Church of England Newspaper

The Church of England Newspaper is the original church newspaper and one of the oldest newspapers in the world, dating back to 1828

It was founded as The Record in 1828 and published under that title until 31 December 1948.

The Church Family Newspaper was founded in 1894 as “The organ of central churchmanship”, starting publication on 9 February. In 1923 it ran briefly under the title The Church of England Family Newspaper from 20 July until 14 September, and then as The Church of England Newspaper from 21 September until 31 December 1948 when it merged with The Record to become The Church of England Newspaper and The Record from 7 January 1949.

CEN has a long history dating back to the founding of The Record in 1828. Certainly from the 1920’s it had become a bastion of conservative evangelicalism; it reported strongly (up to four pages) on the Islington Clerical Conference (the main annual rallying point until the advent of NEAC and Eclectics in the sixties) and the ‘May meetings’ of the missionary societies, and, perhaps its finest hour (for sales at any rate) in the fight against Prayer Book revision.



Publication Type




Publication Country

United Kingdom

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