CIO Review
CIOReview is a technology magazine that talks about the enterprise solutions that can redefine the business goals of enterprises tomorrow. It is the leading source that shares innovative enterprise solutions developed by established solutions providers, upcoming hot enterprises and is a neutral source for technology decision makers. Published from Bangalore, Karnataka, CIOReview is an excellent platform for the enterprise to showcase their innovative solutions. While India enterprise market is growing exponentially, there is a vacuum among entrepreneurs of enterprise startups. We believe that there is no other platform which gives companies a heads up on the innovative solutions that the startups are working on, what are the needs that haven’t been met yet and more. CIOReview will act as a platform allowing high level executives in the enterprises to share their insights, which in turn will help the enterprise startup ecosystem, help technology and business leaders with analysis on information technology trends and give a better understanding of the role that enterprise solutions play in achieving the business goals.
Language |
English |
Publication Type |
Newspaper |
Frequency |
Monthly |
Publication Country |
India |
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