is also successfully publishing its pioneering Journal, ‘The Management Accountant’ since 1966. This Journal is being published keeping in mind the needs of the Cost and Management Accountants (CMA), and provides wide knowledge on the recent developments and changes in the global and national financial scenarios. The wide circulation and inputs from academicians, researchers and industry stalwarts are the keys to the success of this journal.
The Maverick Treasurer
Treasury Consulting LLP is a Limited Liability Partnership firm (LLP) firm Incorporated firm established in India. Company is having multiple Business Domains and ” The Maverick Treasurer ” is a flagship product of Publishing Desk of Treasury Consulting LLP. ” The Maverick Treasurer ” covers Treasury Risk Management, Banking Risk Management , Foreign Exchange and Derivatives Trading. Magazine covering both Onshore, Offshore Treasury Markets like Singapore, NY, London, Luxembourg, Frankfurt, Australia, Tokyo, Bahamas, Hong Kong , Dubai. Magazine touch multiple Currency pairs and each aspects like Credit Risk, Treasury Risk, Derivatives Risk and respective.
The New Leam
The New Leam publishes a Bi-monthly magazine on education and culture; since its inception in 2014, it has been attracting the attention of academicians, educationists, researchers, writers, schoolteachers and parents from all over the country.
The Observer of Management Education
The Observer of Management Education, A monthly magazine in the segment of Management Studies. It covers the management sector extensively, from the theoretical and practical aspects of management theories and techniques to the present needs of the corporate world. The current pattern of tests conducted, views of successful management graduates are covered in details. It is a must for the aspiring management students also for the vast category of working managers. It covers various aspects of management and education differently.
The Oriental Insurance Company Ltd. Assistants Recruitment Exam.
The Oriental Insurance Company Ltd. Assistants Recruitment Exam.
The Portrait Of A Super Student
Success today depends a lot on your academic achievements. And to excel in studies, you do not have to be just an intelligent student — but also one who knows how to manage studies and time. This book, brings you an innovative system specifically designed for super achievement.
The Progressive Teacher
The Progressive Teacher (TPT) is a bi-monthly magazine dedicated to empowering the school teaching community in India.TPT reaches school teachers who play an important role in shaping their classrooms and schools. TPT readers will be leaders at staff meetings and committees. TPT content will help these leaders to become influencers in the learning plans in their schools. Every issue will be packed with information on teaching, leadership, classroom ideas, curriculum and technology product reviews.
The Rainbow of Stories
“iNTELLYJELLY proudly introduces an AUTHOR who always surprised her mentors with her inquisitiveness, talent, wit, and charm. Aadya Garnaik, 10 years, Shiv Nadar Schol, Gurugram is one of the most promising authors of ‘Author & Publish program by iNTELLYJELLY’.
This is an ecstatic moment, as we invite you to read her book, ‘The Rainbow of Stories’- a colorful collection of short stories, designed, illustrated and published by iNTELLYJELLY.
Heartiest congratulations to Aadya, one of the youngest authors, as she has achieved what many aspire for!
Aadya enjoys creating stories and feels that everything around her, has a story of its own. For her writing is a way to open her heart to the world and share what she feels.
iNTELLYJELLY helps young writers through its ‘Author & Publish workshop series’ to become PUBLISHED AUTHORS. The book also unveil messages by the author’s mentors and parents thereby adding a personal touch and creating a bridge between the author and her readers.
Her stories are a rich manifestation of imagination and experiences culminating in an exquisite book with vivid illustrations alongside. View the world around us through the eyes of a young author and get transported to a magical world of her own making. Read about Eva and her dog Marmaduke’s adventures, a magical pillow that transforms a young proud princess and makes her humble, a little inventor who successfully invents a device to help the old, a story about a talking brinjal plant– find all this and more inhabiting the pages of this exquisite book, which has been developed based on the learnings of the ‘Author & Publish’ workshops conducted by iNTELLYJELLY. Reading can be so much fun when written by someone like Aadya who has always been forthcoming in penning down her thoughts and experiences.”
The Roots of Rebellion
The Roots of Rebellion erupts from the fertile soil of profound discontent, self-determination and insatiable striving for liberty and power. Originating from the clash of two ancient kingdoms and unfurling at the world’s spiritual epicentres, this book declares the virulent and intractable enmity to truth; resulting in embattled sequels of tyranny and revolution and outbreaks of hostility and persecution, all yielding the bitter fruit of anarchy. The mystery of rebellion dominates the seats of government and rages in the hearts of humankind. Flourishing into mature, passionate and intrepid subversion, the instruments of rebellion construct and establish an order of chaos and coercion; commanding universal compliance and cooperation. As it effectively enlightens on the secret underpinnings of one world government and hegemonic imperialism, the reader is armed to encounter and counter the greatest deception of all time.
The Singapore Marketer
The Singapore Marketer magazine is the quarterly publication of Marketing Institute of Singapore that congregates the latest trends and issues that concern marketers today. With its strong editorial content, the magazine is today Marketers’ most trusted companion.
It’s now FREE on Magzter for a limited period only! Get yours now!