Showing 851–900 of 1827 results


SKU: Mag-915

It is with great pleasure and pride that we are bringing out “The Astrological eMagazine Panchanga” now in your hands is a unique and novel effort on our part, to provide to our readers the essential inputs, in a user-friendly mode, with an attractive design and an easy-to-glance format and more…


SKU: Mag-7957

kalabacharth panjangam 2014-2015 ,udhayaum udhayalparam mani minietil ,
vivahaporuthavum dhoshapariharagalum
nal sobavagal ,shubamuhoorthagal,

Paranoid Times Weekly Pulp

SKU: Mag-13879

Each week we will bring you new and old stories we are working on.
We understand reading is just not the same as our videos on YouTube, which if you’re not pleased then subscribe and join our Facebook group; we love to chat and hear your stories. this is another way for us to connect with you.
in each issue
we will attempt to show you just how strange this world is..

PC Magazine

SKU: Mag-1642

PC Magazine provides lab-tested reviews, detailed how-to guides, tips and tricks, and the latest tech trends to help you at work, home, and on the road.

Periyar Pinju

SKU: Mag-1808

‘Periyar Pinju’, the children’s monthly magazine has been published since May 1988 with Dr.K.Veeramani, M.A., B.L., as its Founder Editor. The purpose of this journal is to inculcate children with rationalist ideas and help them develop a scientific temper. For the past 24 years the journal has facilitated thousands of children to learn more in the areas of General Knowledge, science and wise thoughts and ideas. This magazine is published by Dr.K. Veeramani, M.A.,B.L., on behalf of The Periyar Self-Respect Propaganda Institution, #84/1(50), EVK Sampath Salai, Vepery, Chennai-600 007, Tamil Nadu, India. 

Pharmacognosy Communications

SKU: Mag-2931

About Phcog Commn.Pharmacognosy Communications [ISSN : 2249-0159 (Print) ; 2249-0167 (Online)] is a new addition of Pharmacognosy Network Worldwide published by EManuscript Services. It is a peer reviewed journal aiming to publish high quality original research articles, methods, techniques and evaluation reports, critical reviews, short communications, commentaries and editorials of all aspects of medicinal plant research.

Philosophy Now

SKU: Mag-7923

Philosophy Now is a lively, international newsstand magazine for everyone interested in ideas. It aims to corrupt innocent citizens by convincing them that philosophy can be exciting, worthwhile and comprehensible, and also to provide some light and enjoyable reading matter for those already ensnared by the muse, such as philosophy students and academics.

Philosophy Now appears every two months. It contains articles on all aspects of Western philosophy, as well as book reviews, letters, news, cartoons, and the occasional short story.

Since its small-scale launch in Britain in 1991, Philosophy Now has grown to become the most widely-read philosophy periodical in the English language. Philosophy Now is independent of all groups and has no intentional editorial bias except for a passionate conviction that philosophy is a Good Thing.

Physics For You

SKU: Mag-1592

Physics For You is one among the four competitive magazines published by MTG Learning Media Pvt. Ltd. With a readership of more than one crore readers, MTG Learning Media Pvt. Ltd. is a pioneer in the education publishing business in India catering to the needs of NEET, IIT and PMT aspirants. Established in 1982, the group is committed to improving the quality of science education, enhance students’ interest in science, fostering their analytical ability and, most importantly, help thousands of young engineering and medical aspirants to become successful professionals — their cherished dream. 
Physics For You supplies the essential material such as important texts, sample papers, previous years’ papers, flowcharts and memory tips required for achieving success in pre-medical and engineering exams.


SKU: Mag-16418


Planets & Forecast

SKU: Mag-2195

A monthly magazine on Astrological Science, Palmistry, Numerology, Vastu, Yantra, Mantra, Tantra and other Occult Sciences publishing from Cuttack, Orissa, India since 1981. It is well circulated in various provinces of India and other countries. Mostly genius and research scholars of the above subjects are regularly contributing in this journal. The articles are thought provoking, scientific and presented in a modern way keeping the need of the modern society as well as people having Oriental Culture. Dr. Nimai Banerjee, the Founder Editor of this journal has written several books on the subject and thousands of articles in English, Hindi, Oriya, Bengali and Marathi. He was also the Founder Editor of “The Bhagyalipi” in Oriya monthly in these occult subjects published since 1973. Now after his demise his son Jyotirvid Milan Banerjee is Editor of both the magazines.

Popular Mechanics US

SKU: Mag-2250

Popular Mechanics helps the reader master the modern world, presenting trusted information about his home, his car, his technology and the world around him. With tool tests, building projects, car reviews and more, Popular Mechanics shows the American man how to upgrade his life. And the magazine’s analysis of the latest developments in technology and engineering keeps him in the know about the science behind the news-from alternative energy to military technology to digital privacy. Each month, nearly 9 million curious minds turn to Popular Mechanics for advice and in-depth reporting…

Popular Science Australia

SKU: Mag-7452

Popular Science delivers the latest on What’s New and What’s Next … every month. Reporting on amazing breakthrough innovations in science and technology, Popular Science is packed with information you can’t afford to be without. We cover everything from cars to gaming, space, engineering, the environment, home tech, medicine and so much more!

Popular Science US

SKU: Mag-4976

This is the most exciting time to be alive in history. Discovery and innovation are reshaping the world around us, and Popular Science makes even the most complex ideas entertaining and accessible. By taking an upbeat, solutions-oriented look at today’s most audacious science and revolutionary technology, we forecast what tomorrow will be like. We deliver the future now.