Showing 851–900 of 1063 results

Super Natural Stories

SKU: Mag-22744

““Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it,” said C.S. Lewis, one of the greatest English writers of the medieval period. This book is a part of a set of ten books of the Greatest Classic Series containing amazing and thought-provoking supernatural stories that will create deep impressions in your sensitive mind inducing you to think and wonder how and why things happen — all written by world acclaimed authors, such as Ambrose Bierce, Bram Stoker, Guy de Maupassant, Jack London, Washington Irving, Arthur Conan Doyle and many more.
Actually, the entire classic series has been aimed to enrich the young minds with the wonderful assets of English language and literature and to develop their interest in understanding the language, inculcating in them the reading habits, particularly among the school- going children in the age group of 12 to 18 years studying in higher classes from standard seven to twelve.
This book contains an introductory page exclusively about the author, his brief life sketch, notable works and achievements along with word meanings of difficult words on each page marked and highlighted in the text for the students’ convenience and easy understanding of the story. There is also an Exercise part after each story titled as ‘An Understanding’ containing four or five Questions which the reader/student has to answer making the book all the more interesting and reader-friendly.
Therefore, these books are a must read for all the students, irrespective of their age, education and social background. Even the teachers may find it interesting and can recommend the books for the senior classes as supplementary reading.

Suprabalan Sirukathai Thoguppu

SKU: Mag-16391

சுப்ரபாலன் சிறுகதை தொகுப்பு

Suspense Magazine

SKU: Mag-5992

Suspense Magazine is one of the leading magazines in the literary field. We bring you author interviews, feature, exclusive articles, short stories, book reviews, industry news, expert advice, and so much more all covering the suspense / mystery / thriller / horror genre. Suspense Magazine also brings fans Suspense Radio which features five shows ranging from the science behind the books to bestselling author interviews, all in one place. No magazine has the genre covered better than Suspense.


SKU: Mag-14157

தமிழக மண்ணோடும், மக்களோடும் இரண்டறக் கலந்தது கர்நாடக இசை. இசையின் வாயிலாக தென்னாடெங்கும் பக்தி நெறி தழைத்தோங்கியது வரலாறு.

T.Janakiraman Sirukathai Thoguppu

SKU: Mag-16441

தி.ஜானகிராமன் சிறுகதை தொகுப்பு

T.K.C Sirukathai Thoguppu

SKU: Mag-16463

டி.கே.சி சிறுகதை தொகுப்பு


SKU: Mag-15463

.तांत्रिकी – आंधारातील विश्व हे मासिक आम्ही ई आन्वीक्षिकी Media या ब्लॉग वरून प्रकाशित करत आहे . या मासिकाचा मुख उद्देश लोकांपर्यंत आपला खरा इतिहास व संस्कुती पोहचवणे आहे . दर महिन्याला आपल्याला हा अंक मोफत उपलब्ध असेल.


SKU: Mag-13721

Telegram is a literary magazine which aims to rekindle the flames of quality Indian fiction. We are a monthly journal of short stories, essays, book reviews, poems and much more. As the literary magazine culture disappears from the country’s newsstands, coffee houses and bookstores, it leaves a gaping hole for the discerning reader. Telegram hopes to cause a ripple in the direction of good stories, fiction and essays.

Tengu: A Ninja/Samurai Love Story

SKU: Mag-11275

In feudal Japan, a noble samurai, honor-bound to kill a legendary ninja – Tengu – falls in love with a peasant girl, not knowing the target of his heart is secretly the target of his sword. By comic book veteran Jan C. Childress (Defiant’s “The Good Guys”).

Terror Stories

SKU: Mag-22741

““Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it,” said C.S. Lewis, one of the greatest English writers of the medieval period. This book is a part of a set of ten books of the Greatest Classic Series containing captivating, amazing and mysterious stories, full of horror and hair-raising suspense — all written by world famous authors, like Ambrose Bierce, H.P Lovecraft, Louisa Annie Murray, Vincent O’ Sullivan, Mary Wilkins, Edgar Allen Poe, H.G Wells and many more.
Actually, the entire classic series has been aimed to enrich the young minds with the wonderful assets of English language and literature and to develop their interest in understanding the language, inculcating in them the reading habits, particularly among the school- going children in the age group of 12 to 18 years studying in higher classes from standard seven to twelve.
This book contains an introductory page exclusively about the author, his brief life sketch, notable works and achievements along with word meanings of difficult words on each page marked and highlighted in the text for the students’ convenience and easy understanding of the story. There is also an Exercise part after each story titled as ‘An Understanding’ containing four or five Questions which the reader/student has to answer making the book all the more interesting and reader-friendly.
Therefore, these books are a must read for all the students, irrespective of their age, education and social background. Even the teachers may find it interesting and can recommend the books for the senior classes as supplementary reading.

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

SKU: Mag-27546

In The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Huck escapes from the clutches of his drunken father ‘Pap’ and the ‘civilizing’ guardian Widow Douglas. After faking his own death to get freedom during his travel, Huck encounters Jim, a runaway slave. Together, they get on an exciting journey along the Mississippi River and meet different people. With the passage of time, Huck finds himself in a moral quandary over communal values and his friendship with Jim. Published in 1884 The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn was a criticism of racism, class prejudices and identity conflicts. This timeless American novel by Mark Twain is among the first in American literature to be written in regional English. With The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain presents a sharp social commentary on 19th century American life through scornful satire, folksy humour, colloquial speech and uncouth language.

The Antigonish Review

SKU: Mag-10149

The Antigonish Review was founded by R.J. MacSween in 1970. It is supported by St. Francis Xavier University, with the welcome assistance of St. Francis Xavier University, the Canada Council for the Arts, and Film & Creative Industries, Nova Scotia.

The Antigonish Review is indexed in The Canadian Periodical Index, The Index of American Periodical Verse, Citation Index, Abstracts of English Studies, The Canadian Magazine Index, Current Contents in the Social and Behavioural Sciences, Humanities International Complete, Ebsco Publishing, and ProQuest Information & Learning

The Antigonish Review is available on Microfiche from: Micromedia Limited Toronto, Ontario

The Art of Public Speaking – Dale Carnegie

SKU: Mag-27504

Authored by the pioneers of self-improvement, The Art of Public Speaking suggests some of the best methods in developing and honing one’s skills inpublic speaking and in developing self-confidence. The book offers foundational lessons for those attempting to overcome their fear of facing a crowd by working and practising upon their oratory skills. Dale Carnegie and Joseph Esenwein’s experience and expertise in public and creative speaking enabled them to lay down specific skills, such as gaining efficiency in oration and speech through the change of pitch and pace, identifying distinction and precision in utterance, and so on in influencing one’s audience. The book continues to be a bestseller and an evergreen learning experience for many individuals seeking to develop and grow as an effective speaker.

The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin

SKU: Mag-27510

“Written between 1771 and 1790, The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin is an unfinished record of Franklin’s rich life history and the legacy he built in his scientific and political career. The classic memoir was published after Franklin passed away. The autobiography is divided into four parts, with each part chronicling the events from different time periods when he wrote it. The first part of the book contains letters that he wrote to his son, William, detailing their lineage and his stay in England. Franklin wrote the second part while he was still in France; his relations soured with William after the Revolutionary War. In the third part, he chronicled his return to America where he records all the progress achieved by his country. The fourth part, however, remains incomplete and only contains notable events from the last year of Franklin’s life.
Franklin’s autobiography continues to inspire generation after generation of readers across the world. Interestingly, in the introduction to the 1916 edition of the biography, the editor F.W. Pine wrote that it provided the “”most remarkable of all the remarkable histories of our self-made men””, with Franklin as the greatest example of the “”self-made man””.

The Ballad of Brighid of Atlanta

SKU: Mag-11271

The mystical, butt-kicking adventures of Bridget Primavera: professional journalist, mom, wife, and ancient Irish protector spirit.

The Boy on the Burning Deck

SKU: Mag-11472

The Boy on the Burning Deck is a first glimpse into the world of TWELVE – Studio Kokaachi’s upcoming series – and the kind of choices that the cast of this series will have to make in each of the 12 stories they inhabit.

The Cracked Legs that Closed

SKU: Mag-25402

A book by Ntodeni Shadrack Nenungwi

The Dark City Crime & Mystery Magazine

SKU: Mag-15290

The Dark City Crime & Mystery Magazine is a quarterly magazine featuring crime and mystery stories with an emphasis on character and setting. We prize memorable writing and appreciate humor in our fiction. Recent stories have featured madness, revenge, murder-for-hire, and telling tales out of school. Citizens of The Dark City walk down ordinary streets, but have extraordinary lives (and sometimes deaths).

The Digest Enthusiast

SKU: Mag-14678

Explore the world of digest-sized genre fiction magazines through interviews, articles, reviews—plus fiction.

The Fortean times books of Strange Deaths

SKU: Mag-508

Death comes to us all in the end, but some people manage to make a more memorable exit than others! Within the pages of this brand new Fortean Times MagBook you’ll find the strangest deaths from around the world and discover the bizarre and astounding ways in which some people meet their maker. Stupid suicides, idiotic accidents and freakish fatalities if there’s a weird way of dying, you’ll find it here! If you thought meeting the Grim Reaper was all doom and gloom, the unusual exits revealed in this MagBook might just change your mind.

The Girl from the Well

SKU: Mag-11283

Description in both ENglish and Spanish: Outraged by the brutal real-life murder of a young girl in his home town, artist David Anton “PUSTE” channels his frustrations onto the comic book page, envisioning himself as a hardened detective intent on solving the case by any means necessary.

Indignado por el brutal asesinato en la vida real de una joven en su ciudad natal, el artista David Anton “PUSTE” demuestra sus frustraciones en la página del cómic, imaginando a sí mismo como un detective firme que esta intentando la resolución del caso por cualquier medio necesario.

The Haunted Forest

SKU: Mag-24028

iNTELLYJELLY proudly presents our 10 year old budding author, Nandini Gupta’s book ‘The Haunted Forest’, a tale of mystery and adventure. Explore the royal escapades of princes and princesses in a world surrounded by magic, intrigue, mysterious witches and talking eagles! The book is a fusion of stories, poems, persuasive writing – all created based on the learnings of iNTELLYJELLY’s Author and Publish Workshops! Set amongst pages with a mysterious backdrop and colorful illustrations in keeping with the theme, the book promises to invoke the reader’s attention and admiration. The true essence of the book can be found in the amalgamation of varied thoughts and ideas, imagery and elements of the fantastic which have beautifully been woven around to make the book one of its kind. Designed and published by iNTELLYJELLY, the pages of the book also unveil messages by the author’s mentors and parents thereby adding a personal touch and creating a bridge between the author and her readers.

The Illiad

SKU: Mag-27524

“One of Greek mythology’s oldest poems, the Iliad was narrated by Homer and written around the 8th century BC. Also called the Song of Ilium, it is set during the ten-year Trojan War, although it doesn’t cover the war’s entirety. It narrates the battles, strategies, events, and quarrels that take place during a few weeks in the last year of the War. It explains, in narrative or dialogue, everything that needs to be known about the Trojan War, with the arguments between King Agamemnon and Achilles taking centrestage from time to time.
The Iliad was written in Homeric Greek and was divided into 24 books, which collectively have more than 15,000 lines of poetry. Mere centuries after it was written, being able to recite this book by heart become a sign of an individual’s high intellect. Since it talks about warfare, strategies, and treaties, this classic is a reason and a lesson unto itself.
Alexander Pope’s English translation is till date considered to be the closest to the original. Pope maintained that a translator must translate literally and not add his own spin to the original meaning. Pope’s translations from the 18th century are held in high regard and retain the essence of this classic.

The Importance of Being Earnest

SKU: Mag-27500

““The truth is rarely pure and never simple.”
This iconic line from The Importance of Being Earnest perhaps best sums up the spirit of this play, written by Oscar Wilde. The farcical comedy is a satire on the hypocrisy of late 19th-century Victorian society. Performed in 1895 at the St James’s Theatre, in London, and published in 1899, the play has long been considered to be Wilde’s most famous work as a playwright.
Widely appreciated by readers of all ages, the witty masterpiece is centered on the themes of marriage, social expectations, class and the lifestyle in Victorian society. The play portrays the events in the lives of two men – Jack Worthing and Algernon Moncrieff – who use deception to bend the truth to seek thrill in their lives.
Known as the first-of-its-kind modern comedy in England, the play is regarded for its witty dialogues and eccentric characters. Counted among the best of satirical comedies, The Importance of Being Earnest continues to delight readers with its comical yet snappy banter that brings out the absurdity of human behaviour.