
Bonbon, the first bilingual magazine aimed at Turkish children between the ages of 6-14.

A professional team of writers, editors, cartoonists who share one common vision: Bonbon aims to create a strong bond among Turkish-American children and build a strong sense of community. Our goal is to reflect Turkish culture, traditions and its values while teaching our children tolerance and understanding.

While Bonbon will teach Turkish language skills to those who do not live in Turkey, it is also for Turkish children in Turkey and elsewhere who want to improve their English and connect with Bonbon readers throughout the world.

Bonbon will feature comics, cartoons, the best Turkish children’s stories, puzzles, games, posters, news and interviews.
Bonbon will also feature its reader’s works such as poems, short stories, jokes, drawings and pictures…

Bonbon, a non-profit and non-partisan educational magazine, is a humble initiative launched in an effort to contribute to the well-being and future of Turkish-American community.



Publication Type




Publication Country

United States

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