Dictionary of Sociology
This immensely useful book ‘Dictionary of Sociology’ has been designed as a comprehensive reference and collection of frequently used terms and definitions from a wide spectrum of topics in Sociology alongwith Abbreviations etc. The book comprises highly useful information for all curious readers who wish to keep themselves abreast of the latest developments in the field of Sociology. Both pure and applied aspects of Sociology are amply covered in the book. Alphabetical presentation of the book will greatly help readers in quick-search of the desired words and terms. All the meanings and definitions are explained in a lucid and reader-friendly manner. Cross-references in the book will clear all confusion in the minds of readers and enhance the understanding of various Sociological & technical terms. The book will prove extremely useful as a ready-reference to Students of Sociology, General Readers and also to those Aspirants who wish to appear in various Competitive Exams.
Language |
English |
Publication Type |
Newspaper |
Frequency |
One Time |
Publication Country |
India |
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