An Introduction to Home Care Nursing

Basically, home care has been part of the health care system of any traditional society. It affords the family the opportunity to give care and show love to a sick member. When traditional society started to break down due to rapid industrialization and attendant social changes including urbanization, national and international migration, the traditional family care system started giving way to modern health care system. The modern version of health care soon realized the need for the aged, the chronically ill and other categories of patients to be put in a home devoid of the usual red tropism where trained health care professionals can closely monitor their health and take urgent professional actions when appropriate. This is where the goals and contents of this book come into play. The book is trying to introduce its readers to a health care facility that enables the clients to interact positively with trained health care givers and thereby experience a holistic care that relieves pain, alleviates suffering and promote health in an atmosphere of trust, compassions, competence, commitment, conscience, and confidence. The book is emphasizing the need for the care givers to perform the dependent role, involve the clients in the performance of the interdependent role with all contributing to consumer satisfaction. Therefore, it is my belief that all readers of this book will gain immensely from its contents.
The audio book is written by Adams Olatayo Omolola and audio narration done by Professor Prangyan Biswal , Published by ISL Publications. ISL Publication is a global Research Development, Advisory, Think-tank, Policy Research, Innovation Development, Publication, Communication and Advisory Firm working on Future Business Solution. This book depicts future transformation thoughts of developments. The book is available in all leading global stores.



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