Ank Jyotish Vigyan Evam Bhavishyafal
Iss pustak mein lekhak ke 25 varshon ke pathan paathan ka anubhav saamuhit hai tatha vishey ki gudhta evam gahanta ko spasht shabdon mein sahaj karke prastut kiya gaya hai. Ankh jyotish jaise duruh vishey ko jansadharan ki bhaasha mein likhne ke liye lekhak ne aadhik prayas kiya hai. Tathapi ismein bhasha shaili ki veh ravaangi hai ki pathak isse bina shabdkosh ke padhne mein kaamyaab ho sakenge. Sabki yeh dili iccha hoti hai apna bhavishya jaanna. Ankh jyotish bhavishya kathan ki ek prabhavi vidya ban chuki hai. Aasha hai ki humaare sehriday pathak isse khushi se sweekaar karenge.(In this book, the experience of reading of the author of 25 years is a compilation and the intricacy and depth of the subject is presented in a simple way.The author has made enormous efforts to write such a dubious topic as Akhara astrology in an easy language.However, it is the language of the language style that the reader will be able to read it without any dictionary. This is the wish of everyone to have your future.Aksh Astrology has become an effective teaching of the future narrative. Hope that our kind readers will accept it happily.)
Language |
Hindi |
Publication Type |
Newspaper |
Frequency |
One Time |
Publication Country |
India |
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