A Book of English Martyrs
This volume is a simple narrative suited to children’s understanding of the thrilling times when English Catholics suffered for the Faith in the troubled days of the sixteenth century, when Tyburn tree was a concrete fact, and when ardent love hurled the defiance, “Come rack! Come rope!” Martyrs lay and cleric are here commemorated. The Carthusians, Houghton, Lawrence, Webster; the Jesuits, Campion, Sherwin, Southwell; the secular priests, Hart, Lacey, Ingleby; the countess of Salisbury, mother of Cardinal Pole; the Chancellor of England Blessed Thomas More, Philip Earl of Arundel, and Margaret Clitherow, harborer of priests. Their stories are told whenever possible in the words of records of the time (Summary from America Magazine, Volume 14, 1916)
Publication Language |
English |
Publication Type |
eBook |
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