Da Parrentico

Da Parrentico is a cornucopia for all things parenting in the contemporary age and aims to cover interesting topics with great insight from a community of 5,00,000+ parents, mom bloggers, and industry experts across India. The aim is to form a promising community from different walks of life to share reliable information, suggestions, experiences, and knowledge. With an online presence on platforms like YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram, the magazine also features interactive LIVE ChitChat sessions with celebrities as well as covers Moms who make a difference through the Mompreneur sections. Through their coming issues, Da Parrentico wants to address riveting topics, answer burning parenting questions, and get a discussion going on what’s best for our children. We cater to a wide age group of kids, from pre-birth to teens and more, offering help to parents, new and old, every step of the way.



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