Showing 101–107 of 107 results

The Fairy Latchkey

Philomene Isolde is a good little girl, but has been very lonely since the death of her mother. Playing make-believe in the garden, Philomene is surprised when she meets a little man in a green suit who invites her to Fairyland. (Summary by Annie Mars)

The Fairy Ring

The Fairy Ring, originally published in 1910, is a collection of 63 fairy tales from around the globe. It includes such well-known favorites as “History of Jack the Giant-Killer”, “The Frog Prince”,”Rumpel-stilts-ken”, and “Snow-white and Rose-red”, among many others. Children of all ages will enjoy these stories. (Summary by Paul Williams)

The Fairy Spinning Wheel and the Tales it spun

This is a little volume of old-fashioned fairy tales, collected and rewritten by Catulle Mend?s and translated from the French and adapted for an American audience by TJ Vivian. This collection contains some of the most well-known fairy tales, such as the Sleeping Beauty, but also contains some tales which the listener may not be familiar with yet. There is much to discover in these pages. – Summary by Carolin

The Fairy Tales of Charles Perrault

This book is an early collection of ten well-known fairy tales. It is thought to have begun the genre of fairy tales.(Summary by A.L. Gramour)

The Fall of the Nibelungs

“The Fall of the Nibelungs” is Margaret Armour’s plain prose translation from the middle high German of the “Nibelungenlied”, a poetic saga of uncertain authorship written about the year 1200. The story is believed by many to be based on the destruction of the Burgundians, a Germanic tribe, in 436 by mercenary Huns recruited for the task by the Roman general Flavius A?tius. The introduction to the 1908 edition summarizes the story, “And so ‘the discord of two women,’ to quote Carlyle, ‘is as a little spark of evil passion, which ere long enlarges itself into a crime; foul murder is done; and now the sin rolls on like a devouring fire, till the guilty and the innocent are alike encircled with it, and a whole land is ashes, and a whole race is swept away.'”, a story not for the faint of heart. Summary by Phil Schempf. Dedicated proof-listeners: Carolin Ksr & DaveC

The Fasti

The Fasti is a Latin poem in six books, written by Ovid and believed to have been published in 8 AD. The Fasti is organized according to the Roman calendar and explains the origins of Roman holidays and associated customs, often through the mouths of deities and with multiple aetiologies. The poem was left unfinished when the poet was exiled to Tomis, so only the first six months of the year appear in the poem. (Summary by Leni)

The Fates of the Princes of Dyfed

Cenydd Morus’s (Kenneth Morris) imaginative retelling of tales from the Mabinogion, the great work of Welsh literature first recorded in the 12th-13th century. Written while he was working for the Theosophical Society in California, Morris’s version restores the Gods that he believed had disappeared from the written record but must have been present in the oral tradition of the Druid bards. First published in 1914 and republished in the 1970s as the 15th volume in the celebrated Newcastle Forgotten Fantasy Library. – Summary by Phil Benson