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Amadis of Gaul
Amadis of Gaul (Amad?s de Gaula, in Spanish) was not the first, but certainly one of the best known knight-errantry tales of the 16th century. Not only is its authorship doubtful, but even the language in which it was first written – Portuguese or Spanish. It is imagined to have been composed in the 14th century, but the known first printed edition came to light in Zaragoza in 1508, and the oldest extant version is in Spanish. The plot is the story of the brave knight Amadis, and starts with the forbidden love of his parents and his secret birth, followed by his abandonment near water. He is found and raised as the son of a knight. Upon reaching adulthood, he goes in a quest for his own identity, and investigates his origins through fantastic adventures: plenty of wizards, princesses, damsels in distress and other knights people the world of Amadis. Amadis of Gaul, together with Palmerin of England and Tirante the White, are the only books saved from the fire by Quixote’s curate, when purging the knight’s library: Tirante, for its quaintness; Palmerin, because he thought it had been written by the king himself; and Amadis, for being the best of its kind. Even if Cervante’s praise works more as censure, it’s a fact that Amadis represents the style as no other, and was the father of a numerous flock, becoming a landmark work among the knight-errantry tales and marking the story of European literature. (Summary by Leni) Dedicated Proof-Listeners: Miss Stav, Becky Cook, & Rapunzelina
The Fall of the Nibelungs
“The Fall of the Nibelungs” is Margaret Armour’s plain prose translation from the middle high German of the “Nibelungenlied”, a poetic saga of uncertain authorship written about the year 1200. The story is believed by many to be based on the destruction of the Burgundians, a Germanic tribe, in 436 by mercenary Huns recruited for the task by the Roman general Flavius A?tius. The introduction to the 1908 edition summarizes the story, “And so ‘the discord of two women,’ to quote Carlyle, ‘is as a little spark of evil passion, which ere long enlarges itself into a crime; foul murder is done; and now the sin rolls on like a devouring fire, till the guilty and the innocent are alike encircled with it, and a whole land is ashes, and a whole race is swept away.'”, a story not for the faint of heart. Summary by Phil Schempf. Dedicated proof-listeners: Carolin Ksr & DaveC