Showing 26051–26100 of 26413 results
Visnyk NTUU KPI : Informatics, Operation and Computer Science
Visnyk NTUU KPI : Informatics, Operation and Computer Science
Visnyk of Dnipropetrovsk University. Biology, Medicine
Visnyk of Dnipropetrovsk University. Biology, Medicine
Visual Computing for Industry, Biomedicine, and Art
Visual Computing for Industry, Biomedicine, and Art
VITRUVIO – International Journal of Architectural Technology and Sustainability
VITRUVIO – International Journal of Architectural Technology and Sustainability
Vivechan – International Journal of Research
Vivechan – International Journal of Research
Vivek Vichar – विवेक विचार
विवेक विचार हे विवेकानंद केंद्र कन्याकुमारीचे मराठी मासिक आहे. विवेकानंद केंद्र हे आध्यात्मिक पायावरील सेवा संघटन आहे. स्वामी विवेकानंद यांचा मनुष्य निर्माणातून राष्ट्र पुनरुत्थान या संदेशानुसाार केंद्राचे कार्य चालते. केवळ महाराष्ट्रातच नाही तर इंदूर, भोपाळ, उज्जैन, बडोदा, दिल्ली, बेळगाव, धारवाड, चेन्नई, कोलकाता, अरुणाचल प्रदेश आदी ठिकाणच्या मराठी घरांमध्येही विवेक विचार मासिक आवर्जून वाचले जाते.
Vivekananda Kendra Patrika
Vivekananda Kendra Patrika is biannual thematic journal, each issue dedicated to a single theme of cultural or national interest. Views, approaches and information collected and presented as articles in a comprehensive volume forms each issue.
Vocational Training: Research and Realities
Vocational Training: Research and Realities
Voz y Escritura: Revista de Estudios Literarios
Voz y Escritura: Revista de Estudios Literarios
VSRD International Journal of Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Sciences
VSRD International Journal of Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Sciences
VSRD International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology
VSRD International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology
VSRD International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Communication Engineering
VSRD International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Communication Engineering
VSRD International Journal of Mechanical, Civil, Automobile and Production Engineering
VSRD International Journal of Mechanical, Civil, Automobile and Production Engineering
VSRD International Journal of Technical and Non-Technical Research
VSRD International Journal of Technical and Non-Technical Research
Wacana: Journal of the Humanities of Indonesia
Wacana: Journal of the Humanities of Indonesia