Concise Dictionary Of Information Technology & Computer Science
“This concise dictionary will meet all your needs on computer terms including hardware, software, equipment, devices, jargon and abbreviations; in fact any of the vocabulary you might expect to find in a computer dictionary.
This dictionary includes, in alphabetical order, important terms connected with computing – acronyms, programming languages, tools, architectures, operating systems, theory, mathematics, telecoms, institutions, companies, projects, products etc; anything to do with computing. It also contains definitions in related areas such as communications and networking. Where required, the terms come with useful cross-references to related resources given elsewhere in the dictionary.
This dictionary has been written with the belief that an average reader is interested only in knowing what a specific computer term means without getting into unnecessary details.
To the extent possible, terms that have come into the reckoning till about last year have been incorporated; and suitably explained such that a secondary and senior secondary student can grasp them easily. Illustrations and examples, where appropriate, have been added. Even for an average reader, who has not made a special study of science subjects, explanations of computer terms will be found to be reasonably comprehensible.
This computer dictionary includes important scientific charts, tables, constants, conversion tables as appendices.
Language |
English |
Publication Type |
Newspaper |
Frequency |
One Time |
Publication Country |
India |
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